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研究生(外文):Jia-Xiang Wu
論文名稱(外文):The study of WPU-PANI for the ability of adsorption
指導教授(外文):Teng-Ko Chen
外文關鍵詞:adsorptionPANIHydrogen StorageWPU
  • 被引用被引用:4
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The aim of this experiment is to produce powder which is composed by waterborne polyurethane of high free volume. Traditional PU structure consists of polyol of macromolecular soft segment and diisocyanate, thermal property and elasticity will become excellent after paved as membrane. Waterborne PU can be used to reduce the use of organic solvent, especially environment protection increasingly draws much attention.
And the nerocarbon tube is worked out having high result of absorbing the gas, because it is in charge of having many benzene rings. because the electronic resonance between the benzene ring itself enduring the nerocarbon tube, use to utilize physical absorption and absorb the gas by this, so the experiment hopes to utilize much benzene of PANI to absorb the gas, and because the reference said that PANI has ability to absorb hydrogen to 6~8%.
It was found by Chen[11] etc that Waterborne polyurethane of long hard segments produces holes among segments because ionic aggregates. As a result, it was inferred to be able to absorb hydrogen, oxygen and carbondioxid. Considering that better absorption ability needs larger holes, macromolecule of whole hard segments is synthesized to increase holes by substituting PANI for soft segment of macromolecule. By changing the length of the neutralizer, to increase the size of the hole on the chain, and let the hole between the chain and chain be bigger to increase its space absorbed.
This research, with changing the molecular weight of benzene and the length of neutralizer, observe heat property and hydrogen, oxygen, and carbondioxid absorption capabilities. With the hole among them and resonance structure between the benzene ring, whether absorb result of absorbing to the hydrogen, study the heat property and gas absorption capabilities
1-1 前言1
1-2 研究與動機2
2-1 水性PU 的介紹4
2-1-1 PU 的結構4
2-1-2 水性PU 的分類5
2-1-3 親水基的導入5
2-1-3-1 陰離子型5
2-1-3-2 陽離子型6
2-1-3-3 非離子型7
2-1-3-4 陰陽離子共存型7
2-1-4 PU 離子體(PU ionomers)
2-1-5 PU 水性化的製程8
2-1-5-1 Solution process9
2-1-5-2 Prepolymer mixing process-9
2-1-5-3 Hot melt process10
2-1-5-4 Ketimine Ketimine process11
2-2 水性PU 的物理性質13
2-2-1 PU 分散液的水分散機制13
2-2-2 膠體粒子理論14
2-2-2-1 膠體的穩定性14
2-2-2-2 電雙層15
2-2-3 水性PU 的成膜性質18
2-2-4 水性PU Rheology19
2-2-4-1 黏度的定義19
2-2-4-2 流體的分類20
2-2-4-3 水性PU Rheology21
2-2-5 水性PU 的熱性質22
2-2-5-1 相轉變(phase transition)22
2-2-5-2 玻璃化轉變(glass transition)23
2-2-5-3 玻璃態(glass state)24
2-2-5-4 高彈態(rubbery state)24
2-2-5-5 黏流態(viscous state)25
2-2-5-6 黏流溫度(viscous flow temperature)25
2-2-5-7 熔點(melt point) Tm25
2-3 聚苯胺27
2-3-1 聚苯胺簡介27
2-3-2 聚苯胺的結構29
2-3-3 聚苯胺之化學合成32
2-3-4 聚合機構及氧化還原機制34
2.4 吸附理論36
2-4-1 吸附理論36
2-4-1-1 吸附平衡36
2-4-1-2 Langmuir等溫吸附37
2-4-1-3 BET等溫吸附39
2-4-1-4 Isothermal等溫曲線41
2-4-1-6 高分子吸附48
第三章 實驗部份51
3-1 化學藥品51
3-2 儀器設備51
3.3 實驗步驟52
3-3-1-1 polyaniline的合成方法52
3-3-2 NCO 官能基濃度滴定(ASTM ASTM-D1368)54
3-3-3 氣體吸附實驗方法55
3-3-3-1 乾冰溫度下氫氣與氧氣吸附實驗55
3-3-3-2 液態氮溫度下氫氣吸附實驗56
3-4 分析方法56
3-4-1 FTIR56
3-4-2 TGA57
3-4-4 FE-SEM57
3-4-3 XRD58
3-4-4 DSC58
3-4-5 氣體吸附58
第四章 結果與討論59
4-1 討論的範圍59
4-1-1 改質軟段分子量59
4-1-2 中和劑長短59
4-2 PANI分子量鑑定60
4-3 FT-IR鑑定61
4-4 TGA分析67
4-5 SEM分析69
4-6 XRD分析75
4-7 DSC分析78
4-8 氣體吸附82
4-8-2 氧氣於乾冰溫度下吸附87
4-8-4 氫氣於液態氮溫度下吸附95
第五章 結論99
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