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研究生(外文):Yu-Lin Chiu
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Lifelong Learning Project Management-Illustrated by Kinmen County
指導教授(外文):Shou-Yiing HsuYao-Hung Chang
外文關鍵詞:Lifelong LearningProject Management
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Due to the coming of knowledge economy in the 21st century, Lifelong Learning becomes the global trend because of the progress of Information Technology and quick propagation of information on Internet. Taiwan promotes Lifelong Learning hardly in the recent years corresponded to the increasing demands of it. The related activity includes the Act of Lifelong Learning, learning programs of Council of Labor Affairs, community adult courses, and so on. However, those activities are usually suffered because there are no clear and compatible programs or plans to promote Lifelong Learning in Taiwan. In addition, those projects can’t take use of international project management knowledge and framework. Most projects develop their own studies from the beginning. It is hard to accumulate the Project Management domain knowledge and experience, and even has no consistent workflow. The obstacles lead to the resources waste, and most valuable experiences or knowledge can not be accumulated to be the future reference.
This research will conduct International Lifelong Learning Project Management System, this system in which implement project management in Lifelong Learning and meanwhile taking nine project management knowledge and project management information system. This paper will adopt 2007 Ministry of Education『Kinmen Community lifelong learning program』to be research subject, and readjust the frame of nine project management knowledge. The readjustment will be the research topic, inclusive of knowledge integration in the project management, time management in the project management, and communication in the project management. Besides, the readjusted knowledge model will be actually executed in the “Kinmen Community Lifelong Learning Program.” The project manager, project team members, and related government officers in Kinmen County will use project management information system to integrate data and reply the project status; use project time tool to update and control schedule; use information communication tool to share ideas or communicate with each other in order to enhance the efficiency of information sharing.
In the past without any Project Management, documents passed and transmitted with paper are easy to be lost because of no Project Management method or assistant tools. The announcement declaration and job assignment is usually posted on the bulletin which cause schedule postpone all the time. The project meeting is hosted at a big meeting which collected all related positions together at the same time, and this kind meeting suffers from inefficiency because team members waste too much time arguing or discussing. Thought such meeting and management method will achieve the goal of project management in the end, the non-scientific project management wastes too much resource, human time, and costs.
The conduction of research verifies that the project management system increases the performance in the project control and enhances the efficiency of project management after strict analysis. This result of research proves that international project management corresponds to the demand in Taiwan project management nowadays. We hope that this research could enhance the maturity of Lifelong learning project management as well. This research will be the reference to counties which implement Ministry of Education “Community Lifelong Learning Program.” We also hope this research could be the beginning of project management in Lifelong Learning, and the research result could be the reference of education of Lifelong Learning.
摘要 i
目錄 vii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xiv
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍 3
1.4 研究限制 5
1.5 研究方法 5
1.6 論文架構 6
二、 文獻探討 8
2.1 終身學習 8
2.2 專案管理 9
2.2.1 專案整合管理 11
2.2.2 專案時間管理 13
2.2.3 專案溝通管理 15
2.3 專案管理資訊系統 17
三、 終身學習專案管理架構 18
3.1 專案整合管理 19
3.1.1 發展終身學習專案管理計畫書 21
3.1.2 指導與管理專案執行 22
3.1.3 監視與控制專案工作 25
3.1.4 整合變更控制 26
3.1.5 結束專案 27
3.2 專案時間管理 29
3.2.1 活動定義 31
3.2.2 活動排序 32
3.2.3 活動資源估計 33
3.2.4 活動期程估計 34
3.2.5 時程發展 35
3.2.6 時程控制 36
3.3 專案溝通管理 37
3.3.1 溝通規劃 39
3.3.2 資訊發布 40
3.3.3 績效報告 41
3.3.4 管理利害關係人 42
四、 終身學習專案管理實例 43
4.1 「建立金門社區教育學習體系計畫」專案 44
4.2 「建立金門社區教育學習體系計畫」專案整合管理 46
4.2.1 專案整合管理-專案經理 47
4.2.2 專案整合管理-專案小組成員 49
4.2.3 專案整合管理-縣府承辦人員 50
4.2.4 專案整合管理-其他利害關係人 51
4.3 「建立金門社區教育學習體系」專案時間管理 52
4.3.1 專案時間管理-專案經理 52
4.3.2 專案時間管理-專案小組成員 54
4.3.3 專案時間管理-縣府承辦人員 55
4.3.4 專案時間管理-其他利害關係人 56
4.4 「建立金門社區教育學習體系計畫」專案溝通管理 57
4.4.1 專案溝通管理-專案經理 57
4.4.2 專案溝通管理-專案小組成員 60
4.4.3 專案溝通管理-縣府承辦人員 61
4.4.4 專案溝通管理-其他利害關係人 63
4.5 社區教育學習體系計畫專案管理比較分析 64
4.5.1 專案整合管理方面 65
4.5.2 專案時間管理方面 67
4.5.3 專案溝通管理方面 69
五、 結論與未來展望 71
5.1 結論 71
5.2 未來展望 72
參考文獻 73
中文部份 73
英文部分 75
網路部份 75
[17]Project Management Institute , Inc., A guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge, 2004 , USA.
[18]Project Management Institute, Organizational Project Management Maturity Model Knowledge Foundation, 2004 1st edition, Project Management Institute.
[19]微軟分享服務平台說明網站, http://sps2003-2.shinmin.tc.edu.tw/ _vti_bin/help/1028/sps/html/sharepointhelp.htm
[20]Project Management Institute(2004), http://www.pmi.org.
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