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研究生(外文):Wen-yi Lin
論文名稱(外文):Small signal and noise model with scaling effect of pHEMTs
指導教授(外文):Yue-ming Hsin
外文關鍵詞:device modelpHEMTnoise modelscaling
  • 被引用被引用:4
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GaAs pHEMT device is one of the most important semiconductor devices for military and commercial communication applications at millimeter-wave frequencies. It is very important to set up an accurately model which contains the high frequency and noise characteristics. It is helpful to design a MMIC circuit composed of these transistors.

This thesis contains both the small-signal and noise modeling methods of GaAs pHEMTs. Utilizing Yang-Long DC measurement and Cold-FET high frequency measurement method, extrinsic parameters of device can be extracted. And then using matrix operation method to obtain intrinsic parameters of the device, and set up the small-signal equivalent model of the transistor. Moreover, we use the noise correlation matrix method to extract noise coefficients of intrinsic noise sources. The equivalent noise model of the device with divinable noise characteristics can be established. This model can fit well to the measured data, including high frequency and noise characteristics. Finally, we discuss the scaling effect of the noise coefficients of intrinsic noise sources. The influence of the scaling effect on the noise coefficients is unobvious. Only the parameter P has the small deviation between the different sizes at the same current density.
第一章 導論
1.1 研究動機
1.2 模型發展概述
1.3 論文架構
第二章 異質結構高電子遷移率電晶體與小訊號雜訊模型介紹
2.1 簡介
2.2 高電子遷移率電晶體工作原理
2.3 量測系統介紹
2.4 元件量測結果與討論
2.5 pHEMT小訊號雜訊模型介紹
2.6 結論
第三章 pHEMT小訊號模型之建立
3.1 簡介
3.2 小訊號模型理論分析
3.3 外部寄生元件參數的萃取
3.3.1 Yang-Long萃取源極的電阻
3.3.2 Cold-FET高頻量測-外部元件參數的萃取
3.4 內部本質元件的萃取
3.5 萃取結果與分析
3.6 結論
第四章 pHEMT小訊號雜訊模型之建立
4.1 簡介
4.2 雜訊來源
4.2.1 熱雜訊
4.2.2 散射雜訊
4.3 pHEMT雜訊理論
4.3.1 雜訊相關矩陣理論
4.4 小訊號雜訊模型參數萃取流程
4.5 萃取結果與討論
4.6 結論
第五章 小訊號參數與雜訊係數之元件尺寸關係
5.1 簡介
5.2 小訊號模型參數尺寸關係
5.3 雜訊係數尺寸關係
5.4 結論
第六章 結論與未來工作
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