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研究生(外文):Ching-Ye Wang
論文名稱(外文):Beneficial Reuse of Water Treatment Residual: Technology and Application
指導教授(外文):Chinpin Huang
外文關鍵詞:Water treatment residualbeneficial reusegardening soil
  • 被引用被引用:11
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More than 150,000 tons water treatment residual is generated each year in the production of drinking water by the Taiwan Water Corporation. The cost for the disposal of such an enormous amount of solid wastes has become a major fraction in the cost for water production. Many successful examples in the reuse of fresh water residual have been reported world-wide, therefore, it is reasonable that the Taiwan Water Corporation should consider the reuse of water sludge into beneficial products themselves. The objective of this study is to evaluate the various technologies in water residual reuse in search for the most feasible mode of operation of sludge reuse for the Taiwan Water Corporation. Among the technologies reviewed, including the manufacturing of construction materials (bricks, cement, light aggregates or control low strength material) and agricultural use (as potting soil or gardening soil), reuse as potting and gardening soil has been discovered most economically competitive. The cost analysis for the manufacturing of potting and gardening soil from water treatment residual indicates that the Taiwan Water Corporation can profit from this means of reuse operation.
目 錄
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 前言1
第二章 淨水污泥的產生、處理與處置4
2.1 淨水污泥的產生4
2.2 淨水污泥的化學組成 5
2.3 國外淨水污泥產量及處置現況8
2.3.1 英國淨水場污泥處置現況11
2.3.2 日本淨水場污泥處置現況14 日本東京都水道局朝霞淨水場16 日本大阪市水道局豐野淨水場17 日本橫濱市水道局西谷淨水場18 日本千葉縣企業廳19 日本埼玉縣縣營水道局19
2.4 我國淨水污泥產量與分佈現況20
2.5 我國淨水污泥處置現況21
第三章 淨水污泥資源化再利用技術與現況24
3.1 混凝劑回收與再利用25
3.2 再利用為廢水處理27
3.3 作為污水中污染物與重金屬之吸附劑使用29
3.4 應用於污水污泥調理與脫水使用32
3.5 作為構建人工溼地材料33
3.6 淨水污泥再利用於水泥原料35
3.7 淨水污泥再利用於燒結製磚37
3.8 淨水污泥再利用於燒結輕質人造骨材39
3.9 淨水污泥再利用於管線回填料42
3.10 淨水污泥再利用於園藝培養土47
3.11 淨水污泥再利用可行策略探討51
第四章 淨水污泥再利用培養土54
4.1 淨水污泥再利用於培養土55
4.2 培養土育苗試驗57
4.3 淨水污泥再利用園藝培養土法規可行性探討65
4.4 有害重金屬物質對淨水污泥再利用培養土影響67
4.5 淨水污泥再利用培養土鋁與八項管制重金屬影響78
4.6 淨水污泥再利用培養土效益評估85
第五章 結論與建議92
5.1 結論92
5.2 建議93
參考文獻 94
附錄一 行政院農業委員會「肥料種類品目與規格」-「雜項有機栽培介質」規範
附錄二 原水顆粒、淨水污泥之Solid-state MAS 27Al NMR分析結果
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