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研究生(外文):Yu-Zhou Ke
論文名稱(外文):High Performance Charge Pump Circuit Design with Minimized Leakage Current
指導教授(外文):Ke-Horng Chen
外文關鍵詞:voltage doublercharge pumppower management
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倍壓器從1976年發展至今已有30年的歷史,但不論是何種倍壓器都有其缺點及優點,而這些倍壓器的缺點大多數都會造成電壓增益以及效率的降低,此篇論文將會改善這些缺點,提出一個全新的交錯式倍壓器電路。截至目前為止,大多數的倍壓器都有臨界電壓(Threshold Voltage)、基體效應(Body Effect)、閘極氧化層穩定度(Gate-Oxide Reliability)、逆向導通耗損(Reversion Loss)、傳導耗損(Conduction Loss)及電荷重新分佈耗損(Redistribution Loss)等種種的問題,上述種種因素會造成閘極氧化層被擊穿使得MOS電晶體損壞之外,亦會導致電壓增益與效率降低,上述的問題只要能夠獲得改善並將能量的耗損降至最低,倍壓器就能有更高的效能。
本論文所提出的交錯式倍壓器電路能夠改善或減少上述非理想因素所造成能量的損失,論文中所提的技術可以在倍壓器操作過程中有效的避免能量的損失,以增加倍壓器的電壓增益與效率,使用TSMC 0.35um 製程來實現所設計的倍壓器電路,其模擬結果可以證明本文中所提技術的正確性與效能。
Charge pump has developed for thirty years from 1976 till now. However, different kinds of charge pump have their advantages and disadvantages. The biggest problem among these charge pump circuits is that most of these charge pumps would cause voltage gain and efficiency lower than the ideal values due to the undesired loss. In this thesis, the disadvantage that charge pump circuits are alleviated and a new cross-coupled charge pump circuit is presented to enhance the performance of energy loss. Till now, most charge pumps all have the same problems such as, threshold voltage drop, body effect, gate-oxide reliability, reversion loss, conduction loss and redistribution loss. These problems may cause the layer of gate-oxide broken and the system failure. Besides, the breakdown not only makes damage to MOS transistors but also decreases voltage gain and, thereby diminishing conversion efficiency of charge pump. Therefore, the most important things that the designers need to do are to minimize the effects of these disadvantages.
The cross coupled charge pump mentioned in this thesis will improve or alleviate the above problems and thus increase the efficiency of charge pump circuits. The proposed technique can effectively avoid the energy loss in the operation of charge pump circuits. The test chip was designed by TSMC 0.35um technology. Simulation results can demonstrate the correctness and performance of the proposed techniques.
摘 要 III
誌 謝 V
目 錄 VI
圖示 IX
表示 XI
第1章 概論 .1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 直流-直流電壓轉換器概論3
1.3.1 線性穩壓器 4
1.3.2 切換式穩壓器 .8
1.3.3 倍壓器 11
1.4 論文章節結構 13
第2章 倍壓器基本概述 14
2.1 簡介 14
2.1.1 電荷重新分佈 .14
2.1.2 電荷重新分佈產生的耗損 15
2.2 倍壓器類型 16
2.2.1 柯克勞夫-沃爾吞倍壓器 16
2.2.2 狄克森倍壓器 .18
2.2.3 四相式倍壓器 .21
2.2.4 靜態式電荷傳輸切換倍壓器 23
2.2.5 動態式電荷傳輸切換倍壓器 25
2.2.6 交錯式倍壓器 .27
2.3 結論 30
第3章 倍壓器電路架構分析與描述 32
3.1 前言 32
3.1.1 交疊式逆向導通耗損的產生 33
3.1.2 改善交疊式逆向導通耗損 35
3.1.3 非交疊式逆向導通耗損的產生 37
3.1.4 改善非交疊式逆向導通耗損 40
3.2 非交錯式時脈產生電路 43
3.2.1 傳統非交疊式雙相時脈產生器 43
3.2.2 主動式非交疊四相時脈產生器 44
3.3 倍壓器操作時造成的耗損46
3.3.1 傳導耗損 47
3.3.2 減少傳導耗損 .48
3.3.3 電荷重新分佈耗損.49
3.3.4 最佳化電容減少耗損 50
3.4 突波電流的產生與防制 53
3.4.1 突波電流 53
3.4.2 交錯式倍壓器電路模型 54
3.4.3 突波電流的防制 .56
第4章 電路實現與模擬結果 .59
4.1 電路實現 59
4.2 主動式時脈產生器與逆向導通耗損 61
4.3 傳導耗損 64
4.4 突波電流限制器 68
4.5 輸出電壓與效率 71
4.6 晶片佈局 75
第5章 結論與未來研究方向 .76
參考文獻 77
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[49] Hong-Wei Huang, Chia-Hsiang Lin, and Ke-Horng Chen, “Low-Dropout Regulators with Adaptive Reference Control and Dynamic Push-Pull Techniques for Enhancing Transient Performance,” the 34th European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), Sep. 2008.
