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論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Relationship between Work Stress, Organizational Commitment andStress Response:A Comparative Study of the Uniform and Professional Police
指導教授(外文):Yang, Kuo-Te
外文關鍵詞:Uniform PoliceProfessional PoliceFirst-Line PolicemenWork StressOrganizational CommitmentStress Response
  • 被引用被引用:68
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本研究主要根據Mowday, Porter 和 Steers(1982)、Cooper, Sloan 和 Williams(1988)、林瑞欽(2000)、陳明晰(2006),以及陳仁維(2006)等人之研究量表、及行政與專業警察之工作特性,發展「基層警察人員工作壓力、組織承諾,以及壓力反應量表」為調查工具,成功的訪問了225位行政警察基層員警與231位專業警察基層員警。統計分析結果發現(1)行政與專業警察基層員警的工作壓力均呈現中等程度,兩者在「工作負荷」構面的得分均最高;而專業警察之工作壓力的整體平均數高於行政警察,但差異不大;(2)行政與專業警察基層員警的組織承諾均呈現中等偏高程度,兩者在「組織忠誠」構面的得分均最高;而專業警察之組織承諾的整體平均數高於行政警察;(3)行政與專業警察基層員警的壓力反應均呈現中等程度,兩者在「心理反應」構面的得分均最高;而行政警察之壓力反應的整體平均數高於專業警察,但差異不大;(4)行政警察基層員警的婚姻狀況在工作壓力整體構面、及工作負荷、低福利制度與角色衝突構面具有顯著的差異性;專業警察基層員警的年齡與工作年資在工作壓力之低福利制度構面具有顯著的差異性;(5)不同人口變項的行政與專業警察基層員警在組織承諾各構面均無顯著的差異性;(6)專業警察基層員警的工作年資在壓力反應之生理反應構面具有顯著的差異性;(7)不同工作特性之行政與專業警察基層員警在工作壓力、組織承諾,以及壓力反應上具有顯著之差異性;(8)行政警察基層員警工作壓力之整體構面、及低自我發展、低福利制度、角色衝突與組織承諾各構面有顯著之負向相關;專業警察基層員警之工作壓力之整體構面、及低自我發展、低福利制度與組織承諾各構面有顯著之負向相關;(9)行政與專業警察基層員警之工作壓力各構面與壓力反應各構面有顯著之正向相關;(10)行政警察基層員警之組織承諾各構面與壓力反應各構面有顯著之負向相關;專業警察基層員警之組織承諾整體構面與壓力反應整體構面、及生理反應、行為反應構面有顯著之負向相關。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between work stress, organizational commitment and stress response by the uniform and professional police. Specifically, the study is purported to understand:
(1) Whether different demography of first-line policemen would have
significant distinction with respect to work stress, organizational
commitment and stress response.
(2) Whether different work characteristics of first-line policemen would have
significant distinction with respect to work stress, organizational
commitment and stress response.
(3) The relationship between work stress and organizational commitment.
(4) The relationship between work stress and stress response.
(5) The relationship between organizational commitment and stress response.
This study developed a ‘work stress, organizational commitment and stress response scale of first-line policemen’ adapted from the work stress scale (Cooper, Sloan and Williams, 1988), organizational commitment scale (Mowday, Porter and Steers, 1982), police’s work stress scale (Lin, 2000), police’s organizational commitment scale (Chen, 2006), police’s stress response scale (Chen, 2006), and work characteristics of the uniform and professional police. The sample includes 225 uniform first-line policemen and 231 professional first-line policemen. The findings of the research are as follow:
(1) Work stress is about medium level for the uniform and professional first-line
Policemen. For both the major work stress is ‘work loading’. And whole
average of the professional police's work stress is higher than the uniform
police, but the difference is small.
(2) Organizational commitment above medium level for the uniform and
Professional first-line policemen. For both the major issue is ‘organizational
loyalty’. The average of the professional police's
work stress is higher than the uniform police.
(3) Stress response is medium level for the uniform and professional
first-line policemen, For both the major stress response is ‘psychological
response’. The average of the uniform police's stress response is
higher than professional police, but the difference is small.
(4) There are significant differences in work loading, lower benefits
system and role conflict dimensions of work stress in the uniform first-line
policemen with respect to their marital status. There are significant
differences in lower benefits system dimension of work stress in the
professional first-line policemen with respect to their age and tenure.
(5) There aren’t significant differences in the dimension of organizational
commitment in the uniform and professional first-line policemen’s
(6) There are significant differences in the physiological response dimension of stress response in the professional first-line policemen’s tenure.
(7) There are significant differences in work stress, organizational
commitment and stress response in the uniform and professional first-line
policemen of different work characteristics.
