Globalize has a great impact in lives nowadays. It therefore gives us a room to associate with a different ethnic group and culture. With in a such influential factor, living to understand a second foreign language becomes an essential ability to connecting with an internationalization view of globe now.
The Japanese government has helped to organize Japanese schools worldwide. The school is specifically designed for those who worked and lived in abroad to providing educational to their children.
The research in this paper will show and evaluate how a current Japanese school of kaohsiung, Taiwan using the language Mandarin in their daily lives. There are two main context contains on how Japanese students learning behavion towards adapting a language , Mandarin, and how a multicultural marriage like Japanese with Taiwanese on speaking their own mother tongue language likewise. The questionnaire is answered and attached inside the studies too to give a clear view of their students.
There are five chapters in this paper, The first chapter is to discuss the stusies of motivation and purpose in questionnaire context and method. Chapter two is about the language studies achievement and the historical background and revolutional result in the bilingual educational environment.The third is to explan on how a current Japanese school in kaohsiung using the language Mandarin in its teaching at school lessons. Attached, there is a questionnaire to analyze the motive ability in its learning. The coming chapter will demonstrate the ratio of being in a member of multicultural marriage’s will of speaking Mandarin and Japanese living within a bilingual surrounding. Furthermore, to study it in regards to those who has lived in a such living condition to see the outcome. Final chapter is my conclusion and wishes.
I am therefore to please the outcome in this papers studies, hoping there is another opportunity to study further on it.