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研究生(外文):Ying-jhe Jhou
論文名稱(外文):Thermal analysis of magnesium-aluminum alloys for different cooling rates
指導教授(外文):Teng-shih Shih
外文關鍵詞:magnesium-aluminum alloyCA-CCA
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本研究主要利用CA-CCA(computer aided – cooling curve analysis)與金相量化分析(quantitative metallography analysis)探討鎂鋁合金於凝固過程之行為,使用的材料有商用鎂鋁合金AZ91與本實驗利用純鎂(3N)與純鋁(3N)調配之鎂鋁合金:Mg-3Al, Mg-6Al, Mg-9Al and Mg-15Al,微結構則使用光學顯微鏡、掃描式電子顯微鏡與EDS line scan 觀察與辨別各種不同析出相的形態與成分。
本實驗的冷卻速率範圍約為10-40 ,冷卻速率提高使得鎂鋁合金之鋁的固溶度降低,造成二次相(Mg17Al12)析出比率減少,金相量化分析顯示冷卻速率越快而析出物尺寸與析出比率越低,金相量化分析也可定義二次相(Mg17Al12)存在的臨界尺寸。藉此研究應可提供未來鑄態鎂鋁合金相關之製程參數與參考資料庫。
Research and development of magnesium casting alloy depends largely on the metallurgist’s understanding and ability to control the microstructure of the as-cast part. Currently few sources of magnesium solidification information and as-cast microstructure exist. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to create the general database of magnesium solidification behavior and to characterize the resultant microstructures.
Experiment has been development and constructed to study the solidification behavior of magnesium-aluminum alloy casting alloys via CA-CCA(computer aided – cooling curve analysis) and quantitative metallography analysis. These analyses have been performed on five kinds of magnesium-aluminum alloys, including commercial AZ91 magnesium alloy, and experimental alloys which was mixed with pure magnesium (3N) and pure aluminum (3N) such as Mg-3Al, Mg-6Al, Mg-9Al and Mg-15Al. The resultant microstructure has been characterized for microstructures and the various phases were analyzed using optical and scanning electron microscopy, as well as energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy.
The measurement were performed using a cooling rate on the order 10-40 , and results of these analyses show the higher cooling rate, the lower volume fraction of Mg17Al12 precipitation, and this is because the solid solution of Al in Mg-Al is controlled by cooling rate. Quantitative metallography analysis reveals the relationship between cooling rate and as-cast microstructure. It also can be used to define critical conditions for existing partially divorced and fully divorced precipitation. Finally, these results should provide useful knowledge for research towards develop casting procedure of magnesium alloys.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VII
一、 前言 1
二、 文獻回顧 2
2-1 鎂合金的應用與發展 2
2-1-1 金屬冶煉 2
2-1-2 構造用材料 2
2-2 鎂合金材料的介紹 5
2-2-1 鎂金屬的性質 5
2-2-1-1 原子性質 5
2-2-1-2 結晶結構 5
2-2-1-3 滑移系統 6
2-2-1-4 物理性質 6
2-2-1-5 熱力性質 7
2-2-2 鎂合金 7
2-2-3 鎂合金的分類 10
2-2-4 鎂合金添加合金元素的影響 12
2-2-5 鎂鋁合金添加稀土元素的影響 13
2-3 鎂資源 16
三、 理論探討 17
3-1 鎂鋁合金的凝固 17
3-1-1 鎂合金晶粒的成長機制 17
3-1-2 鎂鋁合金的共晶結構 21
3-1-3 鎂鋁合金微結構中之介在物 22
3-1-4 冷卻速率對鎂合金凝固之影響 23
3-2 鎂合金的熱處理 23
3-2-1 熱處理 23
3-2-2 影響熱處理的主要因素 24
3-2-3 合金熱處理之保護氣氛 25
3-2-4 鎂合金之固溶後效處理(T6 treatment) 25
3-2-4-1 固溶處理(solution treatment) 25
3-2-4-2 時效處理(aging treatment) 28
3-3 熱分析法的介紹 33
3-3-1 熱分析法原理 33
3-3-2 熱分析法衍生的理論基礎 33
3-3-3 CA-CCA的理論 34
四、 實驗方法與步驟 38
4-1 實驗材料 38
4-2 實驗設計 39
4-3 實驗設備 40
4-3-1 熔煉設備 40
4-3-2 保護性氣體 40
4-3-3 資料擷取系統 40
4-3-4 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM) 40
4-3-5 電子微探儀(EPMA) 41
4-4 實驗步驟 42
4-4-1 熔煉作業 42
4-4-2 金相觀察 43
4-4-3 微結構影像分析 44
五、 實驗結果與討論 45
5-1 成分分析 45
5-2 鎂鋁合金之熱分析 46
5-2-1 AZ91D冷卻曲線分析 46
5-2-2 AZ91D凝固過程之固相分率變化 48
5-2-3 Mg-9Al凝固過程之固相分率變化 53
5-3 鎂鋁合金之微結構分析 57
5-4 鎂鋁合金微結構之金相量化分析 61
5-4-1 形狀因子 61
5-4-2 不同鋁含量與冷卻速率對於鎂鋁合金微結構之影響 63
六、結論 75
參考文獻 76
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