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論文名稱(外文):Spatial Impact and Risk Assessment for Mobile Source Pollution
外文關鍵詞:mobile source pollutionrisk assessmentspatial pollution distributionmodeling simulationsustainable environmental systems analysis
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Vehicle exhaust emission is the main source of air pollution in metropolitan areas in Taiwan and greatly affects citizens and causes health risks. Different traffic flows, spatial mobile pollution distributions, and population distributions can cause different levels of impact and health risk. This study was thus initiated to develop appropriate methods for assessing the spatial impact and risk caused by the mobile pollution. The methods were also applied to Taipei City, the case study area for this study.
It is not easy to evaluate the spatial distribution of the mobile pollution. Although a method called the Road Network Density (RND) method had been previously proposed, similar RNDs do not indicate similar traffic flows and thus may underestimate the pollution in high traffic-flow areas, and the error may be quite significant. Therefore, the Vehicle-flow-based Pollution Intensity Density (VFPID) method was proposed in this study to improve the problem. However, the VFPID method does not consider different traveling distances that can cause different emissions. The Vehicle-travel-mileage-based Pollution Intensity Density (VTPID) method was thus proposed. Before implementing the three methods, the total mobile pollution (TMP) emission was estimated according to the amount of gasoline consumed, and the entire study area was divided into grids in the same size. The TMP emission was allocated to each grid according to its RND, VFPID, or VTPID ratio. With the pollution distributions determined by the three methods and the population distribution of the city, spatial effects and health risks caused by mobile pollution were estimated. And the Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) is used to express the risk level. Furthermore, since similar emission in different types of roads would give different distributions of mobile pollution, the Operational Street Pollution Model was adopted to simulate air pollutant concentrations on road sides, and the results obtained were used to assess the exposure risk on the residents living in the road sides.
The results show that the pollution distribution estimated by the RND method can underestimate the pollution up to 10,000 tons when compared with that estimated by the VFPID method. Also the difference between the VTPID and VFPID results can be up to 5,000 tons. According to the OSPM simulation results, it can be observed that different types of streets cause varied pollution concentrations. Significantly different results were observed also when compared to those from the other three methods. For example, the traffic flow of the Section 1 of the Dunhua-South Road is more than that of the Bei-an Road, but the street width of the former is 58 meters wider than the latter street, and subsequently the simulated CO concentration is lower in the former street. According to the risks estimated from the obtained pollution and population distributions, the risk estimated for PM10 is the highest, the SOx risk is the lowest, and NOx and CO have median risks. When the traffic flow is large and population density is high, the associated risk is high too, such as the Zhongshan district. However, some areas have narrow streets that cause high risk, such as the Da-an District. It is believed that the proposed methods can improve the estimation of spatial mobile pollution distribution and subsequently facilitate further decision-making analyses.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
符號說明 xi
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究流程 3
1.4 案例區介紹 5
1.5 論文內容 10
第二章 文獻回顧 11
2.1 移動污染源 11
2.2 移動污染分佈估算法 11
2.3 街谷模式 13
2.4 風險分析 13
2.4.1 移污之危害 15
2.4.2 風險分析 15
第三章 移污之空間分布與風險分析 17
3.1 道路密度法 17
3.1.1 推估排放量 17
3.1.2 依道路密度法分配總排放量 19

3.2 車流污染強度密度法 20
3.2.1 車流污染強度推估 20
3.2.2 依車流污染強度密度法分配總排放量 23
3.3 車行里程污染強度密度法 23
3.4 空間性影響 24
3.5 風險分析 33
3.6 移污空間性分布推估方法比較 39
第四章 街谷模式法 45
4.1 OSPM模式模擬 45
4.1.1 OSPM模式簡介 45
4.1.2 OSPM模式模擬 51
4.2 街道模擬濃度分布 55
4.3 風險分析 59
4.4 車行里程污染強度法與街谷模式法之比較 61
第五章 結論與建議 67
5.1 結論 67
5.2 建議 70
參考文獻 71
附錄 台北市各型車輛排放係數 75
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