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研究生(外文):Lien-Fu Chang
論文名稱(外文):Relationship of Dealer Satisfaction and Purchase Quantity in Distribution Channe─ VOIP Channel of A Companyl
指導教授(外文):Hsing-wen Wang
外文關鍵詞:VOIPsatisfactionpurchase quantity
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研究生:張連富 指導教授:王信文博士
國立彰化師範大學 國際企業經營管理研究所
摘 要
台灣公眾交換電信網路(Public Switched Telephone Network,PSTN),處理日益遞增的數據訊號、傳真及影像,在服務品質上已每下愈況,所需的通話費用也居高不下,而新近蹶起的網路電話除價格低廉外,其語音品質已達傳統電話的品質。傳統交換機業者為因應這波電信市場變革與需求,相繼投入網路電話的硬體設備及話務服務的經營。
(一).信度分析與檢定,結果顯示,α值介於0.8334 至0.9157之間,為高信度,可接受。
1. 以One Way ANOVA 分析來檢定假說,說明三個類型之行銷通路,對大部份構面與因素,其感受的滿意程度,並無明顯的差異,僅只在價格支持、利潤、教育訓練、促銷與品牌形象因素上,資訊系統整合商之滿意度明顯高於專業通信經銷商,在付款條件因素上,專業通信經銷商滿意度明顯高於資訊系統整合商,在促銷因素上水電&電器商行之滿意度明顯高於專業通信經銷商。
2. 以迴歸分析來檢定假說,檢定結果。

Relationship of Dealer Satisfaction and Purchase Quantity in Distribution Channel ─ VOIP Channel of A Company

