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研究生(外文):Chen-Yi Lee
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of Image Processing Methods for ANA Immunofluorescence Images
指導教授(外文):Jinn-Yi Yeh
外文關鍵詞:HEp-2 cellsEdge detectionTexture analysisFeature selectionClassification
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免疫風濕科在檢查自身免疫疾病的主要依據是抗核抗體(ANA),而人類上皮細胞癌(Human Epithelioma Type 2, HEp-2)是最常被用來識別抗核抗體的細胞,因為如果給予超過一百種不同的自身抗體(Autoantibody),觀察HEp-2細胞即可辨別出超過三十種的細胞核及細胞質樣式,所以醫師在診斷疾病時,會藉由觀察HEp-2細胞,來預測病人的疾病。目前辨別樣式是仰賴專家觀察螢光顯微鏡下的載玻片來完成,此人工方式需要具有高度專業之技術人員來操作且耗時。

The expert of immunology and rheumatology department inspects autoimmunedisease by recognizing antinuclear autoantibodies(ANA) patterns. HEp-2 cells are used for identification of ANA. This technique can recognize over thirty different nuclear and cytoplasmic patterns, which are given by upwards of 100 different autoantibodies. Therefore, physician diagnoses patients’ disease by inspecting HEp-2 cells. So far, identification of ANA is completed by inspecting the slides with the help of a fluorescent microscope. This manual procedure requires highly specialized technicians and consuming time.
There are many image processing and data mining methods for classifying ANA images automatically. This research attempts to find the cascaded method having highest accuracy from different image processing methods. These methods include edge detection, feature selection, and classification. Initially, we acquire ANA images and transfer them to be gray-level images. Edge detection methods are then used to locate cells. The next step is to find important features. Finally, we use classification methods to predict images’ classes.
The result shows that the optimal cascaded method is the combination of Canny (edge detection method), support vector machine (feature selection method), and support vector machine (classification method). The accuracy rate is about 97.00%. Therefore, we suggest that physician can identify ANA by using this cascaded method to diagnose disease in practice.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 2
第三節 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 數位影像處理 6
第二節 特徵選擇 13
第三節 分類法 15
第四節 ANA螢光顯影處理 20
第三章 研究方法 22
第一節 研究流程 22
第二節 數位影像處理 23
第三節 特徵選擇 29
第四節 分類 31
第五節 評估 35
第四章 實驗結果與分析 38
第一節 研究資料來源 38
第二節 實驗流程與參數設定 38
第三節 實驗結果與分析 43
第五章 研究結論與未來研究方向 49
第一節 結論與貢獻 49
第二節 未來研究方向 50
參考文獻 51
附錄一 特徵選擇 55
附錄二 實驗結果 59
附錄三 中英文名詞對照 67

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