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研究生(外文):Siang-Jhih Liao
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of a Transportable Digital Learning Center
指導教授(外文):Nian-Shing Chen
外文關鍵詞:Mobile learningSituated learningTransportable Digital Learning CenterMobile classroom
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本研究旨在建置一個具有可移動性(mobility)、現成(ready-made)及自給自足(self-contained)三個重要特性的全新教學環境 - 可移動式數位學習中心。當可移動式數位學習中心被建置完成之後,可以將其運送到(1)災區--以提供災民們暫時性的教學環境;(2)未開發國家--以提供因為經濟狀況不佳而喪失學習機會的人們進行學習;(3)偏遠地區--以提供因為當地地理位置偏遠而喪失學習機會的居民進行學習。
This research aims to construct a brand-new teaching and learning environment called Transportable Digital Learning Center (TDLC) which contains three important features: mobility, ready-made and self-contained features. TDLC is constructed for providing learning opportunities to (a) people in disaster areas with a temporary teaching and learning environment before their reconstructions finished; (b) people in undeveloped countries who do not have learning opportunities due to the lack of financial resources; (c) people in geographically isolated places like deserts or high mountain areas who do not have learning opportunities due to the isolation of their geographic locations.
The mobility feature means that it can be transported to different geographic locations easily; The ready-made feature means that all the components of a TDLC such as access point, TDLC Server, power supply, Tablet PCs and charging devices used to provide a teaching and learning environment are all equipped inside the TDLC in advance; Self-contained feature means that it is unnecessary to provide it with any other resources like network connections and electricity to sustain its operation. Therefore, once a TDLC has been transported to its destination, it can be used to conduct teaching and learning activities immediately. In this paper, we describe the overall concepts, main components, system design and implementation, and teaching & learning activity design of TDLC. We also conducted an experimental English Situated Learning activity to evaluate the effects of using TDLC in the teaching and learning activity. Finally, some future research topics of TDLC are proposed.
致謝 II
摘要 IV
Abstract V
Contents VI
List of Figures VIII
List of Tables IX
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motives 1
1.2 Research Question 1
1.3 Research Objectives 2
1.4 Research Process 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1 Mobile Learning 5
2.1.1 Characteristics of Mobile Learning 5
2.1.2 Three Essential Elements of Mobile Learning 6
2.1.3 Four Classes of Mobile Learning 6
2.2 Mobile Classroom 10
2.3 One-on-One Digital Classroom Environment (1:1 DCE) 11
Chapter 3 Concept of the Transportable Digital Learning Center (TDLC) 13
3.1 Three Important Features of the TDLC 13
3.1.1 Mobility Feature 14
3.1.2 Ready-made Feature 14
3.1.3 Self-contained Feature 14
3.2 Main Components of the TDLC 15
3.2.1 Hardware 15
3.2.2 Software 16
3.2.3 Network Access 16
3.2.4 Power System 17
3.2.5 Contents 17
3.3 Design of Device Management System of the TDLC 19
Chapter 4 Design and Implementation of the TDLC 23
4.1 System Architecture 23
4.2 System Design and Implementation 23
4.3 Scalability of the TDLC 26
4.3.1 Server-side Scalability 27
4.3.2 Client-side Scalability 28
4.3.3 Network Communication Scalability 28
Chapter 5 Learning Scenarios with the TDLC support 30
5.1 Indoor Learning Environment 30
5.1.1 Traditional Classroom with the TDLC support 30
5.1.2 Computer Classroom with the TDLC support 30
5.1.3 Other Indoor Places with the TDLC support 31
5.2 Outdoor Learning Environment 31
5.2.1 Outdoor Places with the TDLC support 31
5.3 Transportation with the TDLC support 32
5.4 Teaching and Learning Activities Design 32
5.5 Experimental TDLC Learning Activity 33
5.5.1 Participants 33
5.5.2 Experimental Learning Contents 33
5.5.3 Experimental Process 35
5.5.4 Evaluation 40
Chapter 6 Conclusions 49
6.1 Research Results 49
6.2 Future Research 49
References 50
Appendix 1 Learning Content of the Experimental English Situated Learning Activity 53
Appendix 2 Questionnaire of English Situated Learning Activity in Chinese 57
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