Student:Lien-Fu Chang Advisor:Dr. Hsing-wen Wang

National Chang Hua University of Education
Department of Business Administration


In Taiwan, the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) process the data signal, the fax and video, but in the quality of service is getting worse, the telephone fee also stays at a high level, and the network telephone has low price, the voice quality of network telephone has reached the traditional telephone’s quality. The traditional PBX (Private Branch Exchanger) firms should be coping with the transformation and demand of telecommunication market, invest the network telephone’s hardware equipment and traffic service management.
In this research, “A company” is the one famous brand firms in communications equipment manufacturers. The author of this research is a partner who invests this company, and is responsible for the company’s domestic distribution channels in the market planning, the company more than 70% of the business is through marketing channels as the dealers complete it. The purpose of this study is to discuss the relationship of dealer satisfaction and purchase quantity.
According to this research background and motivation, must be clarified the Thesis topic and purpose first. Then, to set up the study process and review the relational literature that understand what result was prove by previous study. At the same time, I would like to share my practical experience in communication industry. As above describe, we select some dimensions and factors to evaluate the dealer satisfaction as follow:
1. The quality dimension: It includes features and quality of products.
2. The rate dimension: It includes price support and profit.
3. The accounting dimension: It includes process of receipt and payment term.
4. The operation dimension: It includes logistic, good return system, information sharing and offering, training, after-service, quick respond, promotion and advertisement, motivation.
5. The image dimension: It includes the brand image, the company popularity, scale and vision of company.
In purchase quantity, it choice the growth rate of purchase quantity and the performance of purchase quantity to be a hypotheses variable for testing.
The questionnaire content include the basic information of dealers which for describe statistic analysis. The questionnaires collect back by salespeople when they visit dealers in middle of Taiwan to ask them, so the return ratio is 100%. It cited the information by analysis the questionnaire to put into dealer is of “A Company”. It got information of total purchase volume and growth rate of purchase quantity. It takes the process by editing, coding and input data to finish preliminary analysis, describe statistic and data distribution explanation. Then take the procedure of cross analysis and testing of hypothesis. As our understanding, there are several distribution channels as system integrators, electric workshops and professional telecoms dealers.
It got some findings in this study as follow:
1. Reliability analysis and testing: The result is α between 0.8334 to 0.9157. It is high reliability and be accepted.
2. Factor analysis: It keeps six dimensions and 14 new factors by main factors analysis. So we update the frame structure of this study.
3. Testing of hypothesis:
(1) A ONE WAY ANOVA was conducted to see the most dimensions and satisfaction no difference in different channel. But we find the satisfaction of system integrators is higher than professional telecoms dealers in price support, profit, training, promotion and brand image. In the term of payment factors, the satisfaction of the professional telecoms dealers higher than system integrators.
(2)The results by regression analysis as follow:
a. There is no significance between satisfaction of whole dimension and the growth rate of purchase quantity.
b. There is no significance between satisfaction of whole dimension and the performance of purchase quantity.
c. There is no significance between satisfaction of single dimension and the growth rate of purchase quantity/total amount of purchase quantity, but there is significance between satisfaction of quality and total purchase quantity.
d. There is no significance between satisfaction of single dimension and the performance of purchase quantity, but there is significance between satisfaction of price support, promotion, scale and the performance of purchase quantity.
There is no significance between satisfaction of each dealers and the growth rate of purchase quantity/total purchase quantity. This result may be caused by hypothesis and cognition no consistence.
To select the right dealers make good communication with end users, end users demand and market environment may be infect the result. The result in this study will offer to “A Company” the firms in this industry field, academicals organization and coming researcher for reference.
Keywords:VOIP、satisfaction、purchase quantity
【 目 錄 】
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 2
第三節 研究限制 3
第四節 研究流程 3
第二章 網路電話市場的現況發展 5
第一節 網路電話 5
第二節 國內網路電話服務廠商經營現況 8
第三章 文獻探討 13
第一節 行銷通路 13
第二節 服務業管理 29
第三節 滿意度及其相關文獻 32
第四節 電信相關文獻探討 41
第四章 研究方法 42
第一節 研究架構 42
第二節 研究變數 43
第三節 研究假說 46
第四節 問卷設計 46
第五節 問卷與回收 46
第六節 資料分析方法 47
第七節 研究限制 49
第五章 研究分析與結果 50
第一節 經銷商基本資料分析 50
第二節 信度分析 57
第三節 因素分析 57
第四節 研究假說與檢定 66
第六章 結論與建議 85
第一節 結論 85
第二節 探討 86
第三節 建議 87
參考文獻 88
附錄一:問卷 92

圖1-4-1 行銷研究過程 3
圖1-4-2 本研究之研究流程 4
圖2-1-1 台灣VOIP閘道器出貨量 8
圖2-2-1台灣地區網路電話閘道器產業架構 11
圖3-1-1 行銷通路垂直結構 16
圖3-1-2 傳統式與垂直式行銷通路系統 18
圖3-1-3 通路的拉與推策略 21
圖4-1-1 研究架構圖 42
圖5-1-1 經銷商資本額分析圖 51
圖5-1-2 經銷商成立年數分析圖 52
圖5-1-3 經銷商員工人數分析圖 53
圖5-1-4 經銷商營業額分析圖 54
圖5-1-5 經銷商經營客戶數量分析圖 55
圖5-1-6 經銷商分店家數分析圖 56

