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研究生(外文):Chun-Kai Yang
論文名稱(外文):A SOM-based Facial Expression Recognition System
指導教授(外文):Mu-Chun Su
外文關鍵詞:facial expression recognitionfacial feature regionfacial feature
  • 被引用被引用:8
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Visual communication is very important in daily lives for humans as social beings. Especially, facial expressions can reveal lots of information without the use of a word. Automatic facial expression recognition systems can be applied to many practical applications such as human-computer interaction, stress-monitoring systems, low-bandwidth videoconferencing, human behavior analysis, etc. Thus in recent years, the research of developing automatic facial expression recognition systems has attracted a lot of attention from varied fields. The goal of this thesis is to develop an automatic facial expression recognition system which can automatically detect human faces, extract features, and recognize facial expressions. The inputs to the proposed automatic facial expression recognition algorithm are a sequence of images since dynamic images can provide more information about facial expressions than a single static image.
After a human face is detected, the system first detects eyes and then accurately locates the regions of face features. The movements of facial points (eyebrows, eyes, and mouth) have a strong relation to the information about the shown facial expression; however, the extraction of facial features sometimes is a very challenging task. A modified self-organizing feature map algorithm is developed to automatically and effectively extract feature points. Then we adopt a two-stage neighborhood-correlation optical flow tracking algorithm to track the human feature points. The optical flow information of the feature points is used for the facial expression recognition. Most importantly, a segmentation method based on a finite state machine is proposed to automatically segment a video stream into units of facial expressions. Each segmented unit is then input to the recognition module to decide which facial expression exists in the corresponding unit. Experiments were conducted to test the performance of the proposed facial recognition system.
摘 要 i
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
圖 目 錄 viii
表 目 錄 x
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目標 3
1-3 論文架構 3
二、 相關研究 4
2-1 人臉偵測 5
2-2 特徵擷取 7
2-2-1 Image-based的特徵擷取 7
2-2-2 Video-based的特徵擷取 9
2-3 表情分類與辨識 11
三、 人臉表情辨識系統 14
3-1 人臉表情辨識系統之架構與流程 14
3-2 人臉偵測 16
3-2-1 方法介紹 17
3-2-2 樣本測試效果 20
3-3 特徵區域設定 22
3-3-1 雙眼偵測 22
3-3-2 正規化與特徵區域訂定 27
3-3-3 樣本使用效果 28
3-4 自我組織特徵映射圖應用於特徵點選取 29
3-4-1 自我組織特徵映射圖 29
3-4-2 改良版自我組織特徵映射圖應用於特徵點選取 31
3-4-3 參數設定與樣本迭代過程 35
3-5 特徵點光流追蹤與擷取特徵向量 36
3-5-1 兩階段鄰域機制與相關係數光流追蹤 36
3-5-2 取得特徵向量 39
3-5-3 參數設定與樣本追蹤過程 40
3-6 表情辨識 43
3-6-1 多層感知機 43
3-6-2 表情分類器的參數設定與表情辨識方法 45
3-7 利用有限狀態機做表情序列影像的自動分段 46
四、 實驗結果與分析 52
4-1 系統環境介紹 52
4-2 人臉表情資料庫 53
4-2-1 Cohn-Kanade AU-coded facial expression database 53
4-2-2 FEEDTUM 54
4-3 眼睛定位實驗結果及分析 55
4-4 人臉表情實驗結果與分析 57
4-4-1 本論文辨識結果 57
4-4-2 相關論文辨識結果與比較 60
4-5 自動化人臉表情辨識系統呈現與結果 63
4-6 辨識效能與評估 64
五、 結論與展望 66
5-1 結論 66
5-2 未來展望 67
參考文獻 68
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