[50] Chi-Lin Chen, Wei-Jen Lai, Wei-Lun Hsieh, and Ke-Horng Chen, “A New PWM/PFM Control Technique for Improving Efficiency Over Wide Load Range,” the 15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Sep., 2008.
[51] Chia-Hsiang Lin and Ke-Horng Chen, “Fast Charging Technique for Li-Ion Battery Charger,” the 15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Sep., 2008.
[52] Chi-Lin Chen, Wei-Jen Lai, Wei-Lun Hsieh, and Ke-Horng Chen, “A High-Speed and Precise Current Sensing Circuit with Bulk Control (CCB) Technique,” the 15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Sep., 2008.
[53] Yean-Kuo Luo, Ke-Horng Chen, and Wei-Chou Hsu, “A Dual-Phase Charge Pump Regulator with Nano-Ampere Switched-Capacitor CMOS Voltage Reference for Achieving Low Output Ripples,” the 15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Sep., 2008.
[54] Chi-Lin Chen, Wei-Lun Hsieh, Han-Hsiang Huang, and Ke-Horng Chen, “Fast Mode-Switching Technique in Hrbrid-Mode Operation,” 51th IEEE Int'l Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems, Aug. 2008.
[55] Huan-JenYang, Han-Hsiang Huang, Chi-Lin Chen, Ming-Hsin Huang, and Ke-Horng Chen, “Current Feedback Compensation (CFC) Technique for Adaptively Adjusting the Phase Margin in Capacitor-Free LDO Regulators,” 51th IEEE Int'l Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems, Aug. 2008.
[56] Ming-Hsin Huang, Ke-Horng Chen, and Wei-Hsin Wei “Single-Inductor Dual-Output DC-DC Converters with High Light-Load Efficiency and Minimized Cross-Regulation for Portable Devices,” IEEE VLSI-Symposium on Technology and Circuits, June, 2008.
[57] Chia-Lin Chiu and Ke-Horng Chen, “A High Accuracy Current-Balanced Control Method for LED Backlight,” PESC 2008, June, 2008.
[58] Hsin-Hsin Ho, Pin-Chin Huang, Wei-Quan Wu, and Ke-Horng Chen, “Ratio Buck-Boost (RBB) Converter with Feed-Forward Technique for Achieving Fast Line Response,” PESC 2008, June, 2008.
[59] Chun-Yu Hsieh, Ke-Horng Chen, and Ming-Tsung Ho, “High Efficiency and/or Low Cost LED Backlight System for Color Sequential Technique in Color Filter-less LCD System,” SID 2008, May. 2008.
[60] Chun-Ho Chen, Ke-Horng Chen, Ming-Tsung Ho, Yi-Pai Huang, and Han-Ping D. Shieh, “Gray Level Redistribution in Field Sequential Color LCD Technique for Color Breakup Reduction,” SID 2008, May. 2008.
[61] Yu-Huei Lee, Shih-Jung Wang, Chun-Yu Hsieh, and Ke-Horng Chen, “Current Mode DC-DC Buck Converters with Optimal Fast-Transient Control,” ISCAS, May. 2008.
[62] Hong-Wei Huang, Chia-Hsiang Lin, and Ke-Horng Chen, “A Programmable Dual Hysteretic Window Comparator,” ISCAS, May. 2008.
