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論文名稱(外文):PAPR Reduction for OFDM Systems Using Subchannel Peak Reduction
指導教授(外文):Yuan-Pei Lin
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Recently there has been great interest in the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems. However one disadvantage of OFDM systems is high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). In this thesis, we will propose a new method called Subchannel Peak Reduction (SPR). The symbols of a few selected subchannels are chosen to multiple a rotation individually so that PAPR is reduced. Transmission rate is slightly lower. However, no side information bit is needed. The optimal solution of the rotation can be found by exhaustive search (SPR-ES).We will propose an iterative ap-
proach method (SPR-IT) to tnd suboptimal rotating for the selected subchannels. SPR-IT can have lower complexity than SPR-ES. Simulation results shows SPR-ES and SPR-IT can e±ciently reduce the peak value of the transmitted signal. The simulations will demonstrate that our method provide a nice tradeoff between bit rate and PAPR reduction.
1 Introduction --1
1.1 Outline --3
1.2 Notations --4
2 OFDM systems --5
2.1 The OFDM systems model --5
2.2 The PAPR of OFDM systems --6
3 PAPR Reduction By Tone Injection [6] --9
3.1 Tone Injection for Real Multicarrier Systems --9
3.2 Tone Injection for passband communications --15
4 The Subchannel Peak Reduction Method --19
4.1 An Exhaustive Search Scheme --20
4.2 An Iterative Approach Method --25
5 Computational Complexity --30
5.1 Exhaustive Search --30
5.2 Iterative Approach --34
5.3 Tone Injection (for passband communication) --35
6 Simulation Results --39
7 Conclusion --46
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