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研究生(外文):Yuan-chung Wei
論文名稱(外文):Automatic on line optical inspection of near net shape machine parts
指導教授(外文):Mine-june Tsai
外文關鍵詞:stereo visionregistrationquaternion rotationoptimizationon-line
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The main concept of this study is to obtain the point clouds of the scanned object by using the multiple 3D scanners and a 4- axis robot. For Automatic on-line optical inspection of near net shape machine parts, the position of each scanner is arranged according to the sizes of the rims and the working range of this robot. The search of rotational axis in each scanner and the registration between the scanners are accomplished through the geometric features of the jig.
To obtain the rotational axis parameter of each scanner, the initial rotational axis is searched by scanning the inside and outside of the jig. After adjusting the parameter of the rotational axis with optimization process, the dimensions of the reconstructed data are much more accurate.Since the accurate scanned points of each scanner are obtained, the symmetry axis of the scanned data can then be found for the registration between the scanners.
To verify the capability of this system, the scanning and the reconstructions of a wheel rim are conducted with and without using jig for comparison. After processing the scanned result and the IGES file of the rim, the error calculation and analysis are implemented by mapping the segmented section-points of the scanned data with the IGES contour. The results show that the reconstruction of the rim is much accurate by using the jig than without the jig.
第一章 前言…………………………………… 1
1.1 研究動機與目的……………………………1
1.2 文獻回顧……………………………………3
1.3 論文綱要……………………………………6
第二章 立體視覺系統校正…………………… 7
2.1 攝影機鏡頭DISTORTION校正………………7
2.2 攝影機模型與其校正參數…………………10
2.2.1 攝影機模型………………………………10
2.2.2 攝影機校正參數…………………………13
2.3 空間深度計算………………………………15
2.3.1 雙攝影機深度計算模式…………………15
2.3.2 單攝影機深度計算模式…………………17
2.4 雷射截痕之影像處理………………………19
2.4.1 影像二值化………………………………20
2.4.2 雷射線細化………………………………20
2.4.3 雷射面校正………………………………21
2.5 視覺系統實驗………………………………24
2.5.1 攝影機參數校正實驗結果………………24
2.5.2 雷射面校正實驗…………………………26
第三章 機器人與電腦視覺系統……………… 30
3.1 機器人系統簡介……………………………30
3.1.1 機器人座標系統與D&H參數…………… 30
3.1.2 控制元件…………………………………33
3.1.3 馬達之選用………………………………35
3.2 雷射掃描系統設計…………………………38
3.2.1 光學系統設計……………………………38
3.2.2 系統量測性能評估………………………41
3.2.3 多組測頭掃描位置規劃…………………44
第四章 掃描重建原理………………………… 49
4.1 校正治具設計………………………………49
4.2 旋轉軸校正與最佳化………………………53
4.2.1 旋轉之四元數表示法……………………53
4.2.2 最佳化方法介紹…………………………57
4.2.3 旋轉軸模型與參數推導…………………58 內部測頭旋轉軸模型與參數推導……60 外部測頭旋轉軸模型與參數推導……61
4.3 旋轉軸參數最佳化與單組測頭掃描重建結果……63
第五章 點資料註冊方法……………………… 73
5.1 多組測頭掃描點資料註冊方法……………73
5.1.1 治具模型對稱軸之尋找與最佳化………74
5.1.2 掃描測頭之座標轉換……………………81
5.2 機器人平移軸校正…………………………84
5.3 多組測頭掃描點註冊結果…………………87
第六章 輪圈線上自動化檢測………………… 92
6.1 掃描點資料前處理與分割…………………92
6.2 輪圈截面輪廓IGEs格式與資料結構………95
6.2.1 輪圈IGEs 檔案格式介紹……………… 95
6.2.2 輪圈截面資料結構之輸出………………96
6.3 輪圈輪廓比對與誤差計算方法……………100
6.4 實驗與誤差分析……………………………105
6.4.1 治具掃描點誤差分析……………………105
6.4.2 輪圈掃描點誤差分析……………………109
6.4.3 胚料掃描點誤差分析……………………114
第七章 結論與建議…………………………… 119
7.1 研究成果……………………………………119
7.2 結論與建議…………………………………121
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