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研究生(外文):Chih-yuan wu
論文名稱(外文):Object-Oriented Classification for the Net Primary Production Parameters Extraction with LiDAR
指導教授(外文):Teng-to yuChao-hsu chen
外文關鍵詞:Penetration rateLiDARNet Primary ProductivityObject-Oriented Classification
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隨著遙測科技的發展,各類遙測資料及技術廣泛應用於森林資源調查研究。傳統皆以AVHRR、MODIS衛星影像進行植被第一生產力估算,因為估算未考慮植生穿透率問題,所以只獲得植生冠層的植被第一生產力。本研究目的為利用光達資料探討物件式分類法對第一生產力資源參數萃取。以物件式分類法進行影像分割以及區塊分類兩個步驟,在影像分割中,原始影像經影像分割步驟後產生由眾多區塊組成的區塊影像;在區塊分類步驟中,利用知識庫系統,對區塊影像中的各個區塊進行類別的判釋。運用空載光達具有高密度測點與可分離植生多回波訊號之特性,迅速獲取植生之三度空間資料,光達多重反射功能對於植被之穿透亦是能計算陽光穿透力之主要因素。本研究流程主要分為四個階段,第一階段為為資料前處理。第二階段以物件式分類法進行植生區域萃取。第三階段以光達資料進行植生區穿透率演算。第四階段為福衛二號衛星影像及融合光達資料與高解析影像之第一生產力估算。本研究針對山區與平地分別進行探討,經由研究成果顯示以融合光達與航照影像運算之NPP值,平地試驗區較以福衛二號衛星影像運算值高出+10.7278 %,而山區試驗區NPP值較以福衛二號衛星影像運算值多 +9.7889 %。平地試驗區植生較山區試驗區稀疏,穿透率較山區高(17.50848% > 15.87155%),造成平地的地面層NPP估算結果高於山區;主要差別在於平地與山地樣區中有發生陽光穿透引起的地面層NPP之比率並不相同。
Due to the rapid development of remote sensing technology, the remote sensed image data had widely used in evaluating the forest resource inventory. Traditional method to estimate the NPP with AVHRR or MODIS satellite images. The penetrating rate of plantation did not considered in such process. Therefore, only the NPP from canopy of tree is estimated.In this study, the object-oriented classification process consists of two various steps: image segmentation and object classification. In the image segmentation step, the process group the pixels into numerous sub-regions thus transform the source image into an objective image. The second step is designed to classify every sub-region according to the database of experts. This classification is based on knowledge-based system which was designed by spectrum and texture information. LiDAR is capable of measuring objects with very high density and multiple return signal among tree crowns, therefore it can rapidly obtain the 3D data about forest stands. Capability ofpenetrating over forestry is a primary factor for this techniques being recognized in recent years.The proposed schema in the study comprises four major steps: (1) LiDAR data preprocessing, (2) Object-Oriented Classification by vegetated regional extraction, (3) LiDAR data in vegetated regional penetration rate calculation. (4) Estimate NPP by FORMOSAT-2 images and LiDAR data.There are two study areas, mountains and plains, in the study. Research results show that the NPP estimated by LiDAR is other than NPP calculated from FORMOSAT-2 images. In the plains area +10.7278% more and in the mountains area +9.7889% increased value was found. Since the vegetation in plains region is sparser than in mountains, according to the data of this research, penetrating rate 17.50848% in plains, while the same phenomena of 15.87155% found in mountain area. The calculated NPP at plains is larger then region of mountain.
摘要 I
致謝 IV
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究構想及內容 4
1-4 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2-1 以遙測影像為基礎 7
2-1-1 氣候生產力模式 7
2-1-2 生理生態過程模式 8
2-1-3 光能利用率模式(遙測資料運用模式) 9
2-2 以融合光達資料及航照影像為基礎 15
第三章 研究方法 21
3-1 航照影像及LIDAR資料前處理 21
3-1-1 航照影像正射化處理 22
3-1-2 LiDAR資料處理 23
3-2 植生區域影像萃取分類 29
3-2-1 影像分割(lmage segmentation) 30
3-2-2 知識庫區塊分類 36
3-3樹植生區之穿透率運算 40
3-3-1 樹植生區套繪方式分析 41
3-3-2 樹植生區地面點分類分析 42
3-3-3 樹植生區穿透率分析 45
3-4 植被第一性生產力(NPP)估算 47
3-4-1 以遙測影像(福衛二號)為基礎之NPP估算 50
3-4-2 以融合光達資料與航照影像為基礎之NPP估算 56
第四章 研究成果 57
4-1 航照影像及LIDAR資料前處理成果 59
4-1-1 航照影像正射化處理成果 59
4-1-2 LiDAR資料處理成果 60
4-2 植生區域影像萃取分類成果 64
4-2-1 影像分割(lmage segmentation)成果 64
4-2-2 知識庫區塊分類成果 66
4-2-3 分類成果分析 73
4-3 樹植生區之穿透率運算成果 75
4-4 植被第一性生產力(NPP)估算成果 82
4-4-1 以福衛二號為基礎之NPP估算成果 82
4-4-2 以融合光達資料與航照影像為基礎之NPP估算成果 90
4-4-3 研究區之NPP值估算統整成果 91
第五章 結果與討論 94
第六章 參考文獻 97
自述 103
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