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研究生(外文):Guan-Ting Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Carrier Relaxation in InN Thin Films
指導教授(外文):Der-Jun Jang
外文關鍵詞:recombinationcarrier coolingSRHbimolecularTRPLPLdecay rateAugerInN
  • 被引用被引用:5
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This theses investigates the carrier dynamics in Indium Nitride thin films grown on Si(111) substrates by means of ultrafast time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) apparatus. The study of energy relaxation shows hot phonon effective is prominent at photogenerated carrier concentration above 4×10^18cm^-3 and become insignificant at carrier concentration below 7×10^17cm^-3. Effective phonon emission times in the range of 116 to 23 femtoseoncds are obtained from the time evolution of carrier temperature assuming that the carrier-LO-phonon interaction is the dominant energy relaxation process. In the study of carrier recombination, the TRPL’s are studied at the peak energies of the time-integrated PL at various lattice temperatures and are converted to decay rates with a rate equation, which includes the nonradiative and radiative coefficients, and a nonlinear dependence of PL intensity on the photogenerated carrier concentration. The increase with temperatures of the Shockley-Read-Hall rates implies that, in addition to the mid-gap defect states, a thermally activated trapping may become prominent at high lattice temperatures due to the increased kinetic energy gained by the carriers. The radiative recombination is the dominated recombination mechanism at low temperature but become trivial at high temperature. The fitted radiative coefficient at a temperature of 35K is consistent to the theoretical prediction. The Auger recombination exhibits a quadratic dependence on carrier concentration and becomes effective at high carrier concentration and at high temperature. The fitted Auger recombination coefficients are comparable to those of InGaAs and InGaAsP materials with band gap energies in the range of 0.6-0.8eV.
第一章 導論………………………………………………01
1-1 氮化銦的發展簡史…………………………………02
1-2 文獻回顧與動機……………………………………04
1-3 論文架構……………………………………………07
第二章 樣品介紹…………………………………………09
第三章 實驗原理與架設…………………………………13
3-1 Sum-Frequency Generation………………………13
3-2 和頻光與相位匹配角度……………………………16
3-3 實驗架構……………………………………………21
第四章 載子動力學………………………………………26
4-1 傳導帶載子之非結合與能量釋放機制……………26
4-2 傳導帶載子之結合與能量釋放機制………………28
4-3 載子結合率與衰退率………………………………31
第五章 實驗結果與討論…………………………………36
5-1 光產生載子濃度分析………………………………36
5-2 光激發螢光光譜……………………………………41
5-3 載子溫度分析………………………………………52
5-4 衰退率分析…………………………………………60
5-5 內部發光效率分析…………………………………71
5-6 上升時間數據分析…………………………………73
第六章 結論………………………………………………79
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