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研究生(外文):Lan, Bin-Win
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Ethanol, LPG and Dimethyl Carbonate on Exhaust Emission in an SI Engine
指導教授:楊 學 成
指導教授(外文):Yang, Shyue-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Oxygen containing additivesExhaust emissionsEthanolDMCLPGMCS-51
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摘 要

在台灣,過去這幾年來受到液態燃料價格高漲及環保意識抬頭的影響之下,使得替代能源獲得重視。在本篇論文中,利用單缸四行程火花點火引擎來進行實驗性的探討液化石油氣 (LPG) 及含氧添加劑與無鉛汽油混合燃料對排氣污染物之影響。實驗結果指出,使用乙醇汽油與碳酸二甲酯 (DMC) 汽油混合燃料皆可獲得較低的CO和HC。另一方面,使用含氧混合燃料對於改善NOX的效果並不明顯。另外,使用含氧混合燃料會提高燃料消耗率,主要的原因為含氧混合燃料的熱值較低於無鉛汽油。

In Taiwan, the increasing cost of liquid fuels derived from crude oil and growing concern about environmental pollution have increased interest in alternative engine fuels for the past few years. In this thesis, the effect of oxygen containing additives on gasoline blended fuels and LPG fuel on exhaust emissions were investigated for different engine speeds in a single cylinder, four stroke, spark ignition engine. The results indicate that CO and HC exhaust emissions are lower with the use of ethanol-gasoline and DMC-gasoline blended fuels as compared to the use of unleaded gasoline. On the other hand, the effect of ethanol-gasoline and DMC-gasoline blended fuels on NOX exhaust emission is insignificant. Using oxygen containing additives can increase fuel consumption as a result of the heating value of the blended fuels being lower than that of unleaded gasoline.
In this thesis, the open-loop of LPG injection system was controlled by MCS-51 single chip. Comparisons show that if LPG fuel SI engine is operated at the same conditions with those of gasoline fuel SI engine, significant improvements in exhaust emissions can be achieved. In summary, LPG has positive effects on main of exhaust emissions such as CO, CO2 and NOX.
List of Tables……………………………………………………Ⅲ
List of Figures …………………………………………………Ⅳ
Chapter 1 Introduction…………………………………………1
1-1 Background and Motive………………………………1
1-2 Literature Review ……………………………………2
1-3 Brief Account of this Research…………………5
Chapter 2 Background Knowledge………………………………6
2-1 Air-Fuel Ratio………………………………………… 6
2-2 Hydrocarbons (HC)………………………………………8
2-2-1 Nonstoichiometric Air-Fuel Ratio………………8
2-2-2 IncompleteCombustion…………………………………8
2-2-3 Crevice Volumes………………………………………..9
2-2-4 Leak Past the ExhaustValve…………………………9
2-2-5 Valve Overlap………………………………………...10
2-2-6 Deposits on Combustion Chamber Walls…………10
2-2-7 Oil on Combustion Chamber Walls…………………10
2-3 Carbon Monoxide (CO)…………………………………….12
2-4 Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)……………..12
Chapter 3 Experimental apparatus and Procedure……...……14
3-1 Test Fuels………………………………………14
3-2 5 Gas Analyzer……………………………...14
3-3 FLUKE 98 Automobile Scope Meter…………17
3-4 KYMCO DTOOL5.0 PDA Diagnostic Tool……18
3-5 Test Engine……………………………………19
3-6 LPG Injector…………………………………..21
3-7 LPG Injector Control Strategy……………22
3-7-1 Operation of Fuel Injection Systems…………………………..22
3-7-2 Design of a Mode Control Law for the LPG Injection System.23
3-8 MCS-51 Single Chip………………27
3-9 Experimental Procedures of Oxygen Containing Additives…30
3-10 Experimental Procedures of LPG Injection System…32
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion………………………………35
4-1 The Results and Discussion that Oxygen Containing Additives Compare to Gasoline………………………………………………35
4-1-1 Equivalence Air-Fuel Ratio ( )…35
4-1-2 Carbon Monoxide ( CO )………………37
4-1-3 Hydrocarbon ( HC )………………....39
4-1-4 Carbon Dioxide ( CO2 )…………….…41
4-1-5 Nitrogen Oxides ( NOX )………………43
4-1-6 Exhaust Temperature……………………44
4-1-7 Fuel consumption………………………..45
4-2 The Results and Discussion of LPG Compare to Gasoline………..47
Chapter 5 Conclusions……………………………..51
5-1 Conclusions from this thesis………………………………………51
5-2 Future Work…………………………………………..52

List of Tables

Table 3-1 Some properties of gasoline, LPG, ethanol and DMC……………15
Table 3-2 Some properties of 5 gas analyzer………………………………..16
Table 3-3 Sanyang engine specifications……………………………...…….19
Table 3-4 KYMCO engine specifications…………………………………..20

List of Figures

Figure 2-1 Emission from an SI engine as a function of equivalence ratio………………………………………………….………..11
Figure 3-1 IM-2400 5 gas analyzer………………………………………15
Figure 3-2 Fluke 98 automobile scope meter…………………………….17
Figure 3-3 KYMCO DTOOL5.0 Diagnostic Tool………………………..18
Figure 3-4 The human machine interface of DTOOL5.0…………………18
Figure 3-5 The exteriority of the Sanyang Company’s engine……………20
Figure 3-6 The exteriority of the KYMCO motorcycle…………………..21
Figure 3-7 LPG injector…………………………………………………..22
Figure 3-8 Simplified electronic fuel-injection system…………………..23
Figure 3-9 The calculation and measure of equivalence ratio…………….26
Figure 3-10 The injector signal was controlled by MCS-51……………….27
Figure 3-11 AT89S51 single chip pin data…………………………………28
Figure 3-12 LPG injector control circuit……………………………………29
Figure 3-13 The flowchart of program in MCS-51…………………………29
Figure 3-14 The stereogram of LPG injector control circuit…………...…..30
Figure 3-15 The schematic diagram of the engine and its instrumentation...31
Figure 3-16 Flowchart of engine test procedures for oxygen containing additives……………………………………………………….32
Figure 3-17 Schematic diagram of the LPG injection system………….34
Figure 3-18 Flowchart of engine test procedures for LPG injector system.
Figure 4-1 The effect of oxygen contain additives add to fuels on the equivalence air-fuel ratio..........................................................36
Figure 4-2 The effect of oxygen contain additives add to fuels on CO emission………………………………………………………38
Figure 4-3 The effect of oxygen contain additives add to fuels on HC emission………………………………………………………40
Figure 4-4 The effect of oxygen contain additives add to fuels on CO2 emission……………………………………………………….42
Figure 4-5 The effect of oxygen contain additives add to fuels on NOX emission………………………………………………………43
Figure 4-6 The effect of oxygen contain additives add to fuels on exhaust temperature……………………………………………………44
Figure 4-7 The effect of oxygen contain additives add to fuels on the fuel consumption…………………………………………………..46
Figure 4-8 The effects of LPG compare to unleaded gasoline on CO emission……………………………………………………….48
Figure 4-9 The effects of LPG compare to unleaded gasoline on CO2 emission………………………………………………………48
Figure 4-10 The effects of LPG compare to unleaded gasoline on HC emission……………………………………………………….49
Figure 4-11 The effects of LPG compare to unleaded gasoline on NOX emission……………………………………………………….50
Figure 4-12 The effects of LPG compare to unleaded gasoline on exhaust temperature……………………………………………………50

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