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研究生(外文):Jiun-wei Ho
論文名稱(外文):Effects of interparticle interaction on spontaneous magnetism of Al nanoparticles
指導教授(外文):Wen-Hsien Li
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本實驗利用熱蒸鍍法製備奈米鋁微粒,在利用X 光繞峰形與原子力顯微鏡影像,判斷樣品的平均粒徑為10.1 奈米。並且由X 光繞射峰形也沒有發現氧化的繞射峰形。
為了探討鋁奈米微粒磁特性,我們對鋁奈米微粒進行ㄧ系列M-H量測,並利用朗之萬函數(Langevin function)加線性抗磁項來擬合磁化曲線。飽和磁化強度Ms,隨著溫度增加而變小的趨勢;平均微粒磁矩排列隨溫度增加,有呈現線性的趨勢,且隨著微粒間距減少,平均微粒磁矩有越來越小的趨勢。在溫度為55K時,CD5和CD6磁化強度與外加磁場關係圖中也觀察到類似反鐵磁性的蜂腰型磁滯現象。
An Al nanoparticle powder was fabricated by the thermal evaporation method.The mean particle diameter was determined to be 10.1 nm by the X-ray diffraction
profiles and the AFM images. No trace of oxidation may be found.
Magnetic properties were studied by magnetization measurement. The M-H curve may be described by a modified Langevin function plus a diamagnetic linear term. The results show that the saturation magnetization Ms decreases with increasing temperature, while the average particle moment μp increase with increasing temperature. It was found that μp decreases as the interparticle separation is decreased. A hysteresis loop was also found around 55 K.
第一章 簡介...............................................1
1-1 塊材鋁的基本特性......................................1
1-2 奈米微粒的特性........................................2
第二章 樣品製備與儀器分析.................................4
2-1 奈米鋁微粒的製備......................................4
2-2 以X光繞射判斷粒徑.....................................9
2-3 以原子力顯微鏡影像判斷粒徑...........................16
2-4 儀器原理與裝置-物理特性量測系統介紹..................23
2-5 樣品壓合與微粒平均間距...............................27
第三章 實驗數據分析與討論................................30
3-1 朗之萬 (Langevin) 順磁理論...........................30
3-2 磁化曲線與擬合結果...................................33
3-3 不同CD值擬合結果.....................................40
第四章 結論..............................................53
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