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研究生(外文):Yong-hua Ji
論文名稱(外文):A study of the remote sensing theories of cloud and precipitation by QuickBeam radar simulation software
指導教授(外文):Chung-hsiung Sui
外文關鍵詞:Mie scatteringeffective radar reflectivity factorhydrometeor
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有主被動微波感應器的衛星,如熱帶雨量測量任務衛星(Tropical Rainfall
Measuring Mission, TRMM)和CloudSat衛星陸續發射;而模擬雲與降水過程
降水粒子尺寸的雲內,藉由指定各種水象粒子的滴譜(drop-size distribution)
本研究利用QuickBeam 內附包含六種水象粒子(雲水、雨、雪、撞併、
軟雹、雲冰)混合比的個案,檢驗QuickBeam 內的各項計算,並得到以下
結論:1)如何將觀測或模擬得的水象粒子混合比參數化為粒子數目( n(D))
是QuickBeam 運算中的關鍵過程;2)對水象粒子及空氣分子的各種光學特
性之理解將有助於評估QuickBeam 的模擬結果。
之瞭解仍相當有限,這造成QuickBeam 在模擬雷達反射率時的限制。
Clouds and precipitation is the central issue in atmospheric research.
Many passive and active microwave sensors have been developed and launched
(e.g. TRMM and CloudSat) for measuring clouds and precipitation from space.
High resolution models are also becoming better and more affordable. With
more satellite measurements and model-simulated clouds becoming available,
how to best utilize the data to evaluate model outputs becomes
ever-increasingly important. The above concern motivates an approach to
convert model simulated clouds into effective radar reflectivity factor (Ze) so it
can be compared directly with measured Ze by space-borne radar. QuickBeam
is a meteorological radar simulation package. It is designed to simulate vertical
radar reflectivity profiles from given hydrometeor information at any common
microwave frequency, from either the top-down (i.e. satellite-based radars such
as CloudSat) or the bottom-up. The purpose of this study is to understand
the theory and the limitations of the radar simulation software.
QuickBeam consists of two major parts: to derive cloud microphysical
properties from given cloud information, and to compute cloud radiative effects.
The first part is to get geometric cross-section area of all hydrometeors. This is
done by specifying a drop size distribution function for each bulk category of
clouds. The second part is to calculate the backscatter efficiency, Q(s), for cloud
particles of different size (normally diameter assuming clouds are spherical
shape) based on Mie theory. By multiplying the geometric cross-section area
with Q(s) and integrating it over the whole cloud spectrum, one gets the radar
reflective coefficient (η). Finally, one can convert η to Ze, and subtract the
attenuation by hydrometeor and atmospheric gases to get the corrected volume
We applied QuickBeam to an example of given vertical profiles of mixing
ratio for six common bulk categories of clouds: cloud water, rain, cloud ice,
snow, aggregate, graupel. A careful examination of each step of the calculation
reveals the following:
(1) How to specify the number of hydrometeors ( n(D)) from a given cloud
mixing ratio is a critical step that requires extensive knowledge and observational
evidence in cloud microphysics.
(2) A good knowledge of spectrally dependent cloud optical properties is
required to assess the model results.
Our current understanding about the above issues is still quite limited.
This poses limitations of QuickBeam.
中文摘要 …………………………………………………………i
英文摘要 ………………………………………………….….....iii
目錄 …………………………………………………….......v
圖目錄 …………………………………………………….....vii
表目錄 …………………........................................................x
第一章 緒論..…....…..........………...……….………………….1
1-1 研究動機…....…….........….….........…………………....1
1-2 文獻回顧..................………........……………………….1
1-3 雷達氣象方程…......………........……………………….2
1-4 文章架構…..............……..……………………………...4
第二章 QuickBeam模擬原理…................…….………………..5
2-1 雷達模擬簡介…...…….................……..………………5
2-2 QuickBeam輸入值..........................................................6
2-3 水象粒子微物理計算.......................................................8
2-3-1 建立固定的分離粒子尺寸列...........................................9
2-3-2 雲雨滴譜(DSD)的計算.....................................................9
第三章 粒子光學特性..............................................................15
3-1 水相和冰相複數折射指數.............................................15
3-2 米氏散射及衰減和反散射效率…......….......................19
3-3 和未考慮衰減的Ze值……........…...…….......………21
3-4 水象粒子和空氣分子造成之衰減…......…...............…23
第四章 個案分析與比較..........................................................…27
4-1 滴譜設定之重要性...........................................................27
4-2 反散射效率對Ze值的影響..............................................29
4-3 水象粒子和空氣分子之衰減...........................................30
4-4 程式內部設定…….………..................…………………32
4-5 和觀測雷達原理之比較...................................................33
第五章 結論....................................................................................35
參考文獻 ............................................................................................37
附錄一 ............................................................................................42
附錄二 ............................................................................................43
附錄三 ............................................................................................44
附錄四 ............................................................................................46
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