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研究生(外文):Chien-Chou Shih
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Soft Handover Performance Improvement by Using Cell Individual Offset in WCDMA Networks
指導教授(外文):Jieh-Chian Wu
外文關鍵詞:Cell Individual OffsetSoft HandoverWCDMA
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For managing the radio resources of Radio Access Network, the 3rd Generation mobile communication systems, such as UMTS based on WCDMA radio access technique, comprising of power control, handover control, admission control, load control and packet scheduling as Radio Resource Management, in order to optimize the resource utilization and to guarantee the quality of service. Handover control is an important radio resource management mechanism for managing the consumption of radio resources and achieves seamless handover.
In WCDMA Networks, the soft handover uses the ‘make before break’ method to make two soft handover connections with neighboring cells and then disconnect with original serving cell after handover. However, high speed users will make handover frequently and increase soft handover connections. Consequently, soft handover connections will deplete the radio resources; in other words, too many soft handover connections will waste radio resources.
Reducing the consumption of radio resources is equivalent to minimize the operation cost. Therefore, our study focuses on adjusting the radio resource management parameter, Cell Individual Offset (CIO), to improve the soft handover performance of high speed users in WCDMA Networks. Moreover, it can also reduce the outage probability and uplink loading and then accomplish the effective radio resource management.
中文摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
符號說明 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 動機與目的 2
1.3 無線電資源管理之交遞效能評估標準 3
1.3.1 軟式交遞負擔(Soft Handover Overhead) 3
1.3.2 斷話率(Outage Probability) 4
1.3.3 上行負載(Uplink Loading) 4
1.3.4 軟式交遞連結數量 5
1.4 論文架構 5
第二章 無線電信號傳播特性與交遞技術探討 6
2.1 前言 6
2.2 無線電信號傳播特性 7
2.2.1 路徑衰減 8
2.2.2 多重路徑 8
2.2.3 遮蔽效應 8
2.3 WCDMA網路之無線電信號強度評估 11
2.4 交遞技術種類 12
2.4.1 模式內交遞 14
2.4.2 模式間交遞 16
2.4.3 系統間交遞 16
2.5 基於無線電資源管理參數之軟式交遞技術探討 17
2.5.1 門檻值(Threshold) 17
2.5.2 遲滯(Hysteresis) 18
2.5.3 增加窗口(Window_add) 18
2.5.4 觸發時間(Time-to-trigger) 18
2.5.5 細胞個別偏移(Cell Individual Offset,CIO) 19
第三章 軟式交遞效能改善方法 22
3.1 前言 22
3.2 基於模糊邏輯控制細胞個別偏移方法 22
3.3 行動台移動速度與上行負載之分析 24
3.4 細胞個別偏移參數評估 27
3.5 細胞個別偏移啟動條件評估 35
3.6 軟式交遞效能改善方法之啟動方式 38
第四章 軟式交遞效能改善方法之效能評估 40
4.1 前言 40
4.2 模擬架構與網路環境設定 40
4.2.1 WCDMA網路模擬架構 40
4.2.2 WCDMA網路模擬工具 45
4.3 模擬分析程序 45
4.4 模擬結果分析 49
4.5 軟式交遞效能改善方法之效能評估 52
4.5.1 軟式交遞負擔分析 52
4.5.2 斷話率分析 54
4.5.3 上行負載分析 55
4.5.4 軟式交遞連結數量分析 56
4.5.5 與基於模糊邏輯控制細胞個別偏移方法之複雜度比較 57
第五章 結論 59
參考文獻 61
附錄A 63
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