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研究生(外文):Ming-Hsiu Liu
論文名稱(外文):An extended view of SST adoption: The role of consumers'' technology readiness
指導教授(外文):Yen-Ting Chiu
外文關鍵詞:Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of TechnoloSelf-Service Technology (SST)Technology Readiness (TR)
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本研究探討科技準備(Technology Readiness, TR)的角色於多媒體機(Multi Media Kiosk, MMK)的消費者採用。本研究目標有四:(1) 找出是否更高的科技準備則有正向影響於自助式科技服務(Self-Service Technology, SST)的採用。(2) 了解是否科技準備模型和科技接受與使用之統一理論(Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, UTAUT)之間存在任何關係。(3) 藉由科技準備度與科技準備模型和科技接受與使用之統一理論以創造一個新且合適之自助式科技服務採用模型以解釋消費者採用一項新自助式服務科技之前的心理情形。(4) 試驗是否科技接受與使用之統一理論適用於解釋消費者自助式科技服務使用行為的一般行為。
This research explores the role of technology readiness (TR) on customers’ adoption of multi media kiosk (MMK). The research goal is to create an SST adoption model, based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model and the technology readiness concept.
The results suggest that TR, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions are higher among users as opposed to non-users of SST. In addition, TR affected the consumers’ perception of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions, and impacts customers’ use behavior directly. Therefore, we provide the following suggestions for the management of MMK: to increase the practicability of using MMK and reduce the complexity and obstacle of using MMK. To increase the popularity of MMK through effective use of social and on the interaction of marketing communication channels. To build up the relevant knowledge and supportive channels of using MMK to increase the percentage of usage. Consumers with low TR can be taught how to design, inspire themselves and discuss about self-service technology to increase the percentage of usage.
Chinese Abstract................................i
English Abstract................................ii
Table of Contents...............................vi
List of Tables..................................viii
List of Figures.................................ix
Chapter 1 Introduction.......................1
1.1 7-Eleven in Taiwan..........................1
1.2 FamilyMart in Taiwan........................3
1.3 Hi-Life in Taiwan...........................4
1.4 Multi Media Kiosk (MMK).....................5
1.5 Research Objectives.........................6
1.6 Research Questions..........................6
Chapter 2 Literature Review..................7
2.1 Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA).............7
2.2 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)...........9
2.3 Motivational Model (MM).....................11
2.4 Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)............13
2.5 Combined TAM and TPB (C-TAM-TPB)............17
2.6 Model of PC Utilization (MPCU)..............18
2.7 Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT)...........20
2.8 Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)...............22
2.9 Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT).........................................25
2.10 Technology Readiness (TR)..................28
2.11 Individual Differences in Technology Use...31
Chapter 3 Research Design....................32
3.1 Research Framework..........................32
3.2 Hypotheses Development......................33
3.3 Operational Definition and Questionnaire
3.4 Data Collection.............................42
3.5 Data Analysis Methods.......................43
3.5.1 Descriptive Statistic Analysis............43
3.5.2 Reliability Analysis......................44
3.5.3 Principle Factor Analysis.................44
3.5.4 An Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)...........44
3.5.5 Correlation Analysis......................45
3.5.6 Regression Analysis.......................45
3.6 Pretest.....................................46
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion.............47
4.1 Sample Description..........................47
4.2 Reliability and Validity Analysis...........48
4.2.1 Examination Result of Reliability
4.2.2 Examination Result of Validity Analysis...49
4.3 Average Differences between user and
4.4 Correlation Analysis of Constructs..........51
4.5 Hypothesis Test.............................52
4.5.1 The impacts of TR on consumers’
4.5.2 The impacts of consumers’ perceptions and TR on behavioral intention............................54
4.5.3 The impacts of consumers’ perceptions, TR, and behavioral intention on use behavior, and the moderating effect of TR....................................55
4.6 Mediating Effect............................58
4.6.1 The mediation of TR towards use behavior..59
4.6.2 The mediation of consumers’ perceptions toward use behavior........................................61
Chapter 5 Conclusion.........................64
5.1 Summary of the Finding......................64
5.2 Management Implication......................67
5.3 Limitation and Direction for Future
Reference .......................................69
Chinese Reference...............................69
English Reference...............................69
Appendix A......................................75
Appendix B......................................78
Chinese Reference
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