[63] Chun-Yu Hsieh, Shih-Jung Wang, Yu-Huei Lee, and Ke-Horng Chen, “LED Drivers with PPD Compensation for Achieving Fast Transient Response,” ISCAS, May. 2008.
[64] Chi-Lin Chen, Wei-Jen Lai, Ter-Hsing Liu, and Ke-Horng Chen, “Zero Current Detection Technique for Fast Transient Response in Buck DC-DC Converters,” ISCAS, May. 2008.
[65] Hong-Wei Huang, Wei-Lun Hsieh, and Ke-Horng Chen, “Programmable Voltage-to-Current Converter with Linear Voltage Control Resistor,” ISCAS, May. 2008.
[66] Hong-Wei Huang, Chun-Yu Hsieh, Ke-Horng Chen, and Sy-Yen Kuo, “A 1-V, 16.9 ppm/ °C, 250 nA Switched-Capacitor CMOS Voltage Reference,” IEEE ISSCC, Feb. 2008.
[67] Chun-Yu Hsieh, Yung-Chun Chuang and Ke-Horng Chen, “A Novel Precise Step-Shaped Soft-Start Technique for Integrated DC-DC Converter,” the 14th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, pp. 771-774, Dec., 2007.
[68] Chun-Yu Hsieh, Po-Chin Fan and Ke-Horng Chen, “A Dual Phase Charge Pump with Compact Size,” the 14th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, pp.202-205, Dec., 2007.
[69] Hong-Wei Huang, Chun-Yu Hsieh, Ke-Horng Chen, and Sy-Yen Kuo, “Adaptive Frequency Control Technique for Enhancing Transient Performance of DC-DC Converters,” the 33rd European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), pp. 174-177, Sep. 2007.
[70] Ming-Hsin Huang, Hong-Wei Huang, Jiun-Yan Peng, Tzung-Ling Tsai, Min-Chin Lee, Ching-Sung Wang, and Ke-Horng Chen, “Single-Inductor Dual-Output (SIDO) DC-DC Converters for Minimized Cross Regulation and High Efficiency in Soc Supplying Systems,” 50th IEEE Int'l Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems/5th IEEE Int'l Northeast Workshop on Circuits & Systems, pp. 550-553, Aug. 2007.
[71] Shih-Min Chen, Chun-Yu Hsieh, and Ke-Horng Chen, “Challenge on Compact Size DC-DC Buck Converters with High Speed Current Sensor and on-Chip Inductors,” 50th IEEE Int'l Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems/5th IEEE Int'l Northeast Workshop on Circuits & Systems, pp. 670-673, Aug. 2007.
[72] Yung-Hsin Lin, Kuo-Lin Zheng, and Ke-Horng Chen, “Power MOSFET Array for Smooth Pole Tracking in LDO Regulator Compensation,” 50th IEEE Int'l Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems/5th IEEE Int'l Northeast Workshop on Circuits & Systems, pp. 554-557, Aug. 2007.
[73] Hong-Wei Huang, Chun-Yu Hsieh, Ke-Horng Chen, and Sy-Yen Kuo, “Load dependent Dead Time Controller Based on Minimized Duty cycle technique in DC-DC Buck Converters,” 38th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference-2007, pp. 2037-2041, June, 2007.
[74] Hsin-Hsin Ho and Ke-Horng Chen, “Improving Current Sharing Performance by Dynamic Droop Scaling Technique in Multiple Supplying Systems,” 38th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference-2007, pp.189-193, June, 2007.
[75] Yi-Fu Chen, Che-Chin Chen, and Ke-Horng Chen, “Mixed Color Sequential Technique for High Contrast LCD with Optimum Power Consumption,” SID 2007, pp. 134-137, May. 2007.
[76] Che-Chin Chen, Yi-Fu Chen, Ti-Ti Liu, Chun-Ho Chen, Ming-Tsung Ho, Ke-Horng Chen, and Han-Ping, Shieh, “Spatial-temporal Division in Field Sequential Color Technique for Color Filterless LCD,” SID 2007, pp. 1806-1809, May. 2007.
