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研究生(外文):Sin-Guan Kong
論文名稱(外文):Inverse symmetry in genomes and whole-genome inverse duplication
指導教授(外文):Hoong-Chien Lee
外文關鍵詞:duplicationinverse symmetry
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Segmental duplication has long been known to be an important mechanism for genome growth and evolution [40,57], and recently it has been firmly established that whole-genome duplications have at least occurred in yeast [50] and in some species of fishes ray-finned fishes [53-54]. Here we present evidence showing that whole-genome inverse duplication very likely occurred in one half of eubacterial genomes, and possibly in most chromosomes, prokaryotic as well as eukaryotic. We derive our evidence through a comprehensive study of the inverse symmetry in all publicly available complete genomes. We find that a vast majority of chromosomes have close to maximum global inverse symmetry, but the chromosomes exhibit starkly distinct patterns of local inverse symmetry. These patterns provide clues for a consistent narrative of the many ways inverse segmental duplications may have occurred in genomes.
第一章 簡介-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.1 從Chargaff的宇稱規則談起-------------------------------------------------------1
1.2 鹼基對偶對稱指數(Base-complement symmetry index)介紹-------------2
1.3 全域及局部對稱指數(Symmetric indices)簡介-------------------------------2
1.4 鹼基扭曲方法簡介-------------------------------------------------------------------4
1.5 單鹼基扭曲的延伸-多鹼基扭曲簡介-----------------------------------------6
第二章 實驗方法及材料---------------------------------------------------------------------------8
2.1 字串出現頻率及配分---------------------------------------------------------------8
2.2 鹼基對偶對稱指數的定義-------------------------------------------------------10
2.3 對稱指數的定義--------------------------------------------------------------------11
2.4 局部的倒位對稱分析-------------------------------------------------------------12
  2.4.1 不同尺度下的平均倒位對稱指數------------------------------------12
  2.4.3 的滑動掃瞄--------------------------------------------------------------14
  2.4.4 以ori及ter為中心的 掃瞄------------------------------------------14
2.5 單鹼基及多鹼基的扭曲----------------------------------------------------------14
2.6 實驗材料------------------------------------------------------------------------------15
2.7 程式碼---------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
第三章 結果------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17
3.1 鹼基對偶對稱指數----------------------------------------------------------------17
3.2 對稱指數------------------------------------------------------------------------------19
3.3 局部的對稱指數--------------------------------------------------------------------24
  3.3.1 在不同尺度下的局部對稱指數---------------------------------------24
  3.3.2 倒位對稱矩陣圖-----------------------------------------------------------31
  3.3.3 倒位對稱指數掃瞄-------------------------------------------------------34
  3.3.4 以ori及ter為中心的掃瞄---------------------------------------------36
3.4 累積的單鹼基及多鹼基扭曲---------------------------------------------------39
3.4.1 CIR是累積的單及多鹼基扭曲的轉折點---------------------------39
3.4.3倒位對稱扭曲與局部倒位對稱呈負相干關係 -------------------41
第四章 討論------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------42
4.1 鹼基對偶對稱指數----------------------------------------------------------------42
4.2 對稱指數------------------------------------------------------------------------------44
  4.2.1 對稱指數方法上的比較-------------------------------------------------44
  4.2.2 倒位對稱在基因體中的證實------------------------------------------45
  4.2.3 倒位對稱矩陣的啟發----------------------------------------------------47 倒位對稱因倒位對稱複製造成----------------------------47 A類型暗示著如染色體般全長的複製---------------------47 D類型暗示著發生過許多prox-ISD事件------------------49對於所有類型的統一詮釋------------------------------------49
4.3 鹼基扭曲與倒位對稱的關聯---------------------------------------------------50
第五章 結論、推測結論及未來展望---------------------------------------------------------54
5.1 鹼基對偶對稱指數----------------------------------------------------------------54
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