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研究生(外文):Wei-hong Chen
論文名稱(外文):Splicing HTTP Multimedia Session for Fixed-Mobile Convergence Network
指導教授(外文):Ce-kuen Shieh
外文關鍵詞:httpsession splicehandoffsession migration
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在固接及行動整合網路下,多媒體串流服務是一個關鍵性的應用,然而行動的需求迫使進行中的連線會遭遇跨越不同網路及遷移至不同裝置的問題.目前提出的解決方案大部分都專注在RTSP/RTP上,但由於網路上的安全機制(NATs, firewalls, proxies)會阻隔RTSP/RTP的連線,而HTTP卻通常可以穿越,因此HTTP也是需要被考量的.本論文致力於如何將Session Splice應用於HTTP上,使得就算進行中的連線移動到具有安全機制的不同網路或裝置上,都可以持續的播放.由於Session Splice於RTSP/RTP的做法並無法直接對應到HTTP,所以設計了一個新的機制用來適應HTTP的特性並且不會影響Session Splice本來的優點.更進一步的,我們將其實作於Linux平台中,並由實驗數據可得知Session Splice應用在HTTP上也是可以被現實環境所採用.
The multimedia streaming service is a key application on Fixed-Mobile Convergence (FMC) network. Notwithstanding the mobility requirement will force the ongoing session to meet issues of handoff across interfaces/networks and migration across devices. Approaches, proposed to achieve mobility issues, almost just focused on RTSP/RTP but actually HTTP should be considered because of security policies (NATs, firewalls, proxies) on the Internet blocking RTSP/RTP packets and been usually traversed by HTTP. Hence this thesis is devoted to adapt session splice approach to support HTTP so that ongoing session could be played continuously even moves to networks or devices having security policies. Session splice on RTSP/RTP couldn’t be mapped to HTTP directly therefore a new mechanism is designed to accommodate HTTP and does not affect advantages of session splice. Moreover we have an implementation on the Linux platform and experimental results show that session splice on HTTP could be adopted in the reality.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Contributions 2
1.4 Organization of the Thesis 3
Chapter 2 Background and Related Works 4
2.1 Background 4
2.1.1 HTTP Streaming 4
2.1.2 Metadata Formats for Streaming 6 Metadata-Spreading 6 Metadata-Gathering 7
2.1.3 Architecture of Divert Socket and Iptables 8
2.2 Related Works 9
2.2.1 Session Splice 9
2.2.2 State of The Art – Handoff 10 Network Layer Approaches 10 Transport Layer Approaches 11
2.2.3 State of The Art – Session Migration 12 Application Layer Approaches 12 Proxy-based Approaches 12
Chapter 3 Splicing HTTP Multimedia Session 14
3.1 Overview 14
3.2 Vertical/Horizontal Handoff 18
3.2.1 Host Preparing State 18
3.2.2 Splicing State 19
3.3 Session Migration 20
3.3.1 Preparation on Source Host 20
3.3.2 State Transfer 21
3.3.3 Splicing Procedures on Target Host 21 Metadata-Spreading Format 21 Metadata-Gathering Format 23
Chapter 4 Implementation 25
4.1 The Mechanism for Monitoring Network Packets 25
4.2 Components for Splicing HTTP Multimedia Session 26
4.3 Re-Construct Metadata 29
4.4 Keeping Migrated Session Started on I Frame 32
Chapter 5 Performance 33
5.1 Configuration 33
5.2 Vertical/Horizontal Handoff Overhead 35
5.2.1 Host Preparing State 35
5.2.2 Splicing State 37
5.3 Session Migration Overhead 38
5.3.1 State Transfer 39
5.3.2 Session Splice State for Metadata-Spreading Case 40
5.3.3 Session Splice State for Metadata-Gathering Case 41
Chapter 6 Conclusions 43
References 44
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