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研究生(外文):Keng-han Lin
論文名稱(外文):Ratio Estimation of Microarray Images by Triple K-means Clustering Method
指導教授(外文):Shih-Huang Chan
外文關鍵詞:microarrayimage analysisk-means clusteringgene expression
  • 被引用被引用:2
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Microarray experiments allow people to investigate thousands of genes simultaneously. To be able to derive a reliable ratio estimate, therefore, becomes an important issue for the researchers. Image analysis, which obtains quantitative gene expression data, is crucial in the ensuring analyses if valid results are to be guaranteed. In this study, an efficient and accurate ratio estimation based on k-means clustering methods is developed. We use a three-step method to remove the suspicious artifact, and the additional grid information is included to improve the efficiency of segmentation. Results from the simulated study show that the proposed method does not only overcome the disadvantage of k-means based method, but also show its superiority to other methods. Using real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) data as the golden standard and sum of square error (SEE) as the comparison criteria, our method outperforms the existing methods. A useful quality metric to determine the acceptance of our ratio estimation is also provided. It helps to determine the quality of the spot.
1 Introduction......................1
2 Methods......................3
2.1 The PXkmeans Method.........................3
2.2 The Triple k-means Clustering Method................3
2.2.1 Grid Information........................4
2.2.2 Log2 Transformation......................5
2.2.3 k-means Clustering for Foreground..............5
2.2.4 Determining the Size of a Cluster...............7
2.2.5 Ratio Estimation........................7
2.2.6 Quality Metric.........................7
3 Simulation Study......................10
3.1 Model for a Spot Image........................10
3.2 Simulation Results...........................11
4 Real Data Example......................17
4.1 Microarray Data............................17
4.2 Data Analysis..............................18
4.2.1 Comparison of Different Segmentation Results........18
4.2.2 Performance Comparison....................21
5 Conclusions......................24
Appendix I.................................27
Appendix II.................................29
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