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研究生(外文):Jiun-Ming Kuo
論文名稱(外文):The Investigation and Application of High Sensitivity SiGe Nanowire for Bio-sensor
指導教授(外文):Kow-Ming Chang
中文關鍵詞:奈米線 矽鍺 高敏感 生醫感測
外文關鍵詞:NanowireSiGeHigh SensitivityBio-Sensor
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In this thesis, we concentrate our efforts on the advantage and disadvantage of SiGe nanowire and Poly-Si nanowire for bio-sensor. The behavior of oxidation for SiGe film was studied in the follows. The application of the SiGe oxidation was used to enhance the sensitivity in the end of thesis.
First, we demonstrated the electric properties of SiGe and Poly-Si nanowires. The higher drive current is obtained for SiGe nanowire, but the disadvantage of the higher contact resistance appeared for SiGe nanowire.
Secondly, the thin-film-transistor (TFT) was used to understand the increase of drive current after different oxidation conditions. The higher drive current obtained for the higher temperature, oxidation time and oxygen flow. Besides, the same oxide thicknesses were achieved by controlling the different oxidation time and temperature. The same drive current improves for the same oxide thickness. The reason come form the same Ge condensed after oxidation.
Third, we studied the sensitivity of SiGe nanowire with different Ge concentration. The higher sensitivity was observed for the SiGe nanowire with high Ge concentration. However, the sensitivity decreased for the over-high Ge concentration. The reason may be that the higher defect appears on the surface.
Finally, we used the Ge condensation technique on the SiGe nanowire for bio-sensor. The sensitivity improved for the SiGe nanowire with low Ge concentration after high temperature oxidation. However, the sensitivity decreased for SiGe nanowire with higher Ge concentration. It may be that the higher defect appears on the surface.
In the end of the thesis, we introduce a novel structure to improvement the sensitivity. A double layer with high/low drive current is combined to achieve this point. The sensitivity improves under the same electric filed change by controlling the current through.
Chinese Abstract………………………………………………...i
English Abstract……………………………………………….iii
Table Captions……………………………………….……….. x
Figure Captions…………………………………………........xi

Chapter 1 Introduction of Nanowires
1.1 The Application of Nanowires…………….…………...1
1.2 The Materials of Nanowires Sensor……………………5
1.3 Motivation………………………….....………………………8

Chapter 2 Fabrication of Nanowires
2.1 Introduction……………..…………….……………....10
2.1.1 Lithography with Photons…………..………………10
2.1.2 Machining Using AFM, STM, NSOM.…………...10
2.1.3 Nanoimprint Lithography (NIL)...………..…………11
2.1.4 Spacer Formation……....……………………………12
2.1.5 Vapor State Synthesis….…….……………………12
2.1.6 Vapor-Liquid-Solid (VLS) Growth Approach...…….13
2.1.7 Electrochemical Deposition…..……..………………13
2.1.8 Laser Ablation……….……………..…………14
2.2 Experiment………………..…………………………...15
2.3 The Dimension of Nanowires.……….....…………...18
2.4 Results and Discussions...……….…………………...19
2.5 Summary …………………….…………………...25

Chapter 3 Electrical Properties of SiGe Film with Various Oxidation Conditions
3.1.1 An Overview of the Applications of High Mobility SiGe Alloy…………………………………………27
3.1.2 Ge Condensation Process in SiGe Film……………..27
3.1.3 Mechanism of SiGe Oxidation……………………28
3.1.4 Oxidation Behavior of SiGe……..……………29
3.1.1 Motivation…………………………………………27
3.2 The Process Flow of SiGe-Based P-MOSFET….……....32
3.3 Results and Discussions…………………..…………....37
3.3.1 Influence of Oxidation Temperature on Electrical Properties…………………………………………37
3.3.2 Influence of Oxidation Time on Electrical Properties…………………………………………38
3.3.3 Influence of Oxygen flow on Electrical Properties…………………………………………40
3.3.4 Influence of the Thickness of Pre-oxide on Electrical Properties…………………………………………41
3.3.5 Influence of Oxidation Rate on Electrical Properties………….………………………………43
3.3.6 Influence of Annealing after Oxidation on Electrical Properties…………………………………………37
3.4 Summary……………..…………….……………....32

Chapter 4 The Higher Current of SiGe Nanowire by Oxidation
4.1 Introduction……………………………………………..47
4.2 Experiment………………………………………48
4.3 Results and Discussions………………………………...51
4.4 Summary………………………………………………...53
Chapter 5 The Ge enhances the Sensitivity for Bio-Sensor
5.1 Introduction…………………………..………………..54
5.2 Experiment…………….………..………..……………55
5.3 The Dimension of nanowires……………………………59
5.4 Results and Discussions………………………………...60
5.5 Summary………………………………………………...68

Chapter 6 The Improvement of the Sensitivity for Bio-Sensor by SiGe Nanowire Oxidation
6.1 Introduction……………………………………………..69
6.2 Experiment………………………………………………70
6.3 Results and Discussions………………………………...73
6.4 Summary………………………………………………...84

Chapter 7 Conclusions and Feature Works
7.1 Conclusions……………………………………………..85
7.2 Feature Works………………………………………86

Publication Lists………………………………………………………..96
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