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研究生(外文):Hui-Ting Yang
論文名稱(外文):Alliance Network Size and Firm Performance: An Empirical Test of Transaction Cost Theory and Resource-based View
指導教授(外文):Chiung-Hui Tseng
外文關鍵詞:product diversificationinternational diversificationalliance network sizefirm performance
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然而,本研究的結果並非想要否定在探討聯盟網絡規模與公司績效關係時,資源基礎觀點的重要性。在實際企業運作的活動中,仍有很多公司透過其多樣化的聯盟夥伴去獲取其所想要的資源和能力,藉此發展競爭優勢,例如:Motorola、IBM 以及Siemens。因此,本研究的實證結果並不代表公司不應該與任何夥伴去結盟,而是應該要更小心謹慎地看待這件事情。此外,本研究也提醒了公司的經理人不應忽略與不同聯盟夥伴合作所必須付出的成本與心力,以及公司必須要能夠考量其資源與能力,在其應組成的聯盟網絡規模中取得最適的平衡點。
With the prevalence of forming an alliance network within a single firm, some scholars have started to probe how alliance networks affect firm performance. Despite a growing attention to the research subject, there remains a lot more to be explored. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the relationship between alliance network size and firm performance from transaction cost theory and resource-based theory and how international diversification and product diversification play moderating roles in the relationship.
The sample of this study includes manufacturing firms, ranging between two-digit Standard Industrial Code (SIC) 35 and 36, which have formed alliances during 1997 to 2006. Empirical results find that firms with a greater alliance network size will have inferior organizational performance than firms with a smaller alliance network size. Moreover, product diversification will strengthen the negative relationship between alliance network size and firm performance.
This study demonstrates that transaction cost theory provides stronger explanatory power to the relationship between alliance network size and firm performance than the resource-based view of the firm.
However, this study does not mean to depreciate the importance of resource-based view in exploring the relationship between alliance network size and firm performance, in so far as the fact that there are quite a few firms, such as Motorola, IBM and Siemens, which develop competitive advantage through acquiring valuable resources and capabilities from their diverse alliance partners. Therefore, the empirical results of this study serves as a reminder of careful evaluation of costs and benefits entailed in collaborating with different alliance partners and hopes that managers can find the optimal alliance network size they should form.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motives 1
1.2 Research Objectives 5
1.3 Research Process 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review and Theoretical Background 7
2.1 Alliance Network and Firm Performance 7
2.2 Transaction Cost Theory vs. Resource-based View 11
2.2.1 Transaction cost theory 11
2.2.2 Resource-based view 13
Chapter 3 Hypotheses Development 15
3.1 Alliance Network Size and Performance 16
3.1.1 A transaction cost theory of alliance network size 16
3.1.2 A resource-based view of alliance network size 18
3.2 The Moderating Roles of International Diversification and Product Diversification 19
3.2.1 The moderating effect of international diversification 21
3.2.2 The moderating effect of product diversification 24
Chapter 4 Research Methods Design 27
4.1 Sample and Data Sources 27
4.2 Variables and Measures 29
4.3 Sample Characteristics and Statistical Techniques 34
Chapter 5 Empirical Results 37
Chapter 6 Implications and Suggestions 49
6.1 Theoretical and Managerial Contributions 49
6.1.1 Theoretical contributions 49
6.1.2 Managerial contributions 50
6.2 Research Limitations and Suggestions 51
6.3 Conclusion 52
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