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研究生(外文):Hsiu-mi Huang
論文名稱(外文):To analyze the criteria and weight of vendor selection for worldwide server brand companies by AHP model
外文關鍵詞:vendor managementVendor selection criteriaThe Analysis Hierarchy Process
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本研究初期經由文獻探討,及伺服器知名國際品牌大廠採購專家訪談後,將供應商選擇標準分為:一.成本;二.品質; 三.交貨; 四.技術;五.售後服務,在五個重要的準則之下共有十九個子因素。運用分析層級程序法(AHP),針對實務界專家進行問卷調查,匯集專家意見後,歸納出於準則及屬性之間的權重高低,以供伺服器品牌大廠於評選供應商之參考,同時亦提供給伺服器的供應商於內部資源分配及接單準備時應注意之事項。
In the international and more competitive environment ,the role of suppliers is re-defined by the enterprise in order to increase the performance & benefit, broaden market share and enhance competitiveness. The supplier is not regarded as an enemy and the enterprise turn to develop long-term and strategic partnership. The partnership develops on a robust base and can be continue to extend. Therefore, successful supplier management is base on competitive vendor selection. In terms of strategy, suppliers only focus on keeping business relationship with a few buyers, which can avoid to compete with other suppliers. The buyers corresponsive can gain benefit of vertical integration without making equivalent investment and bearing operation risk. In brief, both suppliers and buyers can gain benefit and grow together.
Therefore, in order to enhance the competitiveness in the international enterprise, vendor management is an essential. It is very important to select competitive suppliers for the worldwide brand companies .The criteria of vendor selection has to comply with the companies’ demand. There’s too much criteria of vendor selection and the demand to each company is also different. Therefore, the research is investigating the criteria of vendor selection for the worldwide brand companies and understands the priority. The analysis and research will be made based on the above criteria.
In the research, the vendor selection criteria are generated based on the reference and comments from the procurement experts in worldwide brand server companies. It includes five main key factors :“ cost, quality, delivery, technology and after service” and 19 sub factors under the main key factors. Through the collection of questionnaires and the analysis of AHP, the priority of each criteria will be turned out. The analysis result can be not only for the reference of famous brand server companies to do vendor selection, but also provided to server suppliers for internal resource allocation and further business preparation.
第一章 緒論1
1-1 研究背景1
1-2 研究動機6
1-3 研究目的8
1-4 研究流程9
第二章 文獻探討11
2-1 供應商選擇標準11
2-1-1 供應商與客戶關係的演變11
2-1-2 供應商評選的方法13
2-1-3 供應商評選的要素18
2-2 分析層級研究法22
2-2-1 分析層級層序法之概念22
2-2-2 分析層級層序法之基本假設23
2-2-3 分析層級層序法之評估尺度24
2-2-4 分析層級研究法應用範圍25
第三章 研究設計與方法27
3-1 研究架構27
3-2 供應商評選要素之問卷設計30
3-3 究方法與過程39
4-1 伺服器品牌大廠的供應商遴選指標的準則分析45
4-2 伺服器品牌大廠的供應商遴選指標考量屬性分析48
4-3 結論驗證63
第五章 結論與建議64
5-1 研究結果與討論64
5-2 未來建議66
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3. 林千仁,「供應商選擇標準與供應商發展活動對製造績效影響之研究」,國立中央大學,碩士論文,民國89年。
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