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研究生(外文):Chen-yu Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The material of different permeable pavement treat about the temperature of pavement.
指導教授(外文):Jyh-Dong Lin
外文關鍵詞:heat exportationheat-conduction coefficientpermeable pavement
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根據相關研究指出透水性鋪面(Permeable pavement)具有降低熱島效應之成效,本研究主要目的為探討透水性鋪面之熱學行為,於實驗室先行量測面層材料熱傳導係數,並於現地實驗區以簡易氣象站及溫度探測針進行現地氣象與鋪面溫度資料量測,以探討不同類型鋪面溫度變化之情形。
The pavement of Taiwan adopted the waterproof design in the past, made the earth lose the function which conserved the source of water, urbanize original vegetation improvement day by day reduce, rainwater permeate chance reduce by a wide margin, Some areas produced
and flooded water phenomenon while meeting typhoons or the torrential rain.
Point out the Permeable pavement according to relevant research have effect of reducing the tropical island effect, this main purpose of research, in order to probe into the calorifics behavior of the permeable pavement, one storey of materials heat-conduction coefficient that going ahead of the rest amount examines the surface in the laboratory, and on test block survey with weather station and temperature needle go on meteorological phenomena and pavement temperature materials amount examine now now, in order to probe
into the situation that the temperature of different kinds of pavements changes.
Influence the temperature factor of pavement to regard sunshine and temperature as biggest according to the experiment analysis result, model that set up, find surface layers of heat-conduction coefficient influence shop front heat absorption and speed that dispel the heat in studying, it is relatively low in surface temperature in the daytime that dense-graded asphalt concrete, but its temperature of bottom is higher than permeable pavement, and permeable interlock-brick with surface layer of bottom temperature most low, various kinds of pavement average to is it buy the asphalt concrete for being heaviest with security to output while being hot, permeable asphalt concrete completely secondly, permeable interlock-brick completely, show surface layers of material except that heat-conduction coefficient influence person who reflect influence shop front absorb number of heat energy also, so choose and can be reduced
in the city than the suitable permeable pavement material the heat energy of pavement stored.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究內容 2
1.4 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 排水及透水性鋪面之差異 4
2.1.1 排水性鋪面 4
2.1.2 透水性鋪面 5
2.1.3 排水性鋪面與透水性鋪面比較 6
2.2 材料熱傳導性質 8
2.2.1 瀝青混凝土熱傳導性質 8
2.2.2 水泥混凝土熱傳導性質 9
2.2.3 土壤熱傳導性質 9
2.3 反射率與環境氣候影響 10
2.4 都市溫暖化成因 12
2.5 都市熱島化減輕對策 15
2.6 熱傳學基本原理 17
2.6.1 絕對溫度定義 17
2.6.2 熱傳導 18
2.6.2 熱對流 19
2.6.3 熱輻射 19
第三章 研究方法 21
3.1 熱傳導係數之量測 21
3.1.1 量測定義與原理 21
3.1.2 量測使用之儀器 22
3.2 儀器精度印證 26
3.3 實驗室模擬試驗 30
3.3.1 瀝青膠泥熱傳導係數量測 30
3.3.2 瀝青混凝土試體熱傳導係數量測 30
3.3.3 紫外線老化試驗 31
3.4 現地量測試驗 32
3.4.1 新店實驗區儀器佈設 36
3.4.2 觀音國小前人行道儀器佈設 39
3.5 熱傳學模型 40
3.6 統計方法應用 42
3.6.1 集群分析 42
3.6.2 積差相關係數 42
3.6.3 迴歸分析 43
第四章 實驗結果與分析 44
4.1 瀝青材料熱傳導係數 44
4.1.1 瀝青膠泥熱傳導係數分析 44
4.1.2 瀝青混凝土熱傳導係數分析 46
4.1.3 其他鋪面材料熱傳導係數分析 48
4.2氣象資料分析 52
4.2.1 校內氣象因子積差相關係數探討 52
4.2.2 新店實驗區氣象因子積差相關係數探討 54
4.2.3 觀音國小前人行道氣象因子積差相關係數探討 56
4.3 溫度資料探討 58
4.4 基底層資料探討 62
第五章 模型建立與探討 67
5.1 迴歸分析模型 68
5.1.1 鋪面面層溫度模型建立 68
5.1.2 鋪面表面溫度模型建立 70
5.2 不同類型鋪面熱輸出量探討 74
5.2.1 現地熱輸出探討 74
5.2.2 熱輸出預測模型計算結果探討 77
第六章 結論與建議 80
6.1 結論 80
6.2 建議 81
參考文獻 82
附錄一 日出日落時間表 86
附錄二 鋪面上方溫度分佈圖 88
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