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研究生(外文):Wei-sheng Chen
論文名稱(外文):GroupNet System Design for Supporting Ubiquitous Learning
指導教授(外文):Nian-Shing Chen
中文關鍵詞:無所不在學習行動學習Group Area NetworkGroupNet
外文關鍵詞:GroupNetGroup Area NetworkMobile learningUbiquitous learning
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現今無所不在學習的應用模式,大多需要Intranet伺服器或網際網路連線的支援,並使用手持裝置當作移動式終端機。然而,並非所有學習環境都具備足夠的資訊與通訊科技 (information and communication technology, ICT) 之基礎建設,且此類基礎建設可能帶來昂貴的成本或連線費用。這些因素使得某些學習活動難以被ICT支援,而且也會降低學習者在日常生活中利用ICT進行學習活動的動機。為了要讓小組面對面的學習活動得以在任何時間、及任何地點進行,本研究提出GroupNet的概念、架構、及運作邏輯,以建構出一個更有彈性的無所不在學習環境。GroupNet的架構包含四層,從最底層到最上層分別是:網路層 (Network)、GroupNet核心層 (GroupNet Kernel)、GroupNet應用層 (GroupNet application)、及GroupNet使用者介面層 (GroupNet user interface)。GroupNet以一個點對點無線網路為基礎,並且由可能被嵌入到不同種類之裝置中的GroupNet核心來運作。GroupNet核心包含五個模組以運作GroupNet,分別為連線控制、訊息管理、線上狀態管理、檔案分享、及活動控制。此外,本研究依照所提出的GroupNet之架構及運作邏輯,實做出一個GroupNet核心API雛型,開發者可以利用此雛型API來開發GroupNet應用程式,以支援無所不在學習活動。本研究並實做出一套應用程式來進行有關合作式學習中如何利用行動裝置降低團體迷思 (groupthink) 現象之實驗,以驗證本研究所開發GroupNet Kernel的可行性及應用效益。
As most application modes of ubiquitous learning need support of Intranet servers or Internet connections and using handheld devices as movable terminal. However, not all learning environments have sufficient information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and the equipments needed might be too expensive. These factors result some learning activities hard to be supported by ICT and also reduce learners’ motivations on using ICT for ubiquitous learning in daily life. This research proposed the concept, architecture, and operational logic of GroupNet to construct a more flexible ubiquitous learning environment. GroupNet is aiming to support small-group face-to-face learning activities anywhere and anytime without sticking in traditional classroom settings and additional infrastructures. The GroupNet architecture consists of four different layers including Network, GroupNet Kernel, GroupNet application and GroupNet application user interface. GroupNet is based on a peer-to-peer wireless ad hoc network and coordinated by GroupNet Kernel which is able to embed in various kinds of mobile devices. GroupNet Kernel consists of connection controller, message manager, online status manager, file sharing manager, and activity controller; these five components serve as the core for supporting upper layer GroupNet applications. We have also implemented the application programming interface (API) for accessing the core functions supported by GroupNet Kernel such that developers can develop GroupNet applications with fewer efforts. A GroupNet application has been developed using the APIs for conducting an experiment on how to reduce groupthink phenomenon using mobile devices in collaborative learning to evaluate the feasibility of GroupNet Kernel and illustrate the effectiveness of GroupNet applications.
致謝 II
摘要 III
Abstract IV
Contents V
List of Figures VII
List of Tables VIII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research background and motivation 1
1.2 Research objectives 3
1.3 Synopsis 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1 Ubiquitous learning 5
2.2 Handheld devices for learning 8
2.3 Mobile ad hoc network 9
Chapter 3 Basic Concepts of GroupNet 13
3.1 What is GroupNet 13
3.2 Formal definition of GroupNet 14
3.3 Characteristics of GroupNet 15
Chapter 4 Design of a GroupNet System 18
4.1 Handheld devices 18
4.2 Network 19
4.3 GroupNet Kernel 21
4.4 GroupNet application 23
4.5 GroupNet application user interface 24
Chapter 5 Operation of GroupNet System 26
5.1 Networking 27
5.2 Message passing and processing 32
5.3 Online status maintenance 38
5.4 Data and information exchanging 50
5.5 Activity control 53
5.6 Operations categories by roles 57
Chapter 6 Design of GroupNet Application 59
6.1 Design criteria for GroupNet application 59
6.2 Development process of an stand-alone GroupNet application 61
6.3 Case: experiment of groupthink in collaborative learning 63
Chapter 7 Conclusion 71
7.1 Research results 71
7.2 Contribution 72
7.3 Future works 72
References 74
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