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研究生(外文):Yen-Yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Design and Application of TETRA Radio System in Taiwan High Speed Railway
指導教授(外文):Wei-Chih Hsu
外文關鍵詞:High Speed RailwayTETRA Radio
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管理,其中包含各項大型土木基礎工程及主要核心機電系統,例如電力系統、軌道系統、車載號誌系統以及通訊系統等等,而本文將針對通訊系統中之無線電系統設計在目前我國高速鐵路之應用中做相關研究及探討。由於高速鐵路的 興建在世界各國早已行之多年,因此符合高速之無線電系統設計發展也已日趨
成熟,目前主要有TETRA及由GSM所延伸的GSM-R(GSM for Railway)兩種技術規範。

高速鐵路營運主要著重在系統之可靠度及安全性,因此在無線電系統設計中必須確保系統功能能夠符合在高速行駛下之通訊之各種需求,以保證列車與控制中心通訊暢通無阻並且須有較高之頻率使用效能。而我國高速鐵路無線電系統為採用歐洲ETSI 於1990年所制定的TETRA(TErrestrial Trunked RAdio System)無線電系統標準。TETRA無線電系統標準原本是要整合歐洲大陸無線電頻率以有效運用有限之無線電資源所發展出來之標準。目前除了歐洲地區以外,TETRA也開始廣為世界各國所使用。因此在本文中除了將針對TETRA系統其相關標準包括其介面元件、調變原理、及編碼方式等作介紹說明外,並研究說明目前我國高速鐵路TETRA無線電系統之相關設計以及實際應用操作,並提供高鐵全線區域射頻訊號接收強度數值(RSSI)測試數據作為驗證。

The Taiwan High Speed Railway was built by BOT delivery method and investmented by the several enterprises. This project included large-scale construction and building foundation engineering and the core system such as Power system, Track system, Signal system and Communication system etc. This paper will be aimed at research of TETRA Radio System Design and Application of Taiwan High Speed Railway. Due to the construction of high-speed railway was general in the countries of the world at present. So far the radio system design for high-speed railway application such as TETRA or GSM-R was already developed day by day.

The radio operation of the High-speed railway mainly focuses on system reliability and security. And the TETRA radio design must ensure the communication function can accord with the quality of high speed railway demand between the train and each controller of all station area. The Taiwan High Speed Railway uses the TETRA(TErrestrial Trunked RAdio System)radio standard which from the European Telecommunications Standards Institute(ETSI)since 1990 and developed originally to integrate the radio frequency of Europe. Besides the Europe area, the TETRA standard also has been used widely by a lot of countries of the world in present. So this paper will description related standard of the TETRA standard such as interface unit、modulation principle、coding method and research of the TETRA radio system design and application of Taiwan High Speed Railway. Finally the end of this paper will provide the measured of RSSI data of all track areas to verify the wayside radio quality comply with design standard.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
符號說明 x
一、序論 1
1.1 研究目的與動機 1
1.2 研究範圍內容 2
1.3 各國高速鐵路無線電系統應用現況 3
二、TETRA系統原理及架構介紹 6
2.1 TETRA系統標準概述 6
2.2 TETRA系統架構及應用介面 12
2.3 π/4-DQPSK數位調變原理 13
2.4 ACELP語音編碼方式 20
三、高鐵TETRA無線電系統設計說明 26
3.1 系統功能規劃 26
3.2 系統架構設計 29
3.3 系統話務設計 38
3.4 射頻涵蓋設計 51
3.5 降階模式設計 57
3.6 列車無線電設計 61
3.7 消防無線電輔助系統設計 63
四、TETRA無線電系統射頻涵蓋測試 68
4.1 測試內容說明及儀器介紹 68
4.2 高鐵TETRA無線電射頻強渡接收測試 69
4.2.1 無線電列車測試 69
4.2.2 無線電道旁測試 77
4.3 結果說明及改善建議 88
五、結論及未來研究方向 91
參考文獻 93
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