[77] Hsin-Hsin Ho and Ke-Horng Chen, “Dynamic Droop Scaling for Improving Current Sharing Performance in a System with Multiple Supplies,” ISCAS, pp. 545-548, May. 2007.
[78] Huan-JenYang and Ke-Horng Chen “Feed-Forward Pulse Width Modulation for High Line Regulation Buck or Boost Converters,” ISCAS, pp.785-788, May. 2007.
[79] Hong-Wei Huang, Hsin-Hsin Ho, Chieh-Ching Chien, Ke-Horng Chen, Gin-Kou Ma, and Sy-Yen Kuo, “Fast Transient DC-DC Converter with On-Chip Compensated Error Amplifier,” the 32nd European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), pp. 324-327, Sep. 2006.
[80] Hong-Wei Huang, Hsin-Hsin Ho, Chieh-Ching Chien, Ke-Horng Chen, Gin-Kou Ma, and Sy-Yen Kuo, “Dithering Skip Modulator with a Width Controller for Ultra-wide-load High-Efficiency DC-DC Converters,” 2006 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), Sep. 10-13, 2006.
[81] Hong-Wei Huang, Hsin-Hsin Ho, Ke-Horng Chen, and Sy-Yen Kuo, “Dithering Skip Modulator with a Novel Load Sensor for Ultra-wide-load High-Efficiency DC-DC Converters,” International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design – 2006, pp. 388-393, Oct. 2006.

[82] Ke-Horng Chen, Chieh-Ching Chien, and Li-Ren Huang, “Optimum Power-Saving Method for Power MOSFET Width of One-Cycle Control DC-DC Converters,” 37th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference-2006, June 18-22, 2006.
[83] Hong-Wei Huang, Ke-Horng Chen, and Sy-Yen Kuo, “Highly Efficient Tri-Mode Control of Buck Converters,” 37th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference -2006, June 18-22, 2006.
[84] Hong-Wei Huang, Hsin-Hsin Ho, Ke-Horng Chen, and Sy-Yen Kuo, “On-Chip Compensated Error Amplifier for Fast Transient DC-DC Converters,” Sixth IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology- 2006, pp. 103-108, May, 2006.
[85] Hung-Chi Lee, Kuo-Tai Chang, Ke-Horng Chen, and Wen Tsao Chen, “Power saving of a dynamic width controller for a monolithic current-mode CMOS DC-DC converter,” System-on-Chip for Real-Time Applications, 2005. Proceedings. Fifth International Workshop on, pp. 352-357, June 2005.
[86] Chia-Jung Chang and Ke-Horng Chen, “Bidirectional current-mode capacitor multiplier in DC-DC converter compensation,” System-on-Chip for Real-Time Applications, 2005. Proceedings Fifth International Workshop on, pp. 111-116, June 2005.
[87] Ke-Horng Chen, “Extend the Battery Life by Highly Efficient DC-DC Converters,” Proceedings of 2004 Taipei Internal Power Forum, Dec. 2004.
[88] C. S. Wang, S. Y. Yuan, K. H. Chen, and S. Y. Kuo, “A New BiCMOS Increased Full-Swing Converter for Low-Internal-Voltage ULSI Systems,” Proceeding on IEEE International Symposium Circuits and Systems, pp. 1856-1859, June 1997.
[89] Yung-Chun Chuang and Ke-Horng Chen, “A Novel Precise Step-Shaped Soft-Start Technique for Integrated DC-DC Converter,” 18th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, August, 2007.
[90] Po-Chin Fan and Ke-Horng Chen, “A Dual Phase Charge Pump with Compact Size,” 18th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, August, 2007.
[91] J. C. Chiou, C. C. Su, H. C. Hong, Y. Chiu, K. H. Chen, Y. J. Lin, L. J. Shieh and K. C. Hou, “The Design And Fabrication Of An Ultra Low Power Micro-Sensing Module For Wireless Sensor Networks,” 18th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, August, 2006.
[92] Ke-Horng Chen, Shih-Yi Yuan, Jing-Yang Jou, and Sy-Yen Kuo: ‘Cell-Based Power Estimation for CMOS Combinational Circuits Using a Logic Simulator,’ Proceedings of the7th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium Proceedings, Aug. 1996, pp.81-84.
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