(8) There is significant negative correlation between whole, lower ego
development, lower benefits system and role conflict dimensions of work
stress, and each dimension of organizational commitment in the uniform
first-line policemen. There is significant negative correlation between
whole, lower ego development and lower benefits system dimensions of
work stress, and each dimension of organizational commitment in the
professional first-line policemen.
(9) There is significant positive correlation between each dimension of work stress and stress response in the uniform and professional first-line policemen.
(10) There is significant negative correlation between each dimension of
organizational commitment and stress response in the uniform first-line
policemen. There is significant negative correlation between whole
dimensions of organizational commitment and stress response,
dimensions of physiological response and behavior response in the
professional first-line policemen.
The measurement dimensions of work stress, organizational commitment and stress response, along with the scale items of them, can be referred by first-line policemen of different work characteristics for establishing different police operations institution. The research findings can help the police to frame the measures of reducing their work stress, promoting their organizational commitment and relaxing their stress response by discussing first-line policemen of different work characteristics. Finally, the author discusses the implications of the findings, and offers several suggestions and directions for studies to the police and the academic.
Keywords: Uniform Police; Professional Police; First-Line Policemen; Work Stress, Organizational Commitment; Stress Response
第一章 緒論-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景與重要性-----------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究動機與目的--------------------------------------------------------------4
第三節 研究問題與方法--------------------------------------------------------------6
第四節 名詞釋義-----------------------------------------------------------------------7
第五節 研究範圍與限制--------------------------------------------------------------9
第二章 文獻探討--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
第一節 行政與專業警察工作特性分析-------------------------------------------- 12
第二節 工作壓力的內涵與相關研究----------------------------------------------- 21
第三節 組織承諾的內涵與相關研究----------------------------------------------- 36
第四節 壓力反應的內涵與相關研究----------------------------------------------- 44
第五節 工作壓力、組織承諾與壓力反應之關聯性-------------------------------48
第三章 研究設計與實施----------------------------------------------------------------------- 55
第一節 研究架構----------------------------------------------------------------------55
第二節 研究假設----------------------------------------------------------------------56
第三節 研究對象----------------------------------------------------------------------59
第四節 研究工具----------------------------------------------------------------------61
第五節 實施程序----------------------------------------------------------------------67
第六節 資料處理----------------------------------------------------------------------69
第四章 研究結果分析與討論-------------------------------------------------------------71
第一節 研究樣本、工作壓力、組織承諾與壓力反應現況分析----------------71
第二節 不同背景變項之行政與專業警察基層員警在工作壓力、
第三節 不同工作特性的行政與專業警察基層員警在工作壓力、
第四節 工作壓力、組織承諾與壓力反應之相關分析--------------------------117
第五章 結論與建議----------------------------------------------------------------------130
第一節 研究發現----------------------------------------------------------------------130
第二節 結 論-------------------------------------------------------------------------139
第三節 建 議--------------------------------------------------------------------143
附錄----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 164

表 2-1 行政警察與港務警察分駐(派出)所之工作概況分析------------------------19
表 2-2 學者對工作壓力定義摘要表-----------------------------------------------------22
表2-3 國內外警察工作壓力之相關研究發現------------------------------------------32
表2-4 組織承諾的定義與分類-----------------------------------------------------38