表2-2-1 網路電話與傳統電信比較 9
表2-2-2台灣地區網路電話服務廠商 12
表3-1-1 通路結構的影響因素 13
表3-1-2 通路選擇決策因素 14
表3-1-2 通路選擇決策因素(續) 15
表3-1-3 傳統式與垂直式行銷通路系統構面分析 19
表3-1-4 評估經銷商績效的效能模型 25
表3-1-5 企業績效相關文獻(國外部份)表 26
表3-1-6 企業績效相關文獻(本國部份)表 27
表3-1-7 經銷商滿意度與採購量的關係相關文獻表 28
表3-2-1 服務機構與顧客之關係 30
表3-2-2 業者對服務客製化程度之設計 31
表3-2-3 依供需的本分類:需求受時間因素影響程度 31
表3-2-4 服務傳送方式:服務管道 31
表3-3-1 經銷商滿意度相關定義文獻論述表 33
表3-3-2 供應商或製造商對經銷商主要支持活動相關文獻表 34
表3-3-3 經銷商滿意度參考衡量構面相關文獻表 35
表3-4-1 電信服務相關文獻 41
表4-6-1. Y1 採購量成長率編碼表 47
表4-6-2. Y2 採購量業績編碼表 47
表5-1-1.經銷商屬性分類表 50
表5-2-1.各構面因素信度分析表 57
表5-3-1品質構面因素分析運算資料表 58
表5-3-2品質構面衡量問題刪除表 58
表5-3-3品質構面因素重新命名表 58
表5-3-4 品質構面新因素變異量表 58
表5-3-5 費率構面因素分析運算資料表 59
表5-3-6 費率構面新因素變異量表 59
表5-3-7 帳務構面因素分析運算資料表 60
表5-3-8 帳務構面新因素變異量表表 60
表5-3-9.作業2構面因素分析運算資料表 61
表5-3-10.作業2構面新因素變異量表 61
表5-3-11.作業3構面因素分析運算資料表 62
表5-3-12.作業3構面新因素變異量表 62
表5-3-13.形象構面因素分析運算資料表 63
表5-3-14.形象構面因素變異量表 64
表5-4-1 研究假說表 66
表5-4-2 各構面新因素滿意度變異數分析表 67
表5-4-3 三種類型行銷通路對新因素滿意度變異數分析表 68
表5-4-4 經銷商整體滿意度與採購量成長率迴歸分析檢定表 69
表5-4-5.經銷商整體滿意度與採購量業績迴歸分析檢定表 70
表5-4-6.經銷商滿意度與採購量成長率之相關假說表 71
表5-4-7 經銷商品質構面滿意度與採購量成長率迴歸分析檢定表 72
表5-4-8 經銷商品質構面因素滿意度與採購量成長率關連性檢定表 72
表5-4-9 經銷商費率質構面滿意度與採購量成長率迴歸分析檢定表 72
表5-4-10 經銷商費率構面因素滿意度與採購量成長率關連性檢定表 73
表5-4-11 經銷商帳務構面滿意度與採購量成長率迴歸分析檢定表 73
表5-4-12 經銷商帳務構面因素滿意度與採購量成長率關連性檢定表 73
表5-4-13 作業2與採購量成長率迴歸分析檢定表 74
表5-4-14.作業2與採購量成長率關連性檢定表 74
表5-4-15.經銷商作業3構面滿意度與採購量成長率迴歸分析檢定表 75
表5-4-16.經銷商作業3因素滿意度與採購量成長率關連性檢定表 75
表5-4-17.經銷商形象構面滿意度與採購量成長率迴歸分析檢定表 77
表5-4-18.經銷商形象因素滿意度與採購量成長率關連性檢定表 77
表5-4-19.經銷商滿意度與採購量業績之相關假說表 78
表5-4-20.經銷商品質關係構面滿意度與採購量業績迴歸分析檢定表 79
表5-4-21.品質因素滿意度與採購量業績關連性檢定表 79
表5-4-22.經銷商費率構面滿意度與採購量業績迴歸分析檢定表 79
表5-4-23.費率因素滿意度與採購量業績關連性檢定表 80
表5-4-24.經銷商帳務構面滿意度與採購量業績迴歸分析檢定表 80
表5-4-25.帳務因素滿意度與採購量業績關連性檢定表 81
表5-4-26.作業2因素滿意度與採購量業績迴歸分析檢定表 81
表5-4-27 作業2因素滿意度與採購量業績關連性檢定表 82
表5-4-28.經銷商財務構面滿意度與採購量業績迴歸分析檢定表 83
表5-4-29.作業3因素滿意度與採購量業績關連性檢定表 83
表5-4-30.形象因素滿意度與採購量業績迴歸分析檢定表 84
表5-4-31 形象因素滿意度與採購量業績關連性檢定表 84
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