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研究生(外文):Yen-Lin Hsueh
論文名稱(外文):Taxonomic Studies of Clematis L.(Ranunculaceae)in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Fu-Yuan Lu
外文關鍵詞:RanuculaceaeClematis L.classificationpollenClematis akoensis f. purpureus
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本研究檢視臺灣產鐵線蓮屬植物之標本及野外族群,根據模式標本、傳統分類法、花粉觀察與數據分類之結果,針對臺灣產毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)鐵線蓮屬(Clematis L.)植物做一分類上的訂正。研究結果將臺灣產鐵線蓮屬植物處理為6節,17種、1亞種、4變種和1品種;即尾葉鐵線蓮節Sect. Viorna: 亨利氏鐵線蓮C. henryi Oliv. var. henryi、森氏鐵線蓮C. henryi Oliv. var. morii (Hay.) Yang et Huang、小木通 C. lasiandra Maxim.、鏽毛鐵線蓮 C. leschenaultiana DC.; 大葉鐵線蓮節Sect. Tubulosa: 臺灣草牡丹C. psilandra , 高山鐵線蓮 C. tsugetorum; 繡球藤節Sect. Cheriropsis:繡球藤C. montana Buch.–Ham. ex DC.; 威靈仙節Sect. Clematis:桃園女萎C. austro-taiwanensis Tamura ex C. H. Hsiao, 威靈仙 C. chinensis Osbeck, 厚葉鐵線蓮C. crassifolia Benth., 寶島鐵線蓮C. formosana Kutz., 琉球女萎C. grata Wall., 串鼻龍C. javana DC., 邁氏鐵線蓮C. meyeniana Walp., 巴氏鐵線蓮C. parviloba Gard. ex Champ. subsp. bartlettii (Yamamoto)Yang et Huang, 梨山小蓑衣藤C. peterae Hand.- Mazz. var. lishanensis (Yang et Huang) W. T. Wang, 佐佐氏鐵線蓮C. sasakii Shimizu, 鵝鑾鼻鐵線蓮C. terniflora DC. var. garanbiensis (Hay.)M.C. Chang, 柱果鐵線蓮C. uncinata Champ. ex Benth. var. uncinata, 毛果鐵線蓮C. uncinata Champ. ex Benth. var. okinawaensis (Ohwi) Ohwi.; 絲鐵線蓮節Sect. Naraveliopsis:田代氏鐵線蓮C. tashiroi Maxim.; 鐵線蓮節Sect. Viticella:屏東鐵線蓮C. akoensis Hay. f. akoensis, 紫花屏東鐵線蓮C. akoensis Hay. f. purpureus F. Y. Lu et Y. L. Hsueh, f. nova。其中串鼻龍類群可分為串鼻龍和琉球女萎兩種;寶島鐵線蓮類群可分為寶島鐵線蓮和佐佐氏鐵線蓮兩種;紫花屏東鐵線蓮為本研究發現之新品種。根據外部形態及花粉特徵經數據分類法所得之歸群分析結果,與傳統分類法之結果大致相符,可互相印證各分類群間之關係。

The native species of Clematis in Taiwan were revised by the classical taxonomic method based on the morphological characters and the features of pollen grains in aid of the cluster analysis of mumerical taxonomy. Then the native Clematis in Taiwan can be demarcated into 6 sections, with 17 species, 1 subspecies, 4 varieties and 1 form. The conclusions are summarized as below:
Sect. Viorna:C. henryi Oliv. var. henryi, C. henryi Oliv. var. morii (Hay.) Yang et Huang, C. lasiandra Maxim., C. leschenaultiana DC.; Sect. Tubulosa: C. psilandra , C. tsugetorum; Sect. Cheriropsis:C. montana Buch.–Ham. ex DC.; Sect. Clematis: C. austro-taiwanensis Tamura ex C. H. Hsiao, C. chinensis Osbeck, C. crassifolia Benth., C. formosana Kutz., C. grata Wall., C. javana DC., C. meyeniana Walp., C. parviloba Gard. ex Champ. subsp. bartlettii (Yamamoto)Yang et Huang, C. peterae Hand.- Mazz. var. lishanensis (Yang et Huang) W. T. Wang, C. sasakii Shimizu, C. terniflora DC. var. garanbiensis (Hay.)M.C. Chang, C. uncinata Champ. ex Benth. var. uncinata, C. uncinata Champ. ex Benth. var. okinawaensis (Ohwi) Ohwi.; Sect. Naraveliopsis: C. tashiroi Maxim.; Sect. Viticella:C. akoensis Hay. f. akoensis, C. akoensis Hay. f. purpureus F. Y. Lu et Y. L. Hsueh, forma nova.
The result of the cluster analysis by mathematical taxonomy, approximately conformed to the results of classical taxonomy method and that also proves the relationships between the taxa. In this study, description of the species as well as analytical keys to the genera and species, line drawings and color photos are given. Moreover, the treatment of scientific names has been emphasized and the general distribution and habitat of each species are also presented.

壹、前言 01
一、臺灣產鐵線蓮屬植物之分類研究 03
二、花粉形態觀察 07
三、地理分布 07
四、細胞學、核型學 08
一、植物材料 09
二、傳統分類法 09
三、花粉觀察法 10
四、數據分類法 11
一、形態觀察 13
二、花粉形態特徵 15
三、分類處理 17
伍、結論 65
陸、引用文獻 67

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