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研究生(外文):Meng-ting Chang
論文名稱(外文):Simulating Tsunami Hazard in Taiwan and Associated Inundation in Kaohsiung Area
指導教授(外文):Chen, G.-Y.
外文關鍵詞:tsunami modelSouth Asia tsunamishallow water equationsinundation
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本文共使用兩種海嘯模式來分別模擬計算海嘯傳播之特性,其一為日本港灣空港研究所(PARI)所發展之線性頻散海嘯模式(Linear dispersion tsunami model)來模擬計算海嘯在大洋傳播的情形;其二為利用美國康乃爾大學土木與環境工程學系團隊發展出的COrnell Multigrid COupled Tsunami model(COMCOT),來進行海嘯傳播至近岸區域的溯上模擬計算。兩種海嘯模式之波源動力機制來源,乃根據Mansinha與Smylie(1971)所提出之海底斷層變化的垂直位移與產生海嘯初始波形關係而來;模式運算中則以淺水長波方程式來描述海嘯傳播的特性。本研究先以2004年12月南亞大海嘯作為PARI模式演算基礎,並比對馬爾地夫(Maldives)測站資料作驗證,來確立此模式的可用性,接下來利用COMCOT模式來模擬計算2006年12月台灣屏東大地震引發的海嘯傳播情形,並與真實的測站資料做驗證比較,兩種模式的驗證比較結果得出模式的運算與真實的測站資料比對相當吻合。接下來利用PARI模式於台灣周邊海域與西太平洋火環帶上模擬海底斷層活動,以地震矩規模(Moment magnitude scale,Mw)接近南亞大海嘯情形模擬計算,模擬區域分別為日本北海道、日本關東、日本琉球、台灣龜山島、中國大陸福建、呂宋島與新幾內亞,模擬結果以台灣西南海域與台灣東北角最具潛在性的海嘯威脅。
Two kinds of tsunami models are used in this thesis to simulate tsunami propagation in the ocean. One is the linear dispersion tsunami model developed by Port and Airport Research Institute (PARI), Japan. The other is COrnell Multigrid COupled Tsunami model (COMCOT) developed by the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, that carries on the tsunami run-up computation to the nearshore region. Two kinds of tsunami models have the same mechanism of initial wave profile, which is the vertical seabed displacement as the initial tsunami profile proposed by Mansinha and Smylie (1971). Both models describe the tsunami by the same shallow water equations. At first, the feasibility of the PARI model is established by comparing with the record in Maldives during the South Asia tsunami in December 2004. Then, the COMCOT model in applied to the Pingtong earthquake in December 2006 and is validated by comparing with the tidal station records.
Possible submarine fault activities around Taiwan and the Western Pacific ring is simulated by the The PARI model based on moment magnitude scale (Mw) close to the South Asia tsunami. Seven sources are chosen: the Hokkaido, the East Japan, the Ryukyu Islands, the Guishan Island in Taiwan, the Fukien of mainland China, the Luzon Island and the New Guinea. The results suggest the northeast and southwest part of Taiwan have potential tsunami risk.
Finally, we simulate the fault activity between Taiwan and Luzon islands by the COMCOT model. The inundation area extends northward to the Tso-Ying and San-Min districts, eastward to the Siao-Gang district and Fengshan city. The Kaohsiung harbor can resist tsunami hazard for moment magnitude scale (Mw) up to 7.58 with maximum wave height of 5.5 meters.
摘 要 I
誌 謝 V
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 文獻回顧 1
1-2 研究背景與動機 5
1-3 研究目的與範圍 8
第二章 海嘯的初始、傳播及近岸溯上之理論 9
2-1 海嘯的初始波理論 9
2-2 海嘯在大洋傳播之理論 13
2-3 海嘯在近岸溯上之理論 15
第三章 海嘯數值模式的理論介紹 17
3-1 控制方程式 17
3-2 數值方法、邊界條件及穩定條件 18
3-2-1 有限差分法 18
3-2-2 移動邊界 21
3-2-3 開放邊界 23
3-2-4 穩定條件 23
3-3 多重網格模式 24
3-4 模式驗證(2004年南亞大海嘯) 25
3-5 模式驗證(2006年12月屏東大地震) 40
第四章 台灣周邊海域的海嘯威脅 49
4-1 新幾內亞大地震 50
4-2 呂宋島西北方 59
4-3 福建泉州 69
4-4 宜蘭外海龜山島 78
4-5 日本琉球群島 87
4-6 日本關東地區 95
4-7 日本北海道地區 104
第五章 高雄市溢淹之模擬 115
5-1 高雄市地形處理概要 115
5-2 模擬高雄市溢淹 120
第六章 結論與建議 147
6-1 結論 147
6-2 建議 151
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