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研究生(外文):Yen-Hung Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Research of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Architect
指導教授(外文):Shyh-Chang Huang
外文關鍵詞:ArchitectService QualityAmerican Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI)PZB ModelPartil Least Square algorith(PLS)
  • 被引用被引用:67
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本研究首先探討國內建築師經營現況,再藉由問卷調查國內學校機關對於建築師所提供服務的評價,並運用部分最小平方演算法(Partil Least Square algorithm)分析驗證美國顧客滿意度指標模式(American Customer Satisfaction Index;ACSI)應用於我國建築師的適用性與解釋力,結果發現透過對問卷加入更多引言及說明,能較符合ACSI模式的原意並於模式驗證上得到較好的效果。另外,受訪之承辦人員對於建築師的顧客滿意度分數不高(48.42分),顯示國內學校機關對於建築師所提供的服務感到不甚滿意,因此建築師必須加以檢討改進,以改善顧客對建築師專業的信賴與滿意。
本研究再透過PZB服務品質概念模式(PZB model),探討我國建築師服務品質並建構其策略管理矩陣,分析結果找出22個業主期望與建築師實際表現之間落差最大的服務項目,可將其作為優先改善的重點,藉以提供建築師改善服務品質的具體指導方向,進而提升顧客滿意度及維繫其競爭力。
Architect profession belongs to the professional technical service industry. In order to maintain their competitiveness, earning capability in the future, and pursuance of the continuous operation in the business, the most important issue is to provide customers outstanding services which cohere with the customers’ requests. However, perfect service quality is not sufficient. To provide satisfaction to customers in all aspects, the critical issue is to build a long-term cooperative relationship with customers. There is an increase in many research fields on customer satisfaction rate. The customer satisfaction rate has been widely used as a principle to measure the achievement and performance of the products or services. However, in the architect profession, the related research is insufficient. Therefore, the goal of this research is to build a model which evaluates the service quality of the architects and the customer satisfaction rate.
Firstly, we discuss the current operation situation of the domestic architects. Secondly, a questionnaire survey study is conducted at the domestic schools and institutions to investigate the reputation of the architect services. Moreover, we use the questionnaire results and Partil Least Square algorithm to verify the applicability and explanation sufficiency of the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) applying to domestic architects in Taiwan. By having more introduction and explanation in the questionnaire, we found that a better model verification result can be acquired and the original concept of the ACSI model would be maintained. In addition, the interviewed agency representatives give mid-low grades (48.42) to the customer satisfaction rate of the architects. This fact shows that domestic schools and institutions are not satisfied at the services provided by the architects. Therefore, architects should review and strengthen their services to improve the satisfaction rate and confidence of their customers.
This research also investigates the service quality of the domestic architects and establishes the strategy management matrix by adapting PZB model. The analysis result finds 22 services categories in which the largest differences exist between proprietor’s expectation and architects’ performance. To provide the guidance of improving the service quality to architects, we suggest these 22 service categories as the factors which need to be enhanced at first. Furthermore, architects can improve the customer satisfaction rate and maintain their competitiveness.
摘要 III
Abstract IV
誌謝 VI
目錄 VII
圗目錄 IX
表目錄 X
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究對象與範圍 2
1.4 研究流程 2
第2章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 我國建築師事務所經營現況 4
2.1.1 建築師專業角色之轉變及發展背景 4
2.1.2 我國建築師事務所經營現況 5
2.1.3 建築師於工程生命週期各階段專業服務內容 7
2.2 服務品質 13
2.2.1 服務品質的定義 13
2.2.2 服務的特性 14
2.2.3 服務品質之模式 15
2.2.4 服務品質之衡量 17
2.3 顧客滿意度 21
2.3.1 顧客滿意度的定義 21
2.3.2 顧客滿意評量模式 22
2.4 服務品質與顧客滿意度之關聯性 24
2.5 顧客滿意度指標 25
2.5.1 各國顧客滿意度指標 25
2.5.2 美國顧客滿意度指標模式架構及變量 29
2.5.3 美國顧客滿意度指標模式的特性 32
2.5.4 美國顧客滿意度指標模式的研究效益 33
2.6 小結 35
第3章 研究設計與方法 36
3.1 研究架構 36
3.2 研究假設 37
3.3 問卷設計 40
3.3.1 顧客滿意度問卷 41
3.3.2 服務品質問卷 46
3.4 資料分析方法 51
3.4.1 敘述性統計方法 51
3.4.2 信度與效度分析 51
3.4.3 結構方程模式分析 52
3.4.4 重要程度與績效分析 58
第4章 實證資料分析 60
4.1 問卷回收樣本資料分析 60
4.1.1 問卷回收概況 60
4.1.2 基本資料分析 60
4.2 信效度分析 61
4.2.1 信度分析 61
4.2.2 效度分析 66
4.3 敘述統計分析 68
4.4 研究模型檢定 76
4.4.1 研究假說檢定 76
4.4.2 顧客滿意度分數 78
4.5 IPA策略管理矩陣 80
4.6 課題討論 99
4.6.1 顧客滿意度部分 99
4.6.2 服務品質部分 101
4.7 小結 103
第5章 結論與建議 104
5.1 研究結論 104
5.1.1 建築師顧客滿意度指標模式 104
5.1.2 建築師服務品質 105
5.1.3 建築師顧客滿意度與服務品質評估模式 106
5.2 後續研究建議 106
參考文獻 107
附錄A ACSI結構方程模式 115
附錄B 服務品質問卷平均值分析 117
附錄C 問卷內容 124
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