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研究生(外文):Yu-ping Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The research of Fêtes Galantes I and Fêtes Galantes II
指導教授(外文):Wang-Sue Wang
外文關鍵詞:Fêtes Galantes IWatteauDebussyVerlaineFêtes Galantes II
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克勞德•德布西(Claude Debussy, 1862-1918)為法國藝術歌曲中卓越的作品家,喜採用當代詩集加以配置,一共創作八十幾首歌曲。本文擇其兩部作品《優雅慶典I》與《優雅慶典II》,透過詩作的研究,探究文學與畫作的連結,並藉由樂曲旋律、和聲配置、詩體結構,進一步地探求三者的關連性。
Claude Debussy (1862-1918) was an outstanding composer in French mélodie history. He composed approximately 80 songs, and chose to set poetry of his contemporaries, notably Verlaine and Mallarmé. Discussing Debussy’s two sets of Verlaine’s poetry, Fêtes Galantes I and Fêtes Galantes II in the study which explored the connection between literature and painting, and the combination of the melody, harmony and poetry as a complete entity.
The research includes four main parts: the biography of Claude Debussy, Debussy’s mélodie style, Watteau’s painting style of Fêtes Galantes, Verlains’s Les Fêtes Galantes, and the analysis of Debussy’s Fêtes Galantes I and II. Debussy’s ability to blend of the declamatory style, variety of accompaniment patterns, and fluid harmonic structure makes his mélodie unique in the history of French songs.
一、 前言 3
二、 徳布西生平 5
三、 徳布西的藝術歌曲 10
四、 華鐸畫風「優雅慶典」與魏爾嵐詩集《優雅慶典》 12
五、 《優雅慶典I》與《優雅慶典II》樂曲分析
1.〈悄悄地〉(En sourdine) 15
2.〈木偶戲〉(Fantoches) 19
3.〈月光〉(Clair de lune) 25
1.〈天真的少女〉(Les Ingénus) 31
2.〈牧神〉(Le Faune) 38
3.〈感傷的對白〉(Colloque sentimental) 41
六、 結語 48
七、 附錄一:《優雅慶典I》與《優雅慶典II》之詩體結構總覽 51
八、 附錄二:《優雅慶典I》與《優雅慶典II》之歌詞翻譯 52
九、 參考文獻 55
十、 附錄三:許渝苹解說音樂會節目單 57
十一、 附錄四:許渝苹碩士音樂會節目單 59
Adam, Antoine. The Art of Paul Verlaine. Trans. Carl Morse. New York: New York University Press, 1963.
Bernac, Pierre. The Interpretation of French Song. Trans. Winifred Radford. New York: W. W. Norton & Company Press, 1963.
Smith, Richard L. ed. Debussy on Music: The Critical Writings of the Great French Composer Claude Debussy. Trans. Richard Langham Smith. New York: Knopf, 1977.
Dietschy, Marcel. A Portrait of Claude Debussy. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994.
Kagen, Sergius. Music for the Voice. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1968.
Kimball, Carol. Song: A Guide to Style and Literature. Redmond: Pst…Inc.
Laloy, Louis. Louis Laloy (1874- 1944) on Debussy, Ravel, and Stravinsky. Tran. Deborah Priest. Brookfield: Ashgate, 1999.
LeVan, Timothy. Masters of The French Art Song: translations of the Complete Songs of Chausson, Debussy, Duparc, Fauré & Ravel. Metuchen: Scarecrow Press, 1991.
Meister, Barbara. Nineteenth Century French Song: Faure, Chausson, Duparc, and Debussy. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1980.
Nichols, Roger. Debussy Remembered. Portland: Amadeus Press, 1992.
Noske, Frits. French Song from Berlioz to Duparc: The Origin and Development of the Melodie. New York: Dover Publications, 1970.
Parks, Richard S. The Music of Claude Debussy. Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1989.
Schneider, Pierre. The World of Watteau, 1684-1721. New York: Time Incorporated, 1967.
The New Grove of Dictionary of Music and Musician (2001), s. v. “Debussy, Claude,” by François Lesure, Roy Howat.
The New Grove of Dictionary of Music and Musician (2001), s. v. “Verlaine, Paul,” by Paul Griffiths.
Youens, Susan. “Debussy’s Song Cycle.” The NATS Journal 43, no. 1 (1986): 13-5.
_______. “Gabriel Fauré’ s ‘Clair de lune.’” The NATS Journal 37, no. 1 (1980): 32-4.

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赫洛德.荀伯格(Harold C. Schönberg)。 《國民樂派》。陳琳琳譯。 臺北::萬象出版社,1995年。
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