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研究生(外文):Hsin-I Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Screening for hypoglycemic compounds in the extract of wild bitter melon and preliminary study of the molecular mechanism
指導教授(外文):Hsueh-Ling Cheng
外文關鍵詞:type 2 diabetesinsulin resistancewild bitter melonAMPK
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胰島素抗性(insulin resistance)是促成第二型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes)發病的主要因素。胰島素抗性是指原本對胰島素敏感的組織,如肌肉,肝臟,脂肪組織,對胰島素的敏感度降低,而減低了組織對葡萄糖的利用率,而造成高血糖的現象。因此若能治療胰島素抗性,將可以預防和改善第二型糖尿病。本實驗室過去已利用細胞株建立了一個篩選平台,可用以篩選「改善胰島素抗性」的活性物質,因此本研究亦利用此平台進行新品種山苦瓜花蓮2號之果實降血糖活性成分之篩選,並將篩選後認為有效的分液進行動物實驗以測驗其活體內的效果。以山苦瓜果實甲醇粗萃物進行細胞平台之葡萄糖吸收試驗,發現該甲醇粗萃物確能改善細胞的胰島素抗性而促進葡萄糖吸收。再將甲醇粗萃物進一步地分離成乙酸乙酯層、正丁醇層和水層,再進行葡萄糖吸收試驗,結果正丁醇層及水層皆能改善胰島素抗性細胞的葡萄糖吸收作用。再將正丁醇層進一步分成25個分液,發現分液7、12、16、19、21、23及24的活性最高,於較低濃度下,仍能恢復胰島素抗性細胞對葡萄糖的吸收。其中,分液16所含之天然物已進行純化,目前已獲得RA 2-10、RA 2-11及RA 2-19三個化合物。將此三個化合物進行分析,發現RA 2-19克服胰島素抗性的活性最明顯。進一步,發現RA 2-19可活化AMPK(AMP-activated protein kinase),暗示此天然物可能是經由活化AMPK而促進胰島素抗性細胞之葡萄糖吸收作用。再者,本研究亦發現RA 2-19可減少細胞之iNOS表現,但是RA2-19是否具有抗發炎的效果仍有待進一步驗證。此外,以分液15、21和23進行動物實驗,餵食具有高血糖症狀的小鼠,發現分液15於活體中降血糖效果不明顯,而分液21和23則有較明顯的降血糖效果,值得進ㄧ步分析純化其成分,以分離出更多具有降血糖效果的天然物。上述由山苦瓜果實中所純化出的降血糖活性成分,有潛力可開發成第二型糖尿病的治療藥物或保健食品。
Insulin resistance, the inability of insulin-responsive tissues mainly liver, muscles and adipose tissues to respond normally to circulating insulin, plays a key role in the development of type 2 diabetes. The reduced glucose utilzation by insulin-sensitive tissues results in hyperglycemia in organisms. Therefore, treatment of insulin resistance is an important strategy in preventing and improving type 2 diabetes. Previously, we have established a screening system using a mouse hepatic cell line to explore for compounds that can improve cellular insulin resistance. In this study, this system was used to screen for hypoglycemic compounds from the fruits of wild bitter melon. Meanwhile, animal tests were performed to test the in vivo effects of isolated fractions. The methanol extract from the fruits of wild bitter melon was shown to contain hypoglycemic compounds when tested using the screening system. The methanol extract was further partitioned into ethylacetate layer, butanol layer, and water layer. The butanol layer was further divided into twenty five fractions. It was found that fractions 16, 19, 21, 22, 23 and 24 had highest hypoglycemic activities, under the concentration. Compounds RA2-10, RA2-11 and RA2-19 were isolated from fraction 16. RA2-19 showed a hypoglycemic effect in insulin- resistant cells, and it was confirmed to activate AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase). Furthermore, this research also discovered RA 2-19 may reduce iNOS of insulin- resistant cells but RA2-19 whether does have the anti-inflammation the effect still waited for further confirms. Meanwhile, the in vivo hyperglycemic effects of fractions 15, 21 and 23 were tested in animal models. Consequently, fraction 15 did not show obvious hypoglycemic effect, while fractions 21 and 23 showed more obvious hypoglycemic effects in the animal models. Thus, more bioactive compounds will be purified and identified from fractions 21 and 23. Purifies by wild bitter melon in hypoglycemic compounds, has the potential to become the anti-diabetic medicine or the health foods.