表 3-1 預式樣本分布與回收情形-----------------------------------------------------61
表 3-2專家學者一覽表-------------------------------------------------------------63
表3-5 正式樣本分布與回收情形---------------------------------------------------68
表4-1-1 行政警察基層員警樣本描述-------------------------------------------------------74
表4-1-2 專業警察基層員警樣本描述-------------------------------------------------------75
表4-1-3 行政警察基層員警工作壓力各構面之平均數與標準差摘要表-------------76
表4-1-4 行政警察人員工作壓力來源排名前十名----------------------------------------76
表4-1-5 專業警察人員工作壓力各構面之平均數與標準差摘要表-------------------77
表4-1-6 專業警察人員工作壓力來源排名前十名----------------------------------------77
表4-1-7 行政警察基層員警組織承諾各構面之平均數與標準差摘要表-------------78
表4-1-8 行政警察基層員警組織承諾來源排名前十名----------------------------------78
表4-1-9 專業警察基層員警組織承諾之平均數與標準差摘要表----------------------79
表4-1-10 專業警察基層員警組織承諾排名前十名-------------------------------------- 79
表4-1-11 行政警察基層員警壓力反應各構面之平均數與標準差摘要表------------81
表4-1-12 行政警察基層員警壓力反應來源排名前十名-------------------------------- 81
表4-1-13 專業警察基層員警壓力反應之平均數與標準差摘要表-------------------- 81
表4-1-14 專業警察基層員警壓力反應排名前十名-------------------------------------- 81
表4-2-1 不同年齡的行政警察基層員警之工作壓力變異數分析----------------------83
表4-2-2 不同年齡的專業警察基層員警之工作壓力變異數分析----------------------83
表4-2-3 不同教育程度的行政警察基層員警之工作壓力變異數分析--------------- 84
表4-2-4 不同教育程度的專業警察基層員警之工作壓力變異數分析--------------- 85
表4-2-5 不同婚姻狀況的行政警察基層員警之工作壓力變異數分析--------------- 86
表4-2-6 不同婚姻狀況的專業警察基層員警之工作壓力變異數分析--------------- 87
表4-2-7 不同工作年資的行政警察基層員警之工作壓力變異數分析--------------- 88
表4-2-8 不同工作年資的專業警察基層員警在工作壓力之變異數分析------------ 89
表4-2-9 不同背景變項之行政警察基層員警在工作壓力上之
表4-2-11 不同年齡之行政警察基層員警在組織承諾之變異數分析-------------95
表4-2-12 不同年齡之專業警察基層員警在組織承諾之變異數分析--------------95
表 4-2-13 不同教育程度之行政警察基層員警在組織承諾之變異數分析-----------96
表 4-2-14 不同教育程度之專業警察基層員警在組織承諾之變異數分析-----------97
表4-2-16 不同婚姻狀況之專業警察基層員警在組織承諾之變異數分析----------98
表 4-2-17 不同工作年資之行政警察基層員警在組織承諾之變異數分析-----------99
表 4-2-18 不同工作年資的專業警察基層員警在組織承諾之變異數分析-----------99表4-2-19 不同背景變項之行政警察基層員警在組織承諾上之
表 4-2-20不同背景變項之專業警察基層員警在組織承諾上之
表4-2-21 不同年齡的行政警察基層員警之壓力反應變異數分析-----------------105
表4-2-22 不同年齡之專業警察基層員警在壓力反應之變異數分析--------------105
表 4-2-23 不同教育程度的行政警察基層員警之壓力反應變異數分--------------- 106
表 4-2-24 不同教育程度的專業警察基層員警之壓力反應變異數分析------------ 107
表 4-2-25 不同婚姻狀況之行政警察基層員警的壓力反應變異數分析------------ 108
表 4-2-26 不同婚姻狀況的專業警察基層員警壓力反應之變異數分析------------ 108
表 4-2-27 不同工作年資之行政警察基層員警的壓力反應變異數分析------------ 109
表 4-2-28 不同工作年資的專業警察基層員警壓力反應之變異數分析------------ 110
表 4-2-29不同背景變項之行政警察基層員警在壓力反應上之
表 4-2-30不同背景變項之專業警察基層員警在壓力反應上之
表4-3-1 不同工作特性之基層員警在工作壓力構面的t 檢定一覽表---------------115
表4-3-2 不同工作特性之基層員警在組織承諾構面的t 檢定一覽表---------------116
表4-3-3 不同工作特性之基層員警在壓力反應構面的t 檢定一覽表---------------116
表4-3-4 不同工作特性之行政與專業警察基層員警在工作壓力組織承諾與
壓力反應上的t 檢定一覽表------------------------------------------------------116
表4-4-1 行政警察基層員警工作壓力與組織承諾之相關分析摘要表---------------119
表4-4-2 專業警察基層員警工作壓力與組織承諾之相關分析摘要表---------------120
表4-4-3 行政警察基層員警工作壓力與壓力反應之相關分析摘要表---------------122
表4-4-4 專業警察基層員警工作壓力與壓力反應之相關分析摘要表---------------123
表4-4-5 行政警察基層員警組織承諾與壓力反應之相關分析摘要表---------------124
表4-4-6 行政警察基層員警組織承諾與壓力反應之相關分析摘要表---------------125
表4-4-7 各項假設檢驗結果一覽表-------------------------------------------------------- 128

圖2-1 一般適應症候群-----------------------------------------------------------------------24
圖2-2 工作壓力ISR 模式-------------------------------------------------------------------24
圖2-3 職業壓力模式--------------------------------------------------------------------------25
圖2-4 McGrath 之工作壓力過程模式-----------------------------------------------------25
圖2-5 工作壓力一般模式--------------------------------------------------------------------26
圖2-7職業壓力指標OSI 模式--------------------------------------------------------------28
圖2-10 警察工作壓力的來源----------------------------------------------------------------35
圖2-11 組織承諾的角色知覺模式----------------------------------------------------------42
圖2-12 組織承諾的前因後果模式----------------------------------------------------------43
圖2-13 組織承諾模型-------------------------------------------------------------------------43
圖 3-1 本研究架構圖--------------------------------------------------------------------------55
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