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研究生(外文):Shih-Lun Shen
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Strategic Orientations on New Product Performance: The Moderating Role of Learning Orientation
指導教授(外文):Ming-Tien Tsai
外文關鍵詞:market orientationtechnology orientationlearning orientationnew product performance
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由於全球的競爭環境愈來愈趨於激烈,加上全球化已經成為不可避免的趨勢,因此公司必須去尋找能確保他們生存且興盛的競爭能力。而新產品的開發即為一種可以讓公司獲得比較利益的重要方式。本研究延伸過去的文獻,來探討公司策略性導向(市場導向及技術導向)如何影響其新產品開發的績效,並檢測學習導向的調節效果。本研究針對台灣製造產業作為發放問卷之主要對象,以電子郵件及網路問卷來調查,總計回收有效問卷共123份,並根據結構方程模式之分析結果如下: (1)策略型導向與新產品績效有正向的關連性; (2)學習導向對於技術導向和新產品績效之間的關係有正向的調節效果,而對於市場導向和新產品績效之間的調節效果則不顯著; (3)市場導向和技術導向的交互作用對於新產品績效的影響不顯著。根據實證結果,本研究建議公司經理人應該加強R&D並結合學習效果,以提升新產品開發的績效並獲得比較利益。
As the competitive environment become more and more intensive and the globalization has turned to be inevitable, firms need to explore their competitive competences that guarantee their subsistence and glory. The new product development is the key instrument that can improve firms’ growth and performance. This study extended past literature to discuss how firms’ strategic orientations (market orientation and technology orientation) can impact the new product performance, and investigated the moderating effect of learning orientation. A total of 123 responses were collected from manufacturing industry by e-mail and website survey. Data were primarily analyzed by means of structure equation model (SEM). Results indicate that (1) the strategic orientations are positively related to new product performance; (2) the moderating effect of learning orientation has significantly positive influence on the relation between technology orientation and new product performance, but not insignificant on the relation between market orientation and new product performance; (3) market orientation is not complementary to technology orientation as a predictor of new product performance. Based on these empirical results, this paper suggests managerial implications of manufacturing industry to enhance R&D and combine with generative learning to develop new product performance and obtain comparative advantage.
Chapter 1 Introduction.......................................................................................................1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation................................................................1
1.2 Research Objectives..............................................................................................3
1.3 Research Process...................................................................................................4
Chapter 2 Literature Review..............................................................................................5
2.1 Learning Orientation............................................................................................5
2.1.1 Organizational Learning and Learning Organization...........................6
2.1.2 Adaptive and Generative Learning..........................................................7
2.1.3 Definition of Learning Orientation...........................................................9
2.2 Market Orientation.............................................................................................12
2.2.1 Concept of Market Orientation..............................................................12
2.2.2 Definitions of Market Orientation..........................................................13
2.3 Technology Orientation.......................................................................................16
2.3.1 Definition of Technology Orientation.....................................................16
2.4 Product Innovation.............................................................................................18
2.4.1 Incremental and Radical Innovation......................................................18
2.5 Hypotheses Development....................................................................................20
2.5.1 Market Orientation on New Product Performance..............................22
2.5.2 Technology Orientation on New Product Performance.......................23
2.5.3 Interaction Effect on New Product Performance..................................24
2.5.4 Learning Orientation as the Moderator.................................................24
Chapter 3 Methodology....................................................................................................27
3.1 Construct Measurement.....................................................................................27
3.1.1 Market Orientation..................................................................................27
3.1.2 Technology Orientation...........................................................................29
3.1.3 Learning Orientation...............................................................................30
3.1.4 New Product Performance......................................................................32
3.2 Data Collection....................................................................................................32
3.3 Data Analysis.......................................................................................................33
3.3.1 Descriptive Statistic Analysis..................................................................33
3.3.2 Factor Analysis.........................................................................................33
3.3.3 Item-to-total Correlation.........................................................................33
3.3.4 Reliability Analysis...................................................................................33
3.3.5 Confirmatory Factor Analysis................................................................34
3.3.6 Structure Equation Model.......................................................................34
Chapter 4 Results of Data analysis..................................................................................35
4.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................35
4.2 Sample Characteristics.......................................................................................35
4.3 Measurement Model Analysis............................................................................37
4.3.1 Item Relevant Statistics............................................................................37
4.3.2 Model Fit Indices......................................................................................37
4.3.3 Reliability Test..........................................................................................42
4.3.4 Convergent Validity Test..........................................................................42
4.3.5 Discriminant Validity Test.......................................................................43
4.6 Structural Equation Model Analysis and Hypotheses Test.............................44
4.6.1 Main Effect................................................................................................44
4.6.2 Moderating Effect....................................................................................45
4.6.3 Interaction Effect......................................................................................48
Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion.............................................................................50
5.1 Discussion and Conclusion.................................................................................50
5.1.1 Main Effects..............................................................................................50
5.1.2 Moderating Effects...................................................................................51
5.1.3 Interaction Effect......................................................................................53
5.2 Managerial Implication......................................................................................53
5.3 Study Limitation and Future Research.............................................................54
Appendix: Questionnaires................................................................................................65
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