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研究生(外文):Ming-Xian Zhao
論文名稱(外文):Super Current Mirror in Low-Dropout Regulator for Achieving Fast Transient Response
指導教授(外文):Ke-Horng Chen
外文關鍵詞:Low-Dropout RegulatorFast Transient ResponseFrequency CompensationSuper Current MirrorPower ICPower Management System
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本論文將提出一個新的頻率補償方式,能夠將此快速負載暫態響應的低壓降線性穩壓器穩定,使用TSMC 0.35um2P4M的製程。此低壓降線性穩壓器具有適應性偏壓電流的架構,可以有效的到達快速負載暫態響應,其利用超級電流鏡電路來完成,使得負載電流從輕載變重載的暫態穩定時間少於1us。然而,此低壓降線性穩壓器會遭遇到穩定度問題,利用本論文提出的頻率補償方式可以使此低壓降線性穩壓器穩定。
With the growing demand for portable devices, power management systems need to have better regulating performance and higher energy efficiency. Power management systems are used in many applications such as cellular phones, mobile TV, camera recorder and PDAs, etc. Therefore, how to use the battery energy efficiently is the most concerned problem. Portable applications often need multiple voltages controlled by a power management IC to power up many functional blocks. For power management system, Compare with the switching regulators, low-dropout linear regulator (LDO) is less noisy, less complex, and cheaper.
In recent years, the demanding for high performance linear regulator is getting increasing, such as high load regulation, low power consumption and high power supply rejection, etc. The critical problem in modern portable applications is that the conventional low-dropout regulator can’t reach both the high-speed load transient response for load variation and low power consumption. Furthermore, no matter how fast the load transient response, the low-dropout regulator can’t fall to unstable state. In other words, the low-dropout regulator has to be stable for all load conditions and frequency compensation is usually needed to stabilize the regulator loop.
A frequency compensation method for low-voltage fast transient-response low-dropout regulator using TSMC 0.35um2P4M CMOS process is presented in this paper. It features a current-efficient adaptively biased regulation scheme using a low-voltage high speed super current mirror (SCM). This low-dropout regulator can achieve fast transient-response and the settling time is less than 1us from light to heavy load. However, this low-dropout regulator has a stability problem. By using this frequency compensation method, the loop can be stable for all load conditions.
第一章 1
緒論 1
1.1 電源管理系統 1
1.2 功率積體電路之概述 2
1.2.1 切換式電容轉換器 (Charge Pump) 3
1.2.2 切換式轉換器 (Switch Converter) 4
1.2.3 線性穩壓器 (Linear Regulator) 5
1.2.4 總結 6
1.3 線性穩壓器的應用 7
1.4 研究目的和動機 9
1.5 論文組織 9
第二章 11
基本的低壓降線性穩壓器 11
2.1 低壓降線性穩壓器之重要定義 11
2.1.1 輸出電壓差 (Dropout Voltage) 12
2.1.2 靜態電流 (Quiescent Current) 13
2.1.3 效率 (Efficiency) 14
2.1.4 暫態響應 (Transient Response) 14
2.1.5 負載調節率 (Load Regulation) 18
2.1.6 線性調節率 (Line Regulation) 19
2.1.7 電源拒斥比 (PSRR) 20
2.1.8 精確度 (Accuracy) 22
2.2 傳統的低壓降線性穩壓器 22
2.2.1 開關元件 23
2.2.2 傳統的低壓降線性穩壓器 25
2.2.3 等效串聯電阻的穩定範圍 28
第三章 31
目前低壓降線性穩壓器的發展 31
3.1 其他頻率補償的方式 31
3.1.1 主極點補償 32
3.1.2 加入緩衝器補償 33
3.2 多級架構的低壓降線性穩壓器 34
3.2.1 高電源拒斥比的低壓降線性穩壓器 35
3.2.2 無外接電容的低壓降線性穩壓器 38
3.2.3 快速暫態響應的低壓降線性穩壓器 41
第四章 45
超級電流鏡用於低壓降線性穩壓器 45
4.1 超級電流鏡用於低壓降線性穩壓器 45
4.1.1 快速暫態響應的設計方式 46
4.1.2 超級電流鏡的設計 49
4.1.3 超級電流鏡應用於低壓降線性穩壓器 51
4.2 提出的頻率補償方式 54
4.2.1 頻率響應分析 54
4.2.2 提出的頻率補償方式 58
4.3 帶差參考電路 61
4.4 模擬結果 65
第五章 69
結論與未來展望 69
5.1 結論 69
5.2 未來展望 71
附錄 73
參考文獻 75
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