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研究生(外文):Meng-Keng Lu
論文名稱(外文):Using electronic pen to integrate Internet information in paper textbook environment
指導教授(外文):Gwo-Dong Chen
外文關鍵詞:hcidigital penelectronic pen
  • 被引用被引用:4
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When the problem occurs in reading activity, the students would search the information with computer. However, there is no a quite way to bridge the internet resource between the paper. It made people waste their time to search again while they need to retrieve once more. Furthermore, there is no a common space to place the information that the teacher provide to such that the student lazy to retrieve. In addition, there is no way to gap the information in the paper textbook to such that the student lazy to retrieve.
We provide a system to help student integrate digital document and paper textbook. Through the operation of electronic pen, the student could bridge the digital document between papers textbook according the structure of information. At the same time, it’s also could gap the information in the paper textbook. For evaluating the usability and learning effect of student with our system, we do two experiments to evaluate and enhance our system. The first experiment is focus on to evaluate three different kinds of paper textbook design interface. We use interview and questionnaire to evaluate which kind is suitable for students. The second experiment is focus on to evaluate the aspect of functionality and operation with system. Further, we do the compare experiment to test the comprehension and recall with using our system and no system. We found that our system have significant with recall test.
一、緒論 1
1-1、研究背景 1
1-2、研究動機 3
1-3、研究目標 5
1-4、問題與對策 5
1-5、 論文架構 6
二、相關研究 7
2-1、以紙筆為基底的數位筆記與合作系統 7
2-2、以紙張結合書桌的擴增系統 10
2-3、紙筆輔助教學系統 12
三、互動流程設計 14
3-1、流程一:瀏覽補充資料 14
3-2、流程二:瀏覽鄰近的補充資料 15
3-3、流程三:檢索重點摘要並加入紙本資訊或手繪註解 15
3-4、流程四:檢索網路資源並加入至相關資料 16
3-5、流程五:檢索相關或補充資料並交叉閱讀與註解 18
3-6、流程六:建立與檢索手繪註解文件夾 19
3-7、流程七:檢索概觀資訊 20
四、系統設計 22
4-1、紙本教科書設計實驗 23
4-1-1、實驗一 23
4-1-2、實驗二 28
4-1-3、紙本教科書設計實驗總結 31
4-2、整合文件介面 31
4-2-1、補充資料瀏覽模組 31
4-2-2、紙本資料擷取模組 39
4-2-3、新增相關連結模組 45
4-2-4、自建文件夾模組 49
五、評估實驗 53
5-1、Expert Evaluation 53
5-2、User Evaluation 59
5-3、評估實驗討論 66
六、結論 68
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