第1章 前言..................................................1
第2章 文獻回顧..............................................2
2.1 糖尿病的分類............................................2
2.1.2 第二型糖尿病..........................................3
2.1.3 妊娠糖尿病............................................3
2.1.4 葡萄糖耐受性異常.......................................3
2.2 胰島素與生理恆定之維持...................................4
2.2.1 胰島素與血糖的調控.....................................4
2.2.2 胰島素訊息傳遞路徑.....................................5
2.2.3 胰島素抗性............................................8
2.2.4 發炎與胰島素抗性.......................................8 TNF-α與胰島素抗性..................................10 NF-κB與IκB........................................10 iNOS..............................................11
2.2.5 改善胰島素抗性的藥物及其分子機制........................12
2.3 AMPK的功能............................................13
2.3.1 AMPK的調控..........................................13
2.3.2 AMPK與細胞新陳代謝之調節..............................14
2.4 高血糖動物模型之建立....................................15
2.5 苦瓜降血糖效果之研究....................................16
2.6 研究目的...............................................17
第3章 材料與方法...........................................18
3.1 實驗材料...............................................18
3.1.1 小鼠細胞株...........................................18
3.1.2 細胞培養基...........................................18
3.1.3 試劑及緩衝溶液.......................................18 葡萄糖濃度檢驗試劑組................................18 牛的胰島素溶液.....................................19 小鼠腫瘤壞死因子....................................19 Troglitazone藥物..................................19 山苦瓜花蓮2號......................................19 山苦瓜萃取物溶液之製備..............................20
3.1.4 蛋白質分析用試劑......................................20
3.1.5 蛋白質電泳分析之膠體..................................22
3.1.6 抗體................................................23
3.1.7 動物實驗使用材料與試劑................................24 小鼠品系...........................................24 檸檬酸鈉...........................................24 streptozotocin....................................24 甲基纖維素.........................................24 其他材料...........................................25
3.1.8 主要儀器及設備.......................................25
3.1.9 其他化學藥品.........................................26
3.2 實驗方法...............................................27
3.2.1 細胞培養與冷凍保存....................................27 FL83B小鼠肝臟細胞之活化.............................27 FL83B小鼠肝臟細胞之繼代培養.........................27 FL83B小鼠肝臟細胞的冷凍保存.........................27
3.2.2 苦瓜天然物促進細胞葡萄糖吸收之分析......................28
3.2.3 苦瓜天然物之細胞毒性分析...............................28
3.2.4 動物實驗.............................................28 誘導高血糖前測量小鼠體重及血糖值......................28 以STZ誘導產生高血糖小鼠並測量血糖值...................29 餵食山苦瓜分液並測量血糖值...........................29
3.2.5 西方墨點法分析.......................................29 細胞蛋白質粗萃液之製備..............................29 蛋白質定量.........................................30 聚丙烯醯胺凝膠電泳..................................30 西方墨點法.........................................30
3.2.6 統計分析.............................................31
第4章 結果.................................................32
4.1 由山苦瓜果實萃取物中篩選出可改善胰島素抗性之天然物..........32
4.1.1 析甲醇粗萃物、乙酸乙酯層、正丁醇層及水層萃取物之活性......32
4.1.2 由正丁醇層萃取物中篩選活性物質.........................33
4.1.3 分析分液16中所含天然物RA2-10、RA2-11及RA2-19之活性.....34
4.2 初步分子機制之探討......................................35
4.2.1 分析山苦瓜萃取物是否活化AMPK...........................35
4.2.2 分析山苦瓜萃取物是否具有抗發炎的效果....................35 分析TNF-α是否造成細胞之發炎反應......................35 分析RA2-19是否可抑制TNF-α所誘導之發炎反應............36
4.3 分析山苦瓜分液於活體中之降血糖效果........................37
第5章 討論.................................................56
第6章 結論.................................................59

圖1. 胰島素訊息傳遞路徑......................................7
圖2. AMPK調控GLUT4轉位作用.................................15
圖3. 山苦瓜果實成分之萃取分離流程圖...........................39
圖4. 分析甲醇粗萃物、乙酸乙酯層、正丁醇層及水層萃取物之活性........................................................40
圖5. 分析分液1~12之活性.....................................41
圖6. 分析分液13~25之活性....................................42
圖7. 分析正丁醇層分液於1 μg/ml濃度下之活性....................43
圖8. 分析正丁醇層分液於1 μg/ml濃度下之活性....................44
圖9. 分析正丁醇層分液於0.1 μg/ml濃度下之活性..................45
圖10. 三個天然物之化學結構圖.................................46
圖11. 分析RA2-10、RA2-11及RA2-19對胰島素抗性細胞葡萄糖吸收之影響........................................................47
圖12. 分析RA2-19之有效劑量..................................48
圖13. 分析troglitazone之有效劑量............................49
圖14. 分析RA2-10、RA2-11、RA2-19是否活化AMPK...............50
圖15. 分析TNF-α是否降低IκBα 之表達.........................51
圖16. 分析TNF-α是否增加iNOS之表達..........................52
圖17. 分析troglitazone是否可抑制iNOS之表達.................53
圖18. 分析RA2-19是否可抑制iNOS之表達.......................54
表1. 分析山苦瓜分液於活體中之降血糖效果......................55
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