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研究生(外文):Yi-Chi Li
論文名稱(外文):GPS Cycle-Slip Correction and Near-Real-Time Positioning Based on Bayesian Inference
指導教授(外文):Joz Wu
外文關鍵詞:Bayesian inferenceCycle-slip correctionAmbiguity resolution
  • 被引用被引用:2
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本研究利用貝氏統計為基礎之方法開發演算程式,主要工作分為: (1) 於資料前處理之過程中,精確地改正週波脫落現象;(2)基於相位模稜應為整數未知數的概念,以貝氏方法進行模稜求定工作,並進行近即時定位;(3)利用蒙地卡羅數值法決策定位參數的信賴區域。實驗成果顯示,相位資料若發生週波脫落之狀況,本研究之演算程式可即時改正之;此外,無論靜態或緩速動態實驗,貝氏方法皆達到高精度之定位成果,且可即時以視覺化的方式呈現定位參數之信賴區域。
GPS carrier phase observation is more precise than code observation, but it causes the problems of phase ambiguity and cycle-slips. Detecting and correcting cycle-slips is a classical issue and is part of the more general problem of fixing integer variables in GPS phase observations. Furthermore, the key point to reach the target of precision and efficiency while using carrier phase for location is how to obtain quickly accurate integers of ambiguity.
The main aims of this research are: (1) correcting cycle-slips at the data preprocessing stage by the Bayesian principle, (2) exploiting a Bayesian near-real-time data processing technique for ambiguity resolution based on the concept that phase ambiguities should be integer unknown parameters, (3) determining the confidence regions of the positioning parameters by using a Monte Carlo method. The experimental results in this paper indicate that the cycle-slips in carrier-phase data can be successfully identified. Furthermore, the accuracy of positioning results can be improved by using Bayesian approach and the confidence regions of positioning solutions can be visualized in near-real-time by using a Monte Carlo method.
目錄 I
圖目錄 III
表目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 論文架構 5
第二章 貝氏統計於週波脫落改正 6
2.1 貝氏統計簡介 6
2.2 GPS衛星觀測量 8
2.2.1 虛擬距離與載波相位觀測方程式 9
2.2.2 觀測量線性組合方程式 12
2.3 貝氏統計於週波脫落改正 16
2.4 逆卡方統計檢定 23
2.5 週波脫落改正演算流程 28
第三章 貝氏統計於GPS衛星動態定位 31
3.1 二次差分模式 31
3.2 相位模稜求定演算 34
3.2.1 最小二乘混合平差模式 34
3.2.2 最大後驗法於相位模稜求定 37
3.2.3貝氏決策指標 39
3.3幾何定位演算 42
3.3.1 定位參數之貝氏估計 42
3.3.2 信賴區域之決策 44
3.3.3貝氏統計檢定 46
3.4 GPS定位演算流程 48
第四章 實驗成果與分析 51
4.1實驗資料背景 51
4.2實驗成果 53
4.2.1 週波脫落改正與補償 54
4.2.2 靜態GPS定位 70
4.2.3 動態GPS定位 83
第五章 結論與建議 90
5.1 結論 90
5.2 建議 91
參考文獻 92
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