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研究生(外文):Yen-Ju, Yu
論文名稱(外文):Comparisions on the Effects of Sevoflurane and Isoflurane as well as Propofol and Tiletamine-Zolazepam on Heart Rate Variability in Unpremedicated Cat
指導教授(外文):Sao-Ling, LiangChih-Cheng, Chang
外文關鍵詞:sevofluraneisofluranepropofoltiletamine-zolazepamheart rate variability
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本研究的目的是利用心率變異的分析,來比較吸入性麻醉劑sevoflurane與isoflurane及靜脈麻醉劑propofol與tiletamine-zolazepam對未經麻醉前給藥的貓隻自主神經的影響。心率變異主要是分析心跳過程中,心跳與心跳間的變化,以一種非侵入性的方式來了解動物體自主神經系統的變化。本實驗主要測量六隻健康混種貓隻在清醒及不同麻醉濃度時的心電圖訊號,再將此訊號利用電腦軟體進行快速傅力葉轉換進行心率變異計算,可以分析出不同的頻率範圍,低頻 (low frequency;LF) 及高頻 (high frequency;HF)。在吸入性麻醉劑的結果方面,貓隻使用sevoflurane麻醉在1倍MAC時,會使LF及HF較清醒時下降,而隨著麻醉濃度增加至2倍MAC,LF及低頻功率比 (LF power in normalized units;LF norm) 則較1倍MAC時上升,顯示sevoflurane麻醉會抑制貓隻交感及副交感神經的活性,而隨著麻醉濃度的增加,則對交感神經及副交感神經的抑制程度減少;而以isoflurane麻醉則會使LF及HF皆有下降的情形,顯示isoflurane會抑制貓隻交感及副交感神經的活性。在靜脈麻醉劑方面,propofol麻醉則會造成HF的下降及LF norm的上升,顯示propofol會使貓隻交感神經的活性增加及抑制貓隻副交感神經的活性;單次劑量給予tiletamine-zolazepam在麻醉30分鐘時會使LF及HF下降,隨著麻醉時間的增加 (麻醉60分鐘) 則會使LF上升,顯示tiletamine-zolazepam在麻醉30分鐘時使交感及副交感神經的活性下降,隨著麻醉時間的延長 (麻醉60分鐘),則對於自主神經系統抑制的程度減低。另外在麻醉時生理狀態的結果方面,在深度麻醉 (2倍MAC) 時,以isoflurane麻醉的血壓較sevoflurane麻醉顯著降低;以propofol進行麻醉維持則會造成呼吸速率的下降;單次劑量給予tiletamine-zolazepam在麻醉60分鐘時會造成心跳速率的顯著上升。由以上結果顯示,對可能患有心血管相關疾病的貓隻使用sevoflurane麻醉會較isoflurane麻醉為佳;對於有呼吸系統疾病或是心肺功能較差的貓隻不建議使用propofol進行麻醉維持;若給予單次劑量的tiletamine-zolazepam則建議使用於短時間的麻醉。
The aim of this study is to compare the effects of sevoflurane and isoflurane as well as propofol and tiletamine-zolazepam on autonomic nervous regulation in unpremedicated cats by analyzing heart rate variability (HRV). HRV analysis is to characterize beat-to-beat change in heart rate, in other words, a non-invasive way of assessing autonomic nervous regulation. In this study, we recorded electrocardiogram (ECG) data of six healthy mixed cats during awake and different anesthesia states. These ECG signals were underwent fast Fourier transform algorithm to obtain the data of HRV by personal computer. The power spectra of HRV were divided into two frequency range: the low-frequency range (0.04-0.15 Hz; LF) and the high-frequency range (0.15-0.4 Hz; HF). The results of inhaled anesthesia group (sevoflurane isoflurane) showed that, first, under lighter (1xMAC) anesthesia, sevoflurane reduced both LF and HF, but isoflurane decreased both LF and HF, second, under deeper (2xMAC) anesthesia, sevoflurane increased LF and LF norm than 1xMAC but isoflurane decreased both LF and HF. Our findings indicated under lighter (1xMAC) anesthesia, sevoflurane suppressed both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous activity but less under deeper (2xMAC) anesthesia. Isoflurane suppressed both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous activity whether under lighter or deeper anesthesia. The results of intravenous anesthesia group (propofol and tiletamine-zolazepam) showed that, propofol anesthesia reduced HF and increased LF norm. The results indicated that propofol anesthesia suppressed parasympathetic nervous activity and increased sympathetic nervous activity. Bolus injection of tiletamine-zolazepam decreased LF at 30 minutes, and increased LF at 60 minutes. The results indicated that tiletamine-zolazepam anesthesia suppressed both sympathetic and parasympathetic activity at 30 minutes and suppressed less both sympathetic and parasympathetic activity at 60 minutes. The physiological changes during anesthesia showed that isoflurane anesthesia decreased blood pressure significantly then sevoflurane anesthesia. Maintenance of anesthesia with propofol revealed reduced respiratory rate. Bolus injection of tiletamine-zolazepam increased heart rate at 60 minutes. According to the effects of HRV analysis and physiological data, sevoflurane, better than isoflurane, maybe recommend to use in cats with cardiovascular illness. Maintenance of anesthesia with propofol does not recommend for cats with cardiopulmonary illness or respiratory illness. Bolus injection of tiletamine-zolazepam was suggested the use of anesthesia in a short period of time.
中文摘要 ............................................. i
英文摘要 ............................................. iii
目次 ................................................. v
表次 ................................................. vii
圖次 ................................................. viii
第一章 緒論 .......................................... 1
第二章 文獻探討 ...................................... 3
第一節 吸入性麻醉劑的歷史演進 ................. 3
第二節 吸入性麻醉劑的物理化學特性 ............. 4
第三節 誘導與恢復速度的決定因子 ..................... 5
第四節 吸入性麻醉劑對心肺功能的影響 ................. 6
第五節 靜脈麻醉劑propofol及tiletamine-zolazepam 的物理化學特性 .......................................... 9
第六節 靜脈麻醉劑propofol及tiletamine-zolazepam 對心肺系統的影響 ........................................ 12
第七節 心率變異 ................................ 14
第三章 材料與方法 ............................... 18
第一節 研究問題與研究假設 ...................... 18
第二節 實驗動物 ................................ 20
第三節 實驗設計 ................................ 21
第四節 清醒狀態心率變異的測定 .................. 22
第五節 誘導麻醉及麻醉維持....................... 23
第六節 最小肺泡濃度之測量 ...................... 26
第七節 心率變異分析 ............................ 28
第八節 統計分析 ................................ 29
第四章 研究結果 ................................. 30
第一節 sevoflurane及isoflurane麻醉的最小肺泡濃度 .... 30
第二節 心肺功能的影響 .................... 31
第三節 麻醉劑對心率變異的影響 ............ 33
第五章 討論 ..................................... 34
第一節 sevoflurane與isoflurane對心率變異的影響 ......... 35
第二節 sevoflurane與isoflurane對血壓的影響 ......... 38
第三節 propofol與tiletamine-zolazepam對心率變異的影響............................................... 39
第六章 結論 ..................................... 44
參考文獻 ........................................ 45

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