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論文名稱(外文):The Research of Application of Activity-based costing System on Improving the Profitability for Semi-conductor Industry in Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:activity-based costing systemcost drivervalue chaindesignpackaging and testingmanufacturing
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企業導入作業基礎成本制(Activity-Based Costing System)的目的不外乎藉由正確、及時且具攸關的成本資訊來了解企業的獲利來源,以探討真正成本發生的原因(成本動因),反映不同作業基礎下的成本資訊,並從而規劃企業資源,將資源做最佳的配置,以提昇企業經營的績效。




The object of industries leading in activity-based costing system is to understand where the profitability results from and what the real cost driver is by using correct,
timely and relevant information. Therefore the industry can get cost information from different activity bases and use the information to improve their operating performance by planning and relocating enterprise resource in the best way.
According to some literature about activity-based costing system before, most of them discuss what the cost driver is and how to economize cost and hardly ever discuss the aspect of profitability. Therefore the research focus on whether activity-based costing system will improve the profitability of industry or not and we choose the semi-conductor industries in Taiwan to be our sample which have leaded in activity-based costing system. In this research, we anticipate that the profitability of industries will become better significantly after they lead in activity-based costing system.Then we put the factor of value chain into the research and further compare the improved level of different stage of value chain in the semi-conductor industries. The value chain of semi-conductor industries we use in the research including three stages of manufacturing, packaging and testing, design.There are many factors may affect the profitability of industries, and in the research we think that activity-based costing system is one of these factors. As above the research focus on whether activity-based costing system will improve the
profitability of industry or not therefore we assume that there were no other significant matters to affect industries’ profitability during the period of leading in activity-based costing system.In this research we not only discuss the aspect of profitability which differs from
prior literature discussing the aspect of cost but also we choose the whole semi-conductor industries in Taiwan to be our sample that are different from prior literature of case study. The result of this research will be an index for those industries whether they will lead in activity-based costing system or not.

Key words:activity-based costing system, cost driver, value chain, design, packaging
and testing, manufacturing.
摘要 I
Abstract II
表目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究架構與研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 傳統成本制度與作業基礎成本制度之探討 7
第二節 作業基礎成本制度之相關研究整理 22
第三章 半導體產業介紹 30
第一節 半導體的歷史 30
第二節 台灣半導體產業發展之歷史與現況 34
第三節 半導體產業價值鏈 36
第四章 研究方法 41
第一節 研究假說 41
第二節 模型建立與變數說明 42
第三節 資料來源與樣本選取 46
第五章 實證結果分析 49
第一節 敘述性統計分析 49
第二節 實證結果分析 51
第六章 結論與建議 58
第一節 研究結論與貢獻 58
第二節 研究限制 58
第三節 研究建議 59
參考文獻 60
中文部分 60
英文部分 62

表1-1 2007 年台灣半導體產值統計 2
表2-1 ABC 制度定義彙整 11
表2-2 作業層級與相關費用之列舉表 13
表2-3 傳統成本制度與作業基礎成本制度發展背景之比較 19
表2-4 傳統成本制度與作業基礎成本制度之比較 20
表2-5 傳統成本制度與作業基礎成本制度分攤基礎比較 21
表2-6 作業基礎成本制度理論性文獻彙整 22
表2-7 作業基礎成本制度國外個案之相關文獻彙整 23
表2-8 作業基礎成本制度國內個案之相關文獻彙整 25
表3-1 半導體發展大事紀 33
表4-1 價值鏈各階段成本結構表 42
表4-2 價值鏈各階段ABC 制度之採用率 47
表5-1 基本統計量-導入ABC 制度之樣本 49
表5-2 基本統計量-未導入ABC 制度之樣本 50
表5-3 相關係數分析 51
表5-4 作業基礎成本制度導入對公司獲利能力影響之t 檢定表 51
表5-5 實證模型(1)之迴歸分析結果 53
表5-6 實證模型(1)之迴歸分析結果(製造階段全面配對) 54
表5-7 實證模型(2)之迴歸分析結果 55
表5-8 實證模型(3)之迴歸分析結果 56
表5-9 實證模型(4)之迴歸分析結果 57

圖1-1 作業基礎成本制之導入狀況與產業別交叉佔比 4
圖1-2 研究架構圖 6
圖2-1 傳統成本制度之兩階段分攤架構 8
圖2-2 作業基礎成本制度之兩階段分攤架構 12
圖2-3 雙構面作業基礎成本制度模式 15
圖2-4 成本歸屬觀點成本分攤模式 16
圖3-1 台灣半導體產業結構示意圖 37
圖3-2 半導體產業價值鏈流程圖 38
圖3-3 晶圓代工在價值鏈中的地位 40
工研院產業經濟與趨勢研究中心(Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center):http://www.iek.itri.org.tw/internet/home/home.aspx。


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