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研究生(外文):Hui-Fang Hung
論文名稱(外文):The Feasibility of Economic Assessment for the Management of Marine Cage Aquaculture in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chiu-Long Chou
外文關鍵詞:Fisheries RightCobiaAquacultureCageEnvironmentEconomicsAssessment
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研究養殖規模之經濟效益方面包括個人養殖戶與企業箱網養殖。澎湖箱網以小規模個人養殖戶居多,近五年才有企業化的養殖經營。多數小規模養殖戶擁有養殖經驗10-20年,異於較少養殖經驗之企業化需透過管理者照顧養殖場。導致個人養殖戶有較高的養殖存活率及養殖效益優於企業化之經營養殖戶。但是個人養殖一旦發生災害,容易面臨資金短缺。另外也發現養殖地理環境是一重要因素,澎湖收成海鱺的期間比小琉球來的長,主要原因為澎湖緯度較高,冬天寒冷期長,導致海鱺生長遲緩,延長收成的時間及增加生產成本。目前養殖戶所面臨的最大的困難,則為法規及漁業權的限制。例如小琉球目前並無明確養殖戶可取得漁業權的法規。另外在澎湖,單人養殖三公頃的法規限制所衍生的問題包含1)養殖戶需借用其它人頭戶,申請以取得更多的養殖面積,2)當區域總申請養殖面積達到飽和,養殖戶若欲增加養殖規模便不能再以人頭戶提出任何增加面積的申請。因此增加管理單位執行的困難度,促使養殖戶只能於有限的海域環境增加箱網口數,造成養殖環境密度的增加及環境承載量超過其負荷。本研究總結上述問題癥結並提出相關建議,包括:政府需要有明確法規,並且符合實宜、提供低利貸款、設立劃定箱網養殖區、政府加強查緝走私、政府對於漁業權應落實查訪、 停權、 換發、 取得等工作。最後養殖戶對於養殖管理技術、經濟效益評估、養殖容積與承載量,必須慎重,便達成最佳養殖效益。
In recent year, marine cage aquaculture has rapidly growing in Taiwan. Fast cage farming development results in expanding scale and production in the limited areas. Concentration farming often causes the degradation and over carrying capacity of marine environment. Thus, the investigation of current operation scale of aquaculture activities is urgently needed by the local authority for the better understanding and planning of aquaculture regulation. The survey were conducted to clarify the management status and to discover the unknown question that are relevant to the farming environment and the Fisheries Right which are waiting further study to resolve. Two major cage aquaculture survey sites, LiouCiou and Peng Hu, have been chosen for interviewing and collection of data. The economic assessment approach provides a tool to the establishment of appropriate strategy and method for the achievement of managing the marine cage operations.
Most of aquaculturists in Pen Hu belong to family-owned, in contrast to only one corporate firm which joins the industry for only five years. The corporate firm has less farming experiences than the small scale aquaculturists who have 10-20 years farming experiences. The small scale individual aquaculturists generally have higher survival rate of cobia and efficient productivity of farming. The survey results showed that Peng Hu has longer cage holding period for reaching market size than LiouCiou. According to geographical location, Peng Hu has colder winter temperature and growth delay that require longer time for harvest. The major problem in cage culturing is the impractical and outdated law regulation from the municipal authority. Currently, LiouCiou has invalid regulation regarding to granting the Fisheries Right for culturing. In Peng Hu, the regulation of maximum three hectares per person in law has raised obstacles for aquaculturists who have to acquire someone as dummy account to apply for more farming hectares. Moreover, some still farming aquaculturists have to compete with non-used aquaculturists for granting more site areas where the allowable areas are tied to the limitation by authority. As a result, aquaculturists are devoted to increase the density culture with the risk of over carrying capacity in the limited areas. The study has detected the existing farming problems and presented the following recommendations such as 1) enforcing the implementations of verification, validation, renew and suspension for Fisheries Right, 2) offering low-interest mortgage for farming specially during the weather disaster, 3) enforcing the patrol of marine water to prevent the contraband fish from outside the countries, and 4) designating a farming zone with clear regulation and amended relevantly status quo. At last, aqua culturists should comprehend and adopt the new farming technology, economic assessment, and carrying capacity of farming environment in order to achieve its maximum economic efficiencies.
Acknowledgements ……………………………………………………………………………I
List of Figures………………………………………………………………………………VI
List of Table…………………………………………………………………………………IX
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 World Fisheries and Aquaculture……………………………………………………3
1.2 Taiwan Marine Cage Aquaculture……………………………………………….11
1.3 Objective of Studies………………………………………………………………23
Chapter 2 An Economics Assessment of Marine Cage Aquaculture in LiouCiou, Pingtung County
2.1 Background of Survey……………………………………………………………27
2.2 Cage Operational Process of LiouCiou(A) Aquaculturist…………………………30
2.3 Cobia Cage Production of LiouCiou(A)……………………………………………32
2.4 Cost of Goods Manufactured Schedule……………………………………………41
2.5 Income Statement…………………………………………………………………49
2.6 Other Related Economic Analysis of Survey……………………………………53
Chapter 3 An Economics Assessment of Marine Cage Aquaculture in Peng Hu Island
3.1 Background of Survey …………………………..…………………………………59
3.2 Summary Analysis of Economic Assessment in Peng Hu Marine Cage
Chapter 4 The Comparisons of Economic Assessment, Environmental
Conditions and Fisheries RegulationBetween LiouCiou and Peng Hu Island
Farming Activities
4.1 Environmental Condition………………………………………………….………89
4.2 Economics Assessment…………………………………………………………104
4.3 Fisheries Right Regulation………………………………………………………114
Chapter 5 Conclusion
A Monthly Sales Production of LiouCiou (A)…………………A1-A7
B Summary Table of Survey Statistics in Cage Farming Operation of Peng Hu ………B1-B12
C Cage Culture Survey of Peng Hu in 2007…………………………………………C1-C47
D Water Quality in Peng Hu……………………………………………………………D1-D4
E Water Quality in LiouCiou…………………………………………………………E1-E8
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