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研究生(外文):Sheng-Hung Lo
論文名稱(外文):Global defensive alliances in double-loop networks
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Chyang Liaw
外文關鍵詞:double-loop networkglobal alliance
  • 被引用被引用:0
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在這一篇論文中,我們討論了global defensive alliance number 在 double-loop networks 裡的值,但是並沒有討論全部,在裡面我們只有討論一些特殊的形式,而那些形式分別是DL(n;1,2),DL(n;1,3),DL(n;1,n/2) ,DL(3n;1,3k)。
最後,我們還用矩陣來討論global defensive alliance number , 他可以用來檢查一個點集合 S 是否為 global defensive alliance , 也可以利用線性規劃來把求 global defensive alliance number 的問題轉換成線性規劃求最小值的問題。
A defensive alliance in graph G = (V,E) is a set of vertices S in V satisfying
|N[v]∩S| ≧ |N(v) ∩ (V - S)| for any v in S, N(v) = {u : uv in E}, and N[v] =N(v)∪{v}. Because of such an alliance, the vertices in S, agreeing to mutually
support each other, have the strength of numbers to be able to defend themselves
from the vertices in V - S. A defensive alliance S is called global if N[S] = V .
A double-loop network DL(n; a , b) can be viewed as a directed graph with n
vertices 0,1,2,...,(n,1) and 2n directed edges of the form i -> i+a (mod n) and
i -> i+b (mod n), referred to as a-links and b-links. In this thesis, any reference to
DL(n; a, b) will mean an underlying graph of a directed graph DL(n; a , b).
In this thesis, we study global defensive alliance in DL(n; a, b). We deter-
mine the value of the global defensive alliance number in DL(n; 1, 2), DL(n; 1, 3),
DL(3n; 1, 3k), and DL(n; 1, n/2). Finally, we research into the relation between
γa(G) and integer programming for G being a k-regular graph.
中文提要 i
Abstract(in English) ii
誌謝 iii
Contents iv
1 Introduction 1
2 The global alliance number of DL(n;1,2) 6
3 γa(DL(n;1,3)) & γa(DL(3n;1,3k)) 9
4 The global alliance number of DL(n;1,n/2) 13
5 Futher research with integer programming 16
References 18
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