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研究生(外文):Lin hsin yi
論文名稱(外文):Segmental Mismatch in Chinese Spoken Word Recognition
指導教授(外文):Tseng chin-hsing
外文關鍵詞:spoken word recognitionsegmentconsonantvowelmismatch
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本研究旨在探討雙音詞詞首音段不吻合對口語語詞辨識的影響。分別進行兩個語詞判斷的實驗,觀察受試者對雙音節語詞或假詞詞彙判斷的反應時間。實驗一操弄促發項與目標項詞首輔音的吻合情形,其餘皆相同,實驗二操弄促發項與目標項詞首元音的吻合情形,其餘皆相同。兩個實驗結果均顯示,不吻合的促發詞或假詞,反應時間和無關的促發詞均無差異,表示促發項有不吻合時就無法活化出目標詞。這個實驗結果表明國語口語語詞的辨識歷程與Cohort模式的描述較為類似,當語音輸入過程中,會依照聽到的語音活化語詞,如果有不吻合出現,候選詞就會被剔除而不被活化。本研究結果不符合TRACE模式與Zhou & Marslen-Wilson(1994)提出國語雙音詞表徵的模式。
The purpose of the study was to investigate if phonological priming effect would be observed when the prime mismatches with the target by one segment in first constituent of Chinese disyllabic words. The study was a cross-modal priming paradigm, where an auditory disyallabic stimulus was followed by a disyllabic word or nonword visually presented. Subjects made lexical decision responses to disyllabic words or nonwords. In Experiment 1, the consonant in first position of word was varied, with the other part of word being held constant. Experiment 2, the vowel in first position of word was varied, with the other part of word being held constant. In the two experiments, the priming effect was not observed when the prime mismatches the onset syllable of disyllabic words by one segment. The results seemed to be consistent with the Cohort model which imposed the most stringent restriction as to the membership of the candidate word set, but against the TRACE model and the model of lexical representation of Chinese disyllabic words (Zhou & Marslen-Wilson, 1994)
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1
第一節 口語語詞辨識模式…………………………………………4
第二節 音段不吻合時的口語語詞辨識…………………………10
第三節 國語口語語詞辨識之相關研究…………………………16
第四節 研究目的…………………………………………………25
第二章 實驗一:不吻合的輔音訊息…………………………………27
第三章 實驗二:不吻合的元音訊息………………………………34
第四章 綜合討論……………………………………………………39
附錄一 輔音不吻合實驗材料…………………………………53
附錄二 元音不吻合實驗材料…………………………………54
一、 中文部分
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張厚粲、舒華(1989)漢字讀音中的音似與形似啟動效應。心理學報,4(3) ,



二、 英文部分
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