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研究生(外文):Richard Davis(Yen- Jing Chen)
論文名稱(外文):Effects of the Explicit Teaching of EMP on Intercultural Communication Apprehension of Nurses in Southern Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Ye-ling Chang
外文關鍵詞:English for Medical Purposes (EMP)intercultural communication apprehension (ICA)nurses in Taiwan
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The project studied the impact of cultural features in an English for Medical Purposes (EMP) setting, on intercultural communication apprehension (ICA). The EMP approach is used in this study as a focus on the teaching of English to nurses in Southern Taiwan, and how that teaching should include cultural and pragmatic skills in interaction, not just technical vocabulary.
The growing numbers of foreign patients and of doctors trained abroad use English as a lingua franca. However, nurses in Taiwan have seldom received training in the range of varieties of English they may encounter, and they may not be aware that they can use more than one strategy in presenting requests or directives to patients. By teaching appropriate cultural and pragmatic ways of handling requests and instructions, the researcher hoped to help the nurse subjects to reduce ICA.
To see the extent for the possible change of the subjects in the EMP program, the researcher recruited six nurses in the Control Group and seven in the Experimental Group. Data analyses for the study were conducted in two ways: quantitative and qualitative. The subjects’ ICA and their choices of responses to a Situation Booklet were analyzed by quantitative measures. An independent samples t-test was run to compare both groups’ ICA in the pretest and in the post-test. In addition, a non-parametric measure, Crosstabs, was used to analyze the responses to the Situation Booklet for the pretest and post-test for both groups. Based on the data analyses, the findings of the study are summarized as follows:
1. The treatment did affect the subjects’ ICA, but only for face-to-face situations, not in
group work.
2. Through the treatment, the subjects were able to notice and change their use of
vocabulary from a technical jargon to a more mainstream register with fewer technical
terms. However, the explicit teaching of conditionals apparently did not lower the ICA.
3. The Experimental Group engaged in more interaction, identified more levels of register in their wider range of choices of responses to the Situational Booklet, and changed both those choices and the reasons for their choices more frequently than the Control Group after the treatment.
4. Explicit teaching greatly affected the choice of register and vocabulary. It was
beneficial in changing the Experimental Group’s use of terminology and mainstream
While the subjects’ ICA may not have decreased on the survey, the PRICA, the qualitative analysis of results from the Experimental Group suggests that explicit teaching of variety and choice helped expand learner understanding of register and language choices, thereby increasing their competence which can ultimately help allay their intercultural communication anxiety.

Background and Motivation 1
Purposes of the Study 10
Research Questions 13
Significance of the Study 14
Limitations of the Study 15
Definitions of Terms 15

Cultural Awareness and Language Teaching 20
Teaching Language in Socio-cultural Contexts 24
The History of ESP 25
From ESP to EMP 26
Explicit and Implicit Instruction 29
Conditionals in Directives and Requests 31
Language Anxiety 34

Subjects 37
Instruments 39
Situational Booklet 41
Snap Shots 44
Procedures 45
Data Analysis 49
Quantitative Analysis 49
Qualitative Analysis 49

The Importance of Explicit Teaching on ICA for the
Experimental Group 53
The Experimental Groups Responses to nursing English Register 54
A Comparison of Using conditionals for the Experimental
Groups in the Pretest and Post-test 59
Control Groups and Experimental Group’s Responses to
the Situational Booklet and Snap Shots 62
The Control Group’s Responses to the Scenarios 63
Experimental Groups Responses to the scenarios 67
The Control Group’s and the Experimental Group’s
Responses to the Snap Shots 75

Conclusions 83
Implications 85
Suggestions 86


A. A Questionnaire on English Learning and Communication (English Version) 92
A Questionnaire on English Learning and Communication
(Chinese Version) 有關英語學習及溝通之問卷(中文版) 94
B. A Personal Report of Intercultural Communication Apprehension 95
C. Chinese Translation of A Personal Report of Intercultural Communication Apprehension 97
D. Situational Booklet 100
E. Snap Shots Reduced Version 107


1 The Distribution of the Subjects 38
2 Distribution of Genres of Directives and Requests Across Situations 43
3 Average PRICA Scores Pre- and Post-Treatment for Control and
Experimental Groups 53
4 A Re-analysis of Group and Individual Situations in the PRICA 55
5 A Comparison of Control and Experimental Groups on Pro-active
PRICA Items 56
6 Independent Samples t-test Comparison Across Groups for Pretest
With PRICA 58
7 Independent Samples t-test Across Groups for Completion/Dropout 59
8 Example of Coding Responses to Situation Booklet 60
9 Crosstabulations for Pretest Performance of the Experimental Group 61
10 Crosstabulations for Post-test Performance of the Experimental Group 62
11 Vocabulary Profile of Nurse-Composed Responses and Reasons by
Control and Experimental Groups, Pretest and Post-test 74
12 Comparison of Register by Individual Dialogues in Snap Shots Writing
Prompts 76


1 Languages Used to Address Foreign Patients (Davis, KMUH Survey, 2006) 5
2 Nurses’ Feelings about Communicating in English with Doctors and
Patients (Davis, KMUH Survey, 2006) 6
3 Nurses’ Attitudes toward Speaking English (Davis, KMUH Survey, 2006) 7
4 A Model Showing How Cultures Can Overlap (Atkinson 2004) 7
5 The Family Tree for ESP (Hutchinson and Waters 1987, p. 17) 27
6 A Flow Chart of the Study Procedures 48
7 Control Group Choices by Situations 64
8 Experimental Group Choices, Pretest and Post-test Situation Booklet 68
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