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研究生(外文):Jiun-Shian Su
論文名稱(外文):The Study of the Relationship between the Membrane Stiffness and Lysis Time with Direct Current Pulse for the Red Blood Cells of Anemia and Nonanemic Rats
指導教授:艾 群
指導教授(外文):Chyung Ay
外文關鍵詞:AFMcell membrane stiffnessRed blood cell of ratscell lysis
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The purpose of study is investigated to measure the cell membrane stiffness for the red blood cells of anemia and normal rats using AFM. On the other hand, an triangle micro-structure chip is made by micro-manufacture technology then the non-uniform electric field which is worked on the DC pulse voltage to destroy the red blood cells of anemia and normal rats. This study investigated the relationships among cell membrane stiffness, cell lysis time and physiology conditions for the red blood cells of rats.

From the experimental results, that the membrane stiffness of anemia red blood cell, 110.909x10-3N/m, is significantly higher than that of normal red blood cell, 52.785 x10-3N/m. Then the physical conditions of RBC, HGB, HCT in the anemia are decreased significantly, both of them can be used to determine whether the basis for anemia. It means the membrane stiffness of anemia cell increased as the physical conditions of RBC, HGB, HCT decrease. However, the relationship between the cell lysis time of red blood cells and membrane stiffness or physiological conditions is no obvious significance. It is not possible to the cell lysis time of red blood cells whether or not the basis for anemia.

摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖表目錄 V
符號說明 VII
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究背景 5
1.3 研究目的 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 力學分析 8
2.2 以AFM對紅血球細胞之研究 10
2.3 口服腺嘌呤使大鼠慢性腎功能衰竭貧血動物模型的建立 12
2.4 細胞裂解(cell lysis) 13
第三章 理論基礎 15
3.1 AFM簡介 15
3.1.1 AFM基本原理 15
3.1.2 光學感測器 18
3.1.3 探針 20
3.1.4 力—距離曲線量測原理 22
3.1.5 生物樣本楊氏模數(Domke,1998;張,2005)與剛性係數(stiffness)之分析 24
3.2 紅血球 26
3.2.1 紅血球生成 Erythropoiesis 27
3.2.2 紅血球細胞膜 29
3.3 聚二甲基矽氧烷(Polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS) 30
3.4 胞膜電穿孔理論 31
第四章 實驗材料設備與方法 34
4.1 實驗材料 34
4.2 實驗設備簡介 36
4.2.1 JPK Nanowizard AFM簡介 37
4.3 實驗架構與方法 39
4.3.1紅血球生理狀況 41
4.3.2 紅血球細胞樣本製備 41
4.3.3 基板製備 44
4.3.4 血液生理條件分析 45
4.3.5 固定紅血球細胞(李育香,2005) 46
4.3.6 AFM力曲線量測 47
4.3.7 AFM紅血球細胞膜力-距離曲線量測示意圖 51
4.3.8 微影蝕刻製程 52
4.3.9 PDMS注模製程 58
4.3.10 細胞裂解實驗方法與步驟(鄧, 2007) 61
第五章 結果與討論 64
5.1 細胞裂解之分析 64
5.2 生理條件分析 70
5.3 貧血和非貧血大鼠紅血球細胞於液相中之膜剛性係數分析 72
5.4 紅血球細胞膜剛性係數與生理條件之分析 77
5.5 細胞裂解時間與紅血球細胞膜剛性係數的關係 84
5.6 細胞裂解時間與生理條件關係 88
第六章 結論與建議 90
6.1 結論 90
6.2 建議 92
參考文獻 93
附錄一 NO.1紅血球細胞膜剛性係數 97
附錄二 NO.2紅血球細胞膜剛性係數 98
附錄三 NO.3紅血球細胞膜剛性係數 99
附錄四 NO.4紅血球細胞膜剛性係數 100
附錄五 NO.5紅血球細胞膜剛性係數 101
附錄六 NO.6紅血球細胞膜剛性係數 102
附錄七 NO.7紅血球細胞膜剛性係數 103
附錄八 NO.8紅血球細胞膜剛性係數 104
附錄九 NO.9紅血球細胞膜剛性係數 105
附錄十 正常與貧血大鼠的紅血球細胞膜剛性係數(王, 2007) 106
附錄十一 正常與貧血大鼠的生理條件(王, 2007) 107

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