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研究生(外文):Yin-Chen Chen
論文名稱(外文):Applying spatial coherence method to landcover classification of meteorological model
指導教授(外文):Gin-Rong, Liu
外文關鍵詞:landcover classificationspatial coherenceremote sensingsatellite
  • 被引用被引用:2
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空間相干法( spatial coherence method )一向被應用於處理紅外光波段的衛星影像,主要為區分晴天視場與陰天視場,將雲和晴空海域區隔出來,其主要優點為濾除影像中部分有雲之混合像元(mixing pixel)。混合像元在應用衛星影像於地物分類的過程中,亦為誤差的來源之一,尤其在地物分布複雜的地區。因此,本研究將根據空間相干法的優點,濾除地表覆蓋物的混合區域,求得研究試區中各純種地物的光譜特性,應用於衛星影像之地物分類。空間相干法在建立物種光譜特性的過程中,將配合監督式分類法中的最大似然法,協助制定各類物種之光譜範圍最佳標準差,亦即結合非監督式與監督式分類法的優點,改進其共同的缺點──受混合像元之影響。
Because of being strongly related to the heat budget of the Earth, hydrologic cycle, and as an important input parameter for climate models, an accurate and effective algorithm for landcover classification could make a great contribution to the climate model and environmental change researches.
The spatial coherence method is originally developed to distinguish cloudy sky pixels from clear sky pixels all the time via satellite IR images, which is ascribing its key advantage of filtering out the mixing pixels (i.e. partial cloudy pixels) to get the pure values of certain surface covers (i.e. clear sky pixels or total cloudy pixels) under radiometric considerations. It is well known that the mixing pixel effect is one of main error sources in the classification tasks. Therefore, in this research the spatial coherence method is specifically applied as an alternative way in classifying landcovers, filtering out the mixing pixels to get the pure spectral characteristics of certain landcovers. This classification method seeks the assistance of the maximum likelihood method to pick up the best standard deviation, meaning that the method combines the advantages of the supervised and unsupervised classification methods.
Result shows that a comparable performance to the maximum likelihood method does could be observed. Applying this method with the high-resolution SPOT5 images, it shows that the road pixels can be competently extracted from urban areas, revealing its high practicability and capability for typical Taiwan landcover patterns, and making it become a brand-new landcover classification method.
摘 要 I
致 謝 III
目 錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 X
符號說明 XV
一、前 言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究方法回顧 2
1.3 研究動機與目的 4
二、研 究 方 法 6
2.1 地物之分類 6
2.2 空間相干法 8
2.3 高斯分布擬合 9
2.3.1斜率法 9
2.3.2 三點法 10
2.3.3 最小平方法 11
2.4 地物的反射特性與類別 12
2.5 最大似然法 13
三、研究資料與步驟 15
3.1 SPOT5衛星與資料特性 15
3.2 土地利用基本圖 16
3.3 資料前置處理 16
3.3.1 研究範圍 16
3.3.2切斷標準差門檻值 17
3.4 研究步驟 18
3.4.1 局地極大?的判斷 18
3.4.2 波譜特徵分析與頻道整併 19
3.4.3 地物歸類 20
3.4.4 物種標準差最佳化 23
四、結果分析與驗證 26
4.1 監督式分類結果 26
4.2 空間相干法分類結果 28
4.3 測試與驗證 30
五、結論與展望 32
5.1 結論 32
5.2 展望 33
參 考 文 獻 35
附表 38
附圖 55
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