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研究生(外文):Shyun-sheng Chang
論文名稱(外文):A study on Characteristics of Glauconite in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Yung-hui ShenJui-Lin Chang
外文關鍵詞:electron probe microanalysisglauconitex-ray diffractionphyllosilicatesglauconitic pelletstransmission electron microscopy
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海綠石在礦物分類上屬富鐵二八面體伊來石,多出現於海相的沈積岩地層。本研究調查台灣中部南投國姓、中寮一帶第三紀地層中所出現的海綠石,特別注重來自大坑層、粗坑層、與水長流層之間所出現的海綠石來做比較。經野外調查及室內之岩象觀察、X-光繞射分析和電子微探分析,針對海綠石丸粒中之礦物組成、礦物化學、超微組織與片狀矽酸鹽之堆疊或混層結構作研究。X-光繞射分析的結果顯示海綠石丸內主要的礦物為海綠石,次要的礦物為綠泥石和少量的膨潤石。穿透式電子顯微鏡的觀察顯示出丸粒狀海綠石丸係由單晶厚度(沿垂直底面解理之方向)僅約數十至數百個Å之海綠石與碎屑性白雲母、綠泥石、黑雲母,以及少量其他礦物(長石、鐵白雲石、石英、磷灰石和獨居石)所組成。觀察分析不同年代層位所產的海綠石並分析其超微組織,發現海綠石與膨潤石共生及混層,且綠泥石會在海綠石丸粒內二次生長。因此在此提出『海綠石窗』(glauconite window)的概念,即海綠石在礦物學上成熟的條件。在成岩作用的礦物反應序列中,海綠石最佳生長範圍正好介於膨潤石逐漸消失而綠泥石漸增之時。若將海綠石丸粒視為自然界埋在地層中的微型『高壓釜』(autoclave),仔細研究海綠石丸內的超微組織及礦物相的變化,應可解讀出地層所歷經的成岩作用。若將『海綠石窗』套用到石油探勘所稱之「成岩窗」(diagenetic window)或「油窗」(oil window)上,即可發現『海綠石窗』範圍較窄,因此『海綠石窗』的概念在實務應用上更具實用性。
High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) accompanied with petrographic observation, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) has been used to study the glauconitic pellets occurred in Tertiary sedimentary rocks from Kuohsing and Chungliao areas, central Taiwan; especially from Takeng Formation, Tsukeng Formation, and Shuichangliu Formation, respectively. The glauconitic pellets show two main types in morphology: ovoid pellets and vermicular pellets, with that the vermicular pellets is much well-crystallized than the ovoid pellets. The optical properties show that the ovoid glauconitic pellets consist of microcrystals of phyllosilicates in random orientation. Whereas, the vermicular glauconitic pellets occur like a single crystal. The vermicular glauconitic pellets has cleavages which are approximately perpendicular to the long axis of grain. The XRD results show that the glauconitic pellets contain glauconite, chlorite, and small amount of smectites. The TEM study has shown that the spheroidal pellets consist mainly of packets of glauconite and Fe-riched chlorite, muscovite, biotite. The packet size of glauconite are ranging from tens of Å to hundreds of Å (thickness in perpendicular to basal plane). There are also small amounts of submicroscopic quartz, apatite, and monazite in the pellets. The vermicular pellets consist of glauconite pellets with very little chlorite or no chlorite. The basal planes of glauconite packets are perpendicular approximately to the long axis of the vermicular pellets, whereas the glauconite and chlorite packets generally arrange in random in the spheroidal pellets. The EPMA results show vermicular glauconitic pellets has more K and Fe contents than the spheroidal or ovoid glauconitic pellets, and thus imply that spheroidal or ovoid glauconitic pellets have more glauconite/smectite mixed layers than vermicular glauconitic pellets. Based on the morphology, mineral constituents, mineral composition, and submicroscopic textures, it appears that the ovoid and vermicular glauconitic pellets have formed from precursors of faecal pellets, via glauconition and diagenesis.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2台灣海綠石之特殊性 3
1.3研究方法與流程 8
第二章 文獻回顧 10
2.1外國學者對海綠石的成因之解釋 10
2.2國內學者對海綠石的研究方法之歸納 10
第三章 研究成果 13
3.1野外產狀觀察的結果 13
3.1.1水長流層 13
3.1.2粗坑層 17
3.1.3大坑層 26
3.2偏光顯微鏡觀察的結果 31
3.2.1水長流層 34
3.2.2粗坑層 34
3.2.3大坑層 34
3.3 X光繞射結果 34
3.4 電子微探分析結果 49
3.5 穿透式電子顯微鏡觀察結果 50
3.5.1丸粒狀海綠石丸之超微組織 50
3.5.2蠕蟲狀海綠石丸之超微組織 53
3.6討論 53
3.6.1海綠石丸光性差異的原因 53
3.6.2海綠石化學成份的差異 54
3.6.3海綠石與其它種礦物的共生關係 55
3.6.4海綠石的成因 56
第四章 討論 58
第五章 結論 70
參考文獻 71
自述 75










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