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論文名稱(外文):The Continuation of Solution Paths And The Computation of Branching Points of A Non-Isothermal Diffusion And Reaction Model
外文關鍵詞:Newton's interative methodLiapunov-Schmidt reduction methodShooting methodPseudo-arclength continuation methodTangent-predictor methodSecant-predictor methodSoltion branchesBifurcation pointsTurning points
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摘 要
This paper mainly discuss the continuation of solution paths and the computation of branching points of non-isothermal diffusion and reaction model.
We use the implicit function theorem as the foundations,and use the shooting method and the Newton's interative method to calculate bifurcation points or turning points. Also, we use the numerical methods of liapunov-schmidt reduction method,tangent-predictor method, secant-predictor method and pseudo-arclength continuation method to find out the multiple solutions within limited range of parameters. Finally, we try to change various parameters to continue all Solution branches from Bifurcation points.
目 錄
第一章 緒論--------------------------------------- 1

第二章 分歧理論與延拓法-----------------------------3
2.1 分歧問題--------------------------------------- 3
2.2 隱函數定理與分歧理論---------------------------- 6
2.3 局部延拓法-------------------------------------- 8
2.4 虛擬弧長延拓法---------------------------------- 11

第三章 非線性方程組之分支點與解分支----------------- 14
3.1 分支點之求法-------------------------------------14
3.2 選取分支點解分支之延拓方向 ---------------------- 26
3.3 解分支的延拓------------------------------------ 33
3.4 演算法------------------------------------------36

第四章 數值實驗----------------------------------- 41
實驗(一)-------------------------------------------- 42
實驗(二)-------------------------------------------- 68
實驗(三)-------------------------------------------- 85

第五章 結論----------------------------------------- 92

參考文獻-------------------------------------